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Science says Bible and Quran are equivalent

Sure, their are differences and some who may never abide by the will of GOD due to greed, pride, or fear, but too, there are many within the religions you mentioned that are openminded, not scared,and understand that the will of GOD as written of in scripture is not for us to be divided by fear and hate, but by faith and works.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

You are missing the point. If Jesus is a part of the GodHead, along with the Holy Ghost (a Triune God) in Christianity, but for Islam Jesus is merely a Prophet of God, this is not the same God. It is a different God.

Also, these are human ideas and constructs and not something relating to an actual entity that anyone can access and examine in order to see for themselves.

You claim one thing as a Muslim, but someone else, a Christian, a Jew or a Hindu makes a different claim with all claims resting not on verifiable information, but faith.

Which, based on the contradictory claims being made, is not a reliable source of information.
Sure, their are differences and some who may never abide by the will of GOD due to greed, pride, or fear, but too, there are many within the religions you mentioned that are openminded, not scared,and understand that the will of GOD as written of in scripture is not for us to be divided by fear and hate, but by faith and works.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

You are missing the point. If Jesus is a part of the GodHead, along with the Holy Ghost (a Triune God) in Christianity, but for Islam Jesus is merely a Prophet of God, this is not the same God. It is a different God.

Also, these are human ideas and constructs and not something relating to an actual entity that anyone can access and examine in order to see for themselves.

You claim one thing as a Muslim, but someone else, a Christian, a Jew or a Hindu makes a different claim with all claims resting not on verifiable information, but faith.

Which, based on the contradictory claims being made, is not a reliable source of information.
You are missing the point; as if confusion on whether a single man is a part of God or was a man wholly guided and faithful to GOD changes GOD. It does not. Yes the trinity is what most Christians believe fervently, but not all. Yes Islam claims that there is but one GOD and that worshiping any man as if equivalent to God is a mistake. There will always be people striving to divide what is right, but if they follow their book and heart then they will know that to do so is wrong. I don't disagree that most aren't unified in their faith and at least Christians life in fear of the other. But again, if they actually listened to the teachings of their respective books then they would be much more open and much less afraid. Many Christians would have you think that Islam is the work of Satan. This is nonsense though as the two faiths are nearly identical. Christ himself declared that he was not to be worshiped and that all he did was the will of GOD and not his own. I don't knock people for thinking Jesus is, was, and always will be absolutely equal to GOD, I have issue with those supporting fear and war erroneously based in fear with a facade of christianity.

It's a shame that so many are blinded by fear and the doctrines of man. I don't deny it or overlook it, just know it isn't right and won't always be that way.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
I don't understand what you mean? What has little to do with politics?

As for your rape comment. In the Bible the rapist needs to pay the father 30 pieces of silver and marry the girl. Ie the victim of rape is the father who's honour has been violated. Not the woman being raped. In Islam both the rapist and victim need to ask for forgiveness. If they do they're let off. It's only if they refuse being really sorry they should be put to death. The Sharia actually goes right against the Quran on this. The interesting part is that both the victim and perpetrator are equally guilty of sinning. I can find you the suras and Bible passages if you don't believe me?

Both the Bible and Quran are very specific. There's not much room for interpretation.
Bs; if a man rapes a woman intended to marry another man then the punishment was death. If the woman wasn't spoken for then the man was to marry her. Women weren't liable for themselves, that is why restitution had to be paid to the Father of the girl.

As far as politics they are corrupt and seek power and wealth; no place for the holy.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

Deutoromy 22:28-29




Here's an example. It's a pattern in the Quran. First it's stoning or lashes or whatever. Keep reading. A little bit further down it says that it's better to forgive.

But I noticed that you ignored everything else I said.
Bs; if a man rapes a woman intended to marry another man then the punishment was death. If the woman wasn't spoken for then the man was to marry her. Women weren't liable for themselves, that is why restitution had to be paid to the Father of the girl.

As far as politics they are corrupt and seek power and wealth; no place for the holy.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

Deutoromy 22:28-29




Here's an example. It's a pattern in the Quran. First it's stoning or lashes or whatever. Keep reading. A little bit further down it says that it's better to forgive.

