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Quoting an Apprentice Criminal


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
"I think you might want to listen, there isn't anything wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country -- Norway: 'We have information on your opponent" -- oh, I think I'd want to hear it.
"It's not an interference, they have information. I think I'd take it. If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI -- if I thought there was something wrong.
"The FBI director is wrong. Give me a break. Life doesn't work that way.
"When you go and talk, honestly, to Congressmen, they all do it, they always have, and that's the way it is. It's called oppo research."

(too surreal to parse....stream of consciousness darts in and out of this man's words but despairs of a summation commensurate with his ignorance and depravity...when will we be able to quantify some lasting damage he has done to his whorehouse party?)
I think somethings about to come out, and he's trying to get ahead of it. Possibly when Hicks testifies.
The head of the FEC just reminded Trump forcibly that doing so would be a crime.


The head of the Federal Election Commission released a statement on Thursday evening reiterating, emphatically, that foreign assistance is illegal in U.S. elections.

“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“
So If Trump hires russian firm to do a research on his opponent in 2020, would it be legal?

Whatever Trump does is legal. He's the president. And he said so himself. Case closed.
You should know that by now. Past presidents were weenies, but not Trump.
Trump makes the law, interprets the law and enforces the law. He's not above the law, he IS the law. Fuck Congress and the Judiciary full of biased Mexicans. Fuck the FBI, CIA, NSA and the rest of the so-called "Intelligence Community" - they're wrong anyway. Dear leader said so.
That's the way it should be, right? Pootey agrees.
So If Trump hires russian firm to do a research on his opponent in 2020, would it be legal?

Whatever Trump does is legal. He's the president. And he said so himself. Case closed.
You should know that by now. Past presidents were weenies, but not Trump.
Trump makes the law, interprets the law and enforces the law. He's not above the law, he IS the law. Fuck Congress and the Judiciary full of biased Mexicans. Fuck the FBI, CIA, NSA and the rest of the so-called "Intelligence Community" - they're wrong anyway. Dear leader said so.
That's the way it should be, right? Pootey agrees.

It must have gone right over your head.
So If Trump hires russian firm to do a research on his opponent in 2020, would it be legal?

Whatever Trump does is legal. He's the president. And he said so himself. Case closed.
You should know that by now. Past presidents were weenies, but not Trump.
Trump makes the law, interprets the law and enforces the law. He's not above the law, he IS the law. Fuck Congress and the Judiciary full of biased Mexicans. Fuck the FBI, CIA, NSA and the rest of the so-called "Intelligence Community" - they're wrong anyway. Dear leader said so.
That's the way it should be, right? Pootey agrees.

It must have gone right over your head.

"IT" ??? You mean the idiotic notion that Trump has to obey some steenkin' law while Turtle's Senate is in charge?
What next? Pootey as a law abiding citizen who has amassed hundreds of billions of dollars of illicit wealth by the sweat of his own brow?

"I think you might want to listen, there isn't anything wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country -- Norway: 'We have information on your opponent" -- oh, I think I'd want to hear it.

What if it was from a shithole country?
"I think you might want to listen, there isn't anything wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country -- Norway: 'We have information on your opponent" -- oh, I think I'd want to hear it.

What if it was from a shithole country?

You mean like Sweden?

After what they did at Bowling Green, I wouldn't underestimate what Sweden is capable of.
So If Trump hires russian firm to do a research on his opponent in 2020, would it be legal?

God, I'm really not up to getting into this can of worms, but...

My impression, from discussion at another forum, is that hiring out someone to research an opponent is legal, even if it is a foreign firm.

In my muddled mind, the story seems to be that Hillary Clinton and/or some democrat organization in part paid for the notorious Steele Dossier, and such was legal.

Seems to be a "paid for is OK, free not OK" sort of thing. I guess "free" is looked upon as being some sort of attempt to buy influence.

Elixir said:
"IT" ??? You mean the idiotic notion that Trump has to obey some steenkin' law while Turtle's Senate is in charge?
What next? Pootey as a law abiding citizen who has amassed hundreds of billions of dollars of illicit wealth by the sweat of his own brow?
Stop pretending to be dumber than you actually are.

Gee - such a pow'ful, LOGICAL argument. Obviously surpassing the limits of barbie's ability to address any points.
Elixir said:
"IT" ??? You mean the idiotic notion that Trump has to obey some steenkin' law while Turtle's Senate is in charge?
What next? Pootey as a law abiding citizen who has amassed hundreds of billions of dollars of illicit wealth by the sweat of his own brow?
Stop pretending to be dumber than you actually are.

Gee - such a pow'ful, LOGICAL argument. Obviously surpassing the limits of barbie's ability to address any points.

Don't forget, Elixir, projection is the main MO of the criminally insane right... not the Regular Right... just the Insanely Right.
Gee - such a pow'ful, LOGICAL argument. Obviously surpassing the limits of barbie's ability to address any points.

Don't forget, Elixir, projection is the main MO of the criminally insane right... not the Regular Right... just the Insanely Right.

Yeah yeah... in fact we ALL project to some extent. But it's not a conscious MO for most of us, nor a reflexive habit that dominates our behavior. Trump is uniquely comfortable practicing his habit of accusing others of what he has done or is about to do, and his sycophants are making every effort to emulate him.
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