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Require Registration of all Christians. No rights for them


Junior Member
Mar 19, 2004
Basic Beliefs
Donald Trump, apparently disturbed by the terrorist actions of some Muslims is demanding that all Muslims should be required to register with the government and be deprived of their due process rights.

Since my guess is that this country has been home to probably 20 times as many Muslim terrorists as Christian terrorists in the last 30 years or so, I think the requirement and deprivation of civil rights should be extended.

I start with all of the abortion clinic bombers and murderers of doctors and nurses in the name of Christ. Most notably Rudolph who was sheltered by a whole network of Christian terrorists

I go on to the Waco whacko and his sympathizers, and Tim McVeigh.

Then there was the the Reverend Jim Jones.

And, of course all the attackers of black churches and parishioners, 90% of who have to have been good Christian men.

I'm requesting more examples. Most recent one was the entire congregation of Christian church up in NY who beat one child to death and almost killed another because the two of them wanted to leave the church.

Of course 80% of all violent criminals in this country are Christians, at least by default.

And, from what I think I read once, it was 18th century Christian Pastors who invented the world's first weapon of mass destruction when they distributed smallpox infected blankets to the native Americans...
It isn't as much the registration part that bothers me. The Muslims will be continually forced to periodically accept a change in the User's License Agreement.
It isn't as much the registration part that bothers me. The Muslims will be continually forced to periodically accept a change in the User's License Agreement.

True, but nobody reads them anyway. Just staying here will mean acceptance of the new terms.
It isn't as much the registration part that bothers me. The Muslims will be continually forced to periodically accept a change in the User's License Agreement.

And you know damn well that none of them are actually ever going to read it and the government can just slip whatever they want in there.
Donald Trump, apparently disturbed by the terrorist actions of some Muslims is demanding that all Muslims should be required to register with the government and be deprived of their due process rights.
Well, a lot of his political opponents say he's demanding this. Do you have a link to the audio?
Donald Trump, apparently disturbed by the terrorist actions of some Muslims is demanding that all Muslims should be required to register with the government and be deprived of their due process rights.
Well, a lot of his political opponents say he's demanding this. Do you have a link to the audio?
article said:
Mr. Trump was asked about the issue by an NBC News reporter and pressed on whether all Muslims in the country would be forced to register. “They have to be,” he said. “They have to be.’’

When asked how a system of registering Muslims would be carried out — whether, for instance, mosques would be where people could register — Mr. Trump said: “Different places. You sign up at different places. But it’s all about management. Our country has no management.’’
You'd think the Republican party would be truly embarrassed that the current two front runners are such unmitigated tools. Hell, I am embarrassed for them.
Donald Trump, apparently disturbed by the terrorist actions of some Muslims is demanding that all Muslims should be required to register with the government and be deprived of their due process rights.
Well, a lot of his political opponents say he's demanding this. Do you have a link to the audio?

It seems to be a misunderstanding. In this video: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/trump-would-certainly-implement-muslim-database
he is asked two questions in rapid succession while not completely paying attention to the reporter... "Do you believe that Muslims should register in a database" (Trump does not respond, he was distracted by other things going on around him). the reporter then asks something about immigration, which Trump did hear and responded about that.. It seems to have been very poor reporting that connected what Trump was saying about immigration to what the REPORTER was saying about a national registry for Muslims. It kind of looks like he was setup.

Trump simply and clearly states at the end that anyone should be allowed into the country, as long as they enter legally.

Edited to add:

You know, this is a big difference right here in my mind between a business leader and a political leader...

A business leader easily filters out bullshit nonsense... they don't spend time on stupid ideas.. they evaluate, dismiss, and move right on. The object is to fast-track a solution and waste as little resources as possible.

A political leader addressees everything.. no idea can be dumb enough to just dismiss.. everything is addressed in as neutral a manner as possible, the object being to please the greatest number of people as possible.
Well, a lot of his political opponents say he's demanding this. Do you have a link to the audio?
article said:
Mr. Trump was asked about the issue by an NBC News reporter and pressed on whether all Muslims in the country would be forced to register. “They have to be,” he said. “They have to be.’’

