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Religious Persecution Complex


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
My only experience with Bahai was a couple. What they talked about is victimhood, how they are persecuted for their beliefs.

Victims of persecution for beliefs


It seems persecution by an adversary is a key element to religion. Us vs them. In the case of Charlatans Satan is lurking behind every tree.
Thank God the non-religious are free from all that complaining about being persecuted, or we'd all have a persecution complex.
Yet again, the point is what the majority of Christians do in practice in the name of a biblical morality handed down from a god.

The thing is Christians in fact do in a general sense act out the morality of the ancient Hebrews as depicted in the bible. They quote biblical events and persons and relate it to current events and what should be done today. The bible as a guide for living, in toto not just the alleged quotes of Jesus.

One can look at it trough rose colored glasses witha warm fuzzy feeling about Jesus. and ignore history and today.
It's a defense mechanism. The beliefs have survival value, if others criticize or challenge those beliefs, by corollary there is also survival value in othering those people.

If you have a [house/job/partner/government/anything] with survival value, you're going to do everything in your power to protect it.

If you have a belief system that comforts you in times of distress, you're going to do everything in your power to maintain that belief. And I can think of atheists who do the same thing.

Ironically, it ties back to survival/reproduction and evolution. We care more about our own well being than universal truth, we just rarely realize this is the case.
Kind of like European soccer fans along with American basketball and football fans.

In the 80s I went to te old Boston Garden to see the Boston Celtics. One did want to vocally crticize the Celtics and Larry Byrd in the stadium. It could be risky. Same with hocke and the Boston Bruins.
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