But I noticed that you ignored everything else I said.
It's always better to forgive. Man in sin isn't to judge anyway. My point was that you were trying to say that rape wasn't a serious offence in the law. I'm just saying it was.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
Deutoromy 22:28-29




Here's an example. It's a pattern in the Quran. First it's stoning or lashes or whatever. Keep reading. A little bit further down it says that it's better to forgive.

But I noticed that you ignored everything else I said.
It's always better to forgive. Man in sin isn't to judge anyway. My point was that you were trying to say that rape wasn't a serious offence in the law. I'm just saying it was.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

That's not what I said. I said that both Christianity and Islam sacrifices justice in the name of social stability. In neither the Bible or the Quran is the victim of a rape the woman. It's her male guardian. Women aren't seen as independent agent worthy of respect. Are you denying this?

There's also a constant insistence on female virginity until marriage. Hardly a big deal in a world with contraception.
It's always better to forgive. Man in sin isn't to judge anyway. My point was that you were trying to say that rape wasn't a serious offence in the law. I'm just saying it was.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

That's not what I said. I said that both Christianity and Islam sacrifices justice in the name of social stability. In neither the Bible or the Quran is the victim of a rape the woman. It's her male guardian. Women aren't seen as independent agent worthy of respect. Are you denying this?

There's also a constant insistence on female virginity until marriage. Hardly a big deal in a world with contraception.
I beg to differ; though contraceptives exist, the mentality of society is to be promiscuous without regard to consequences such as virus, disease, (overpopulation which could lead to many other problems), and low quality of life for unwanted children, or just offing them before they are born.

Modesty is important I think.

But women should be treated as equals. The Torah held women as articles to be cared for and helped, and though women are quite equivalent to men, I see nothing wrong with holding them with special regard.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
You are missing the point. If Jesus is a part of the GodHead, along with the Holy Ghost (a Triune God) in Christianity, but for Islam Jesus is merely a Prophet of God, this is not the same God. It is a different God.

Also, these are human ideas and constructs and not something relating to an actual entity that anyone can access and examine in order to see for themselves.

You claim one thing as a Muslim, but someone else, a Christian, a Jew or a Hindu makes a different claim with all claims resting not on verifiable information, but faith.

Which, based on the contradictory claims being made, is not a reliable source of information.
You are missing the point; as if confusion on whether a single man is a part of God or was a man wholly guided and faithful to GOD changes GOD. It does not. Yes the trinity is what most Christians believe fervently, but not all.

That's not it.

The Christian belief is that it was an aspect of God who incarnated on earth, and not merely a prophet, as Islam believes. Now both are these beliefs relating to the nature and characteristics of God....yet they they contradict each other.

So the options are, either one is wrong and the other is right, or both are wrong. Both cannot be right because each version describes a different God.

You can't have it both way, and that's without considering numerous other versions of God.

If some are wrong, as wrong they must be because they contradict, all of them can be wrong because the sheer diversity of contradictory beliefs demonstrates that these faith based ideas are products of the human mind.

There will always be people striving to divide what is right, but if they follow their book and heart then they will know that to do so is wrong.

You have no way of knowing what is in their hearts, or that are indeed 'striving to divide what is right' rather than doing exactly as you are doing, expressing what you believe is right.
You are missing the point; as if confusion on whether a single man is a part of God or was a man wholly guided and faithful to GOD changes GOD. It does not. Yes the trinity is what most Christians believe fervently, but not all.

That's not it.

The Christian belief is that it was an aspect of God who incarnated on earth, and not merely a prophet, as Islam believes. Now both are these beliefs relating to the nature and characteristics of God....yet they they contradict each other.

So the options are, either one is wrong and the other is right, or both are wrong. Both cannot be right because each version describes a different God.

You can't have it both way, and that's without considering numerous other versions of God.

If some are wrong, as wrong they must be because they contradict, all of them can be wrong because the sheer diversity of contradictory beliefs demonstrates that these faith based ideas are products of the human mind.

There will always be people striving to divide what is right, but if they follow their book and heart then they will know that to do so is wrong.

You have no way of knowing what is in their hearts, or that are indeed 'striving to divide what is right' rather than doing exactly as you are doing, expressing what you believe is right.
You're stretching again; though some Christians hold that Christ is literally equal to GOD and Islam believes that Christ was the perfect messenger of GOD doesn't mean the two can't both be right on most points such as the will of GOD and the direction of man by gods will; that is what is important in the texts and it is similar in every one of them I have read. Your straw man fallacy holds no bearing on me, or the fact that all abrahamic Faith worships the same GOD. Regardless of assuming conclusion; based on ancient religious texts and some not so ancient; the will of GOD doesn't change, but the way people receive it is different between times and cultures. They aren't the same religion.