When asked how a system of registering Muslims would be carried out — whether, for instance, mosques would be where people could register — Mr. Trump said: “Different places. You sign up at different places. But it’s all about management. Our country has no management.’’
I take it that's a "No, I don't have a link to the audio.".
Show me where George W Bush exactly says Hussein was involved in 9/11. *rolls eyes*
The Bush Cheney admin. was very hot about an alleged encounter between Atta and an Iraqi security chief. The crazed conservative radio hosts were all over it (Limbaugh, Beck -- probably others.) The story was later dropped because it could not be substantiated -- like, oh, a ton of other stuff Cheney and Powell dumped on the country for their boss...all of it laced with the phrase 'absolutely no doubt.' Play back virtually all of Cheney's Sun. morning discussion show appearances in the lead-up to the Iraq War and you'll hear him say things that have been demonstrated to be untrue. And when you put the tag-line of 'no doubt' on it, it can't be defended as a misstatement.
BTW, this whole thread boils down nicely to the first four words of the O.P.: "Donald Trump, apparently disturbed."
Perhaps Trump can suggest registering everyone, who then will need to wear separate badges to identify their religious or non religious views. The Jews can wear a Star of David, the Muslims the Red Crescent, the Christians a Crucifix, the Buddhist, Hindus and Jainists can wear the Svastika (Swastika) and the atheists could wear the Atomic Whirl or similar. Then this will completely reverse the concept of separation of Church from State where religious symbols in public are discouraged.
Perhaps Trump can suggest registering everyone, who then will need to wear separate badges to identify their religious or non religious views.
Its already been explained in thread that this charge was a lie. Why do you continue with the strawmaning?
Perhaps Trump can suggest registering everyone, who then will need to wear separate badges to identify their religious or non religious views.
Its already been explained in thread that this charge was a lie. Why do you continue with the strawmaning?
There has been an "explanation" but if you watch the linked video, it is not clear that "explanation" is valid. Now, has the Trump campaign disavowed that interpretation about registering Muslims?
Trump said HE didn't suggest the registry, the reporter did.
Trump said HE didn't suggest the registry, the reporter did.
Fine. His response to the suggestion in the question accepted the registry as a good practical idea instead of putting the kabosh on it.

NO HE DIDN'T (I can't believe I am even defending this guy... but...)

Don't trust headlines for your 'news'. clearly, and obviously, if you watch the video where this story came from, Trump was asked 2 questions in rapid-fire succession while he was engaged in some other activity (it is not like it was during an 'official' press conference or anything - he was being bothered by the reporter, but just dealt with him).

The reporter completely made this shit up. The Reporter suggested a registry database for Muslims and then asked Trump about immigration. Trump said anyone is welcome in this country if they come legally. The reporter asked if Trump felt there should be "monitoring". Trump responded in the context of immigration and said 'yes' [immigration] should be monitored. The reported said, "like in a national database"? Trump said, 'ya, sure'. Then the report was released that Trump "said" there should be a national database for Muslims.

complete bullshit.
Fine. His response to the suggestion in the question accepted the registry as a good practical idea instead of putting the kabosh on it.

NO HE DIDN'T (I can't believe I am even defending this guy... but...)

Don't trust headlines for your 'news'. clearly, and obviously, if you watch the video where this story came from, Trump was asked 2 questions in rapid-fire succession while he was engaged in some other activity (it is not like it was during an 'official' press conference or anything - he was being bothered by the reporter, but just dealt with him).

The reporter completely made this shit up. The Reporter suggested a registry database for Muslims and then asked Trump about immigration. Trump said anyone is welcome in this country if they come legally. The reporter asked if Trump felt there should be "monitoring". Trump responded in the context of immigration and said 'yes' [immigration] should be monitored. The reported said, "like in a national database"? Trump said, 'ya, sure'. Then the report was released that Trump "said" there should be a national database for Muslims.

complete bullshit.
Your response actually supports my claim if you actually read what you actually wrote. Thanks.
I don't at all see how. You (apparently blindly) repeat the assertion that he tacitly agreed that Muslims should be registered. He actually was agreeing that immigration status should be documented. My statement of the observable facts directly opposes your statement. What are you talking about?
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