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Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is working for Linda Sarsour on the inside

Why are some men so easily triggered by women? Men with guns? No problem. Men who sexually assault women? No problem. Men who spout racist or sexist ideas? No problem.

Women with strong opinions, who happen to wear head scarfs? OMG! I'm so scared. Please do something about this. Make her and all her friends go away. I'm so scared. That head scarf wearing woman might take over the country and make us all worship Allah! :hororr::hororr:

I have no problem with her having strong opinions. However, that doesn't mean I won't judge many of those opinions to be evil.
I have no problem with her having strong opinions. However, that doesn't mean I won't judge many of those opinions to be evil.

Questioning a woman makes you the bad guy, Loren. Even when the woman you question supports Islamism and repressive regimes.
Controversial Muslim activist and Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour bullied an underling to cover up sex-abuse allegations in her Brooklyn office, a report said.

Asmi Fathelbab told blog The Daily Caller that a man repeatedly rubbed his crotch on her while she worked for the association under Sarsour in 2009.

But when Fathelbab reported the abuse, Sarsour — a self-proclaimed feminist and co-founder of the Women’s March organization — fat-shamed the woman and threatened to blacklist her from political jobs, the woman told the website.

“She oversaw an environment unsafe and abusive to women,” said Fathelbab. “Women who put [Sarsour] on a pedestal for women’s rights and empowerment deserve to know how she really treats us.”

The Daily Caller reportedly spoke on condition of anonymity with another association employee and a political operative that worked alongside the organization, and both corroborated Fathelbab’s account of the abuse and Sarsour’s intimidation.


In 2009, while I worked under an AmeriCorps contract at The Arab American Association, Linda Sarsour was the acting director of the organization as I was being harassed by an individual by the name of Masked Seif While volunteering there the prior few months in 2008, I had barely any dealings with Linda Sarsour, I had seen her once or twice there but honestly had no idea what her position was and was only told that Lamese Bader was my direct supervisor. I started noticing Majed Seif around the office in late January of 2009, he seemed to be a strange looking character and I asked one of my coworkers if he worked there or if he was just passing through and was told he didn't work there but lived upstairs from the office.

Then the stalking began. Seif stalked me to and from work, he stalked me within the office where I had worked. He started sneaking up on me and showing up in doorways, hallways, cornered me up against the wall. I spoke to my supervisor Lamese Bader and she spoke to him and asked him to stay away from me. Majed seemed to listen to Lamese and stayed away from me, until she went on maternity leave. That's when things got a bit worse. He would sneak up behind me, pin me up against walls, and the worst was when he would sneak up behind me making it loud and clear to me that he was fully erect. I started to go to Linda each time something occurred, and there were times where I was verbally reprimanded by her when she'd hear me scream.

I was told by Linda Sarsour that I was over reacting, that no one would believe me because something like this wouldn't happen to someone who looked like me, that Seif had every right to be wherever he wanted within the building even though he did not work there. I was also told by the president of the organization, Dr. Ahmed Jaber, that Majed was a good Muslim and was always at the Mosque and I wasn't his type. Linda eventually informed me that Majed had every right to sue me for defamation for putting in complaints about him.


To recap, Linda Sarsour made it known to me that I was not allowed to complain, I was crying for attention, and that I was lying because I was a woman of a particular size, something like this would never in a million years happen to me. Linda swore I would never work in New York City ever again for as long as she lives.


Despicable if true.
I have no problem with her having strong opinions. However, that doesn't mean I won't judge many of those opinions to be evil.

Questioning a woman makes you the bad guy, Loren. Even when the woman you question supports Islamism and repressive regimes when the only reason you question her is because she's a woman.

I have no problem with her having strong opinions. However, that doesn't mean I won't judge many of those opinions to be evil.

Questioning a woman makes you the bad guy, Loren. Even when