It's like saying you have a box of crayons but all of them must not really be crayons because one is green. Doesn't make too much sense does it?

And yes I do know that people strive to divide what is right and not in need of schism. It is observable. I never saw d is knew what was on the hearts of others, but that one should discern for themselves their own motives, based on what they know in there heart and the examples given their respective books.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
That's not it.

The Christian belief is that it was an aspect of God who incarnated on earth, and not merely a prophet, as Islam believes. Now both are these beliefs relating to the nature and characteristics of God....yet they they contradict each other.

So the options are, either one is wrong and the other is right, or both are wrong. Both cannot be right because each version describes a different God.

You can't have it both way, and that's without considering numerous other versions of God.

If some are wrong, as wrong they must be because they contradict, all of them can be wrong because the sheer diversity of contradictory beliefs demonstrates that these faith based ideas are products of the human mind.

There will always be people striving to divide what is right, but if they follow their book and heart then they will know that to do so is wrong.

You have no way of knowing what is in their hearts, or that are indeed 'striving to divide what is right' rather than doing exactly as you are doing, expressing what you believe is right.

You're stretching again;

That is funny.

though some Christians hold that Christ is literally equal to GOD and Islam believes that Christ was the perfect messenger of GOD doesn't mean the two can't both be right on most points such as the will of GOD and the direction of man by gods will.

But they aren't right on most points, except the generalities of what a god is thought to be, all powerful, immortal, etc, which describes the gods of most religions from Zeus to Odin to Yahweh, Brahma, Allah and so on, yet it's quite clear that not only are these not versions of one God, but constructs of the human minds that imagined them and worshipped them for personal gain in some form, solace, position, social control, an explanation for the existence of the world......

Some of the errors of Islamic faith in relation to Christianity, for example;

''According to Muslim biographer Ibn Ishaq in his work, Sirat Rasulullah, a Christian deputation from Najran came to debate Muhammad on the person of Jesus. Accordingly, these Christians allegedly believed that Jesus, "is God; and He is the son of God; and He is the third Person of the Trinity, which is the doctrine of Christianity." (Alfred Guilliame trans., The Life of Muhammad [Oxford University Press, Karachi], p. 271)

He goes on to say, "They argue that he is the third of three in that God says: We have done, We have commanded, We have created and We have decreed, and they say, If He were one He would have said I have done, I have created, and so on, but He is He and Jesus and Mary. Concerning all these assertions the Quran came down." (Ibid., pp. 271-272)

The errors in the Quranic teaching on what Christians believe becomes apparent to anyone familiar with the basics of Christian doctrine. Firstly, Christians have never taken Mary as a goddess alongside God. Secondly, Christians have never said God is three or the third of three which is tritheism, three separate gods forming a unity; as opposed to Trinity, ONE God who exists in Three distinct yet inseparable Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Thirdly, Christianity has never taught as part of its doctrine that Jesus is the third Person of the Trinity. Rather, he is the Second Person, with the Holy Spirit being the third Person of the Godhead. Matthew 28:19

Fourthly, Muslims believe that Allah of the Quran is the same as God the Father of the Holy Bible since they do not believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ, nor in God the Holy Spirit who to Muslims is the angel Gabriel. This again causes a problem since if Allah is indeed the same Person as God the Father then the Quran is wrong in saying that Christians believe that the Father is the third of three. Christians teach that the Father is the First Person of the One True Godhead, not the third deity of three gods.

And finally, Christians do not believe that Allah is the Messiah, or that God is the Messiah since this implies that Jesus is the entire Godhead, which would be modalism. The correct and biblical statement is that Jesus is God, since this suggests that although Jesus is fully God by nature he is not the only Person who shares the essence of Deity perfectly. The Bible also teaches that both the Father and the Holy Spirit are fully God.''
That's not what I said. I said that both Christianity and Islam sacrifices justice in the name of social stability. In neither the Bible or the Quran is the victim of a rape the woman. It's her male guardian. Women aren't seen as independent agent worthy of respect. Are you denying this?

