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Republicans Flee from Debates


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
In fact, the GOP is now requiring any primary Presidential candidates (as if there were any) to sign a pledge NOT to participate in any debates sponsored by the BI-PARTISAN Commission on Presidential Debates.

IOW, "Donald is afraid of debating anyone, so let's pretend it wasn't his idea to chicken out." probably morphed into "Half of us are neck deep in treasonous criminal activity, so probably now is a good time to flout our disregard for discourse."

Apparently the play is still hyperbolic fearmongering, repetition of lies and fantastical promises of white utopia.
Part of me thinks this is bad, because it continues the, 'if it isn't alt-right, it is socialist' crap. On the other hand, debates clearly don't make a difference because they stopped being "debates" decades ago.
Honestly, I think it is more nefarious than that. They are trying to normalize that the mainstream world is actually a bunch of socialists trying to ruin their lives, and the only things you can trust are things to the right of Fox News.
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