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Pruitt won't disclose some probably damning emails

I am confused, will they eventually be released?

What is the stick to use to ensure he complies with the judges order?
I am confused, will they eventually be released?

What is the stick to use to ensure he complies with the judges order?

If he doesn't, then Jeff Sesions will come down on him like a hammer.

Sure, it will be a nerf hammer that doesn't do anything, but a hammer nonetheless.
I am confused, will they eventually be released?

What is the stick to use to ensure he complies with the judges order?

I heard that the court ordered them released by Tuesday. I think the order relates only to those emails that had been requested under FOIA - ?
Assuming that is the case and he doesn't comply, he could be held in contempt of court and arrested if the judge so ordered, presumably. That's what would happen to most of us anyhow...
He still has to comply with the order to release them, and then I believe a few weeks later ha has to release even more. The bottom line: we'll have yet another cabinet member embroiled in investigations from day one.
He still has to comply with the order to release them, and then I believe a few weeks later ha has to release even more. The bottom line: we'll have yet another cabinet member embroiled in investigations from day one.

Well at least Trump is consistent when choosing cabinet members.
Hey, anyone remember when having an illegal immigrant being a nanny or a person making a questionable trade in the Stock Market was grounds for an all out Republican assault against a Cabinet or AG nominee?
I am confused, will they eventually be released?
Sure, right after Trump's tax returns.
The emails have apparently been turned over. But more details are needed.

Also, I heard some random thing about him using his personal email, but can't find it now.
He still has to comply with the order to release them, and then I believe a few weeks later ha has to release even more. The bottom line: we'll have yet another cabinet member embroiled in investigations from day one.

Well at least Trump is consistent when choosing cabinet members.

He seems to have broken form (however unwittingly) with the McMaster pick. I think he'll regret it.
Trump seems to be in awe of these tough military dudes. They comprise the only competent part of his cabinet. The trouble is that Trump is too feeble minded to tell the difference between people like Flynn and Bannon and people like McMaster and Mattis.
Things are so bad, I'm getting numb. It doesn't matter they are bad or these people have unbelievably large conflicts or that they aren't even remotely qualified to be in these positions.

Obama bows to the Saudi King and the Republicans are messing their panties.

It seems the Republicans feel they have a mandate to dismantle the Federal Government. You know... let the states decide.
Things are so bad, I'm getting numb. It doesn't matter they are bad or these people have unbelievably large conflicts or that they aren't even remotely qualified to be in these positions.

Obama bows to the Saudi King and the Republicans are messing their panties.

It seems the Republicans feel they have a mandate to dismantle the Federal Government. You know... let the states decide.

Ok, imagine that Clinton or Sanders had nominated someone with cozy or even tangential ties to renewable energy. Also imagine the congressional numbers were reversed. How would that play out?
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