Hmmm.. you buy a kilogram of potatoes are you buying mass kilograms, or matter? Can you get a bucket of kilograms or mass?
Is a potato a physical phenomenon?
One of the most obvious ways of answering that question would be to consider if it has mass.
Absolutely, potatoes have mass. Mass is one of the intrinsic properties of potatoes. However, the units we use to describe our measurement of that mass is completely man made and not an intrinsic property of the potato. Whether we choose to describe our measurement of that mass as grams, pounds, ounces, pennyweights, stones, etc. is an arbitrary man made system independent of the potato.
Just as your height is one of your intrinsic properties but the units of centimeters, feet and inches, hands, or cubits used to describe your height are standardized man made units independent of you.
You are conflating the intrinsic properties of an object with the units humans use to measure and describe that object.