There's also a constant insistence on female virginity until marriage. Hardly a big deal in a world with contraception.
I beg to differ; though contraceptives exist, the mentality of society is to be promiscuous without regard to consequences such as virus, disease, (overpopulation which could lead to many other problems), and low quality of life for unwanted children, or just offing them before they are born.

Modesty is important I think.

But women should be treated as equals. The Torah held women as articles to be cared for and helped, and though women are quite equivalent to men, I see nothing wrong with holding them with special regard.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

Wow... now you've veered into psychopath territory. It's one thing to uphold holy texts as a spiritual guide for life. Quite another to use it to justify sexual assaults and violent crime. No women deserves getting raped, no matter how she is behaving or what she is wearing.

Sexy people are not going to sacrifice opportunities to have sex with other sexy people just because it might hurt the feelings of the less attractive people. That is what you are arguing for isn't it?
I beg to differ; though contraceptives exist, the mentality of society is to be promiscuous without regard to consequences such as virus, disease, (overpopulation which could lead to many other problems), and low quality of life for unwanted children, or just offing them before they are born.

Modesty is important I think.

But women should be treated as equals. The Torah held women as articles to be cared for and helped, and though women are quite equivalent to men, I see nothing wrong with holding them with special regard.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

Wow... now you've veered into psychopath territory. It's one thing to uphold holy texts as a spiritual guide for life. Quite another to use it to justify sexual assaults and violent crime. No women deserves getting raped, no matter how she is behaving or what she is wearing.

Sexy people are not going to sacrifice opportunities to have sex with other sexy people just because it might hurt the feelings of the less attractive people. That is what you are arguing for isn't it?
Look here you....

Why don't you quote where I said anyone deserves any negative thing. Quote where I said that rape ok you slimy manipulative prick. It's one thing to repeatedly belittle someone's beliefs and to attempt to set someone up for a fall, but to accuse someone of justifying rape is too far.

You sir are a piece of shit. It is manipulative worms like you who cause such contention among peaceable people.

Sorry sob

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
I beg to differ; though contraceptives exist, the mentality of society is to be promiscuous without regard to consequences such as virus, disease, (overpopulation which could lead to many other problems), and low quality of life for unwanted children, or just offing them before they are born.

Modesty is important I think.

But women should be treated as equals. The Torah held women as articles to be cared for and helped, and though women are quite equivalent to men, I see nothing wrong with holding them with special regard.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

Wow... now you've veered into psychopath territory. It's one thing to uphold holy texts as a spiritual guide for life. Quite another to use it to justify sexual assaults and violent crime. No women deserves getting raped, no matter how she is behaving or what she is wearing.

Sexy people are not going to sacrifice opportunities to have sex with other sexy people just because it might hurt the feelings of the less attractive people. That is what you are arguing for isn't it?
What the fuck are you even talking about? Who in the hell said ANYTHING about people not having sex as to not hurt the feelings of other people? What kind of asinine shit is that?

My point was about unwanted children being brought into the world with a shitty quality of life due to irresponsible people who only worry about what they want, and not the consequences.

You play one of the best fools I've been ever seen.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
That's not it.

The Christian belief is that it was an aspect of God who incarnated on earth, and not merely a prophet, as Islam believes. Now both are these beliefs relating to the nature and characteristics of God....yet they they contradict each other.

So the options are, either one is wrong and the other is right, or both are wrong. Both cannot be right because each version describes a different God.

You can't have it both way, and that's without considering numerous other versions of God.

If some are wrong, as wrong they must be because they contradict, all of them can be wrong because the sheer diversity of contradictory beliefs demonstrates that these faith based ideas are products of the human mind.

There will always be people striving to divide what is right, but if they follow their book and heart then they will know that to do so is wrong.

You have no way of knowing what is in their hearts, or that are indeed 'striving to divide what is right' rather than doing exactly as you are doing, expressing what you believe is right.

You're stretching again;

That is funny.

though some Christians hold that Christ is literally equal to GOD and Islam believes that Christ was the perfect messenger of GOD doesn't mean the two can't both be right on most points such as the will of GOD and the direction of man by gods will.

But they aren't right on most points, except the generalities of what a god is thought to be, all powerful, immortal, etc, which describes the gods of most religions from Zeus to Odin to Yahweh, Brahma, Allah and so on, yet it's quite clear that not only are these not versions of one God, but constructs of the human minds that imagined them and worshipped them for personal gain in some form, solace, position, social control, an explanation for the existence of the world......

Some of the errors of Islamic faith in relation to Christianity, for example;

''According to Muslim biographer Ibn Ishaq in his work, Sirat Rasulullah, a Christian deputation from Najran came to debate Muhammad on the person of Jesus. Accordingly, these Christians allegedly believed that Jesus, "is God; and He is the son of God; and He is the third Person of the Trinity, which is the doctrine of Christianity." (Alfred Guilliame trans., The Life of Muhammad [Oxford University Press, Karachi], p. 271)

He goes on to say, "They argue that he is the third of three in that God says: We have done, We have commanded, We have created and We have decreed, and they say, If He were one He would have said I have done, I have created, and so on, but He is He and Jesus and Mary. Concerning all these assertions the Quran came down." (Ibid., pp. 271-272)

The errors in the Quranic teaching on what Christians believe becomes apparent to anyone familiar with the basics of Christian doctrine. Firstly, Christians have never taken Mary as a goddess alongside God. Secondly, Christians have never said God is three or the third of three which is tritheism, three separate gods forming a unity; as opposed to Trinity, ONE God who exists in Three distinct yet inseparable Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Thirdly, Christianity has never taught as part of its doctrine that Jesus is the third Person of the Trinity. Rather, he is the Second Person, with the Holy Spirit being the third Person of the Godhead. Matthew 28:19

Fourthly, Muslims believe that Allah of the Quran is the same as God the Father of the Holy Bible since they do not believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ, nor in God the Holy Spirit who to Muslims is the angel Gabriel. This again causes a problem since if Allah is indeed the same Person as God the Father then the Quran is wrong in saying that Christians believe that the Father is the third of three. Christians teach that the Father is the First Person of the One True Godhead, not the third deity of three gods.

And finally, Christians do not believe that Allah is the Messiah, or that God is the Messiah since this implies that Jesus is the entire Godhead, which would be modalism. The correct and biblical statement is that Jesus is God, since this suggests that although Jesus is fully God by nature he is not the only Person who shares the essence of Deity perfectly. The Bible also teaches that both the Father and the Holy Spirit are fully God.''
I'm sorry, did you have some point?

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
Wow... now you've veered into psychopath territory. It's one thing to uphold holy texts as a spiritual guide for life. Quite another to use it to justify sexual assaults and violent crime. No women deserves getting raped, no matter how she is behaving or what she is wearing.

Sexy people are not going to sacrifice opportunities to have sex with other sexy people just because it might hurt the feelings of the less attractive people. That is what you are arguing for isn't it?
What the fuck are you even talking about? Who in the hell said ANYTHING about people not having sex as to not hurt the feelings of other people? What kind of asinine shit is that?

My point was about unwanted children being brought into the world with a shitty quality of life due to irresponsible people who only worry about what they want, and not the consequences.

You play one of the best fools I've been ever seen.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

We seem to have read completely different books. You must have the world's most powerful rose tinted spectacles.
My Economist this morning tells me, on what grounds I don't know, that the proportion of atheists in Saudi Arabia is about the same as that in the United States. I felt that it was somehow relevant to this discussion!
I'm sorry, did you have some point?

You don't think that you may be evading the problems being raised?

- - - Updated - - -

What the fuck are you even talking about? Who in the hell said ANYTHING about people not having sex as to not hurt the feelings of other people? What kind of asinine shit is that?

My point was about unwanted children being brought into the world with a shitty quality of life due to irresponsible people who only worry about what they want, and not the consequences.

You play one of the best fools I've been ever seen.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

We seem to have read completely different books. You must have the world's most powerful rose tinted spectacles.

The language seems to be getting quite strong, I have to say.
You don't think that you may be evading the problems being raised?

- - - Updated - - -

What the fuck are you even talking about? Who in the hell said ANYTHING about people not having sex as to not hurt the feelings of other people? What kind of asinine shit is that?

My point was about unwanted children being brought into the world with a shitty quality of life due to irresponsible people who only worry about what they want, and not the consequences.

You play one of the best fools I've been ever seen.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

We seem to have read completely different books. You must have the world's most powerful rose tinted spectacles.

The language seems to be getting quite strong, I have to say.
Yeah, I must say; I was quite offended, hence the language.

I curtailed it as much as possible at that time.

Again, your point?
Just curious? Not polite or humble? Is that it? Are you insinuating that I am a hypocrite. I'll say it so you don't have to; I'm a hypocrite.

I'm human, and not any extraordinary specimen, at that.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
You don't think that you may be evading the problems being raised?

- - - Updated - - -

What the fuck are you even talking about? Who in the hell said ANYTHING about people not having sex as to not hurt the feelings of other people? What kind of asinine shit is that?

My point was about unwanted children being brought into the world with a shitty quality of life due to irresponsible people who only worry about what they want, and not the consequences.

You play one of the best fools I've been ever seen.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

We seem to have read completely different books. You must have the world's most powerful rose tinted spectacles.

The language seems to be getting quite strong, I have to say.
Yeah, I must say; I was quite offended, hence the language.

I curtailed it as much as possible at that time.

Again, your point?
Just curious? Not polite or humble? Is that it? Are you insinuating that I am a hypocrite. I'll say it so you don't have to; I'm a hypocrite.

I'm human, and not any extraordinary specimen, at that.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

Not a hypocrite, just someone who genuinely wants to embrace the teachings of Islam, which you feel provides meaning, ultimate justice and mercy.

But given that there are serious difficulties with contradictions, not only within Islam but religious belief in general, you feel compelled to justify and reconcile these contradictions in the best way you can.

That is understandable. But I don't see how, given the range and depth of contradiction, this is even possible. Context does not change meaning, nor can the clear distinctions between the gods of different religions be reconciled. Brahma of Hinduism, for example, is not comparable to the god of Islam or the god of Christianity (for the reasons I've already explained).
You don't think that you may be evading the problems being raised?

- - - Updated - - -

What the fuck are you even talking about? Who in the hell said ANYTHING about people not having sex as to not hurt the feelings of other people? What kind of asinine shit is that?

My point was about unwanted children being brought into the world with a shitty quality of life due to irresponsible people who only worry about what they want, and not the consequences.

You play one of the best fools I've been ever seen.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

We seem to have read completely different books. You must have the world's most powerful rose tinted spectacles.

The language seems to be getting quite strong, I have to say.
Yeah, I must say; I was quite offended, hence the language.

I curtailed it as much as possible at that time.

Again, your point?
Just curious? Not polite or humble? Is that it? Are you insinuating that I am a hypocrite. I'll say it so you don't have to; I'm a hypocrite.

I'm human, and not any extraordinary specimen, at that.


Faith in selfless Unity for Good.

Not a hypocrite, just someone who genuinely wants to embrace the teachings of Islam, which you feel provides meaning, ultimate justice and mercy.

But given that there are serious difficulties with contradictions, not only within Islam but religious belief in general, you feel compelled to justify and reconcile these contradictions in the best way you can.

That is understandable. But I don't see how, given the range and depth of contradiction, this is even possible. Context does not change meaning, nor can the clear distinctions between the gods of different religions be reconciled. Brahma of Hinduism, for example, is not comparable to the god of Islam or the god of Christianity (for the reasons I've already explained).
Yet all the writings teach the same things for the same reasons. And I have explained that culture and time, greed and fear seem to be the cause of the different descriptions, but the overall message is the same. One cannot simply overlook the fact that they all teach similar things and insist they are irreconcilable when people who actually believe these faiths are open to it. You can't say that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam aren't able to be seen as similar Faith when there are whole religions based on just that.

I mean; you can say what you want but it just can't be backed up very well. But the direction of man by the will of GOD can be in all four religions we ha e touched on.

Faith in selfless Unity for Good.
Yet all the writings teach the same things for the same reasons. And I have explained that culture and time, greed and fear seem to be the cause of the different descriptions, but the overall message is the same. .

But all the writings do not teach the same thing. The Hindu world view is nothing like the Christian world view, nor does the central God of Hinduism, Brahma, bear much resemblance to the God of the bible or the Quran.

Also keep in mind that there are universal elements of right and wrong, the golden rule, empathy, etc, that are not only common to most religions but are not necessarily related to religion at all.

A Philosophical concept long before either Christianity or Islam for example:

“One should never do wrong in return, nor mistreat any man, no matter how one has been mistreated by him.” - Socrates, dialogue with Crito.

So many of the common elements between religions are not necessarily related to any religion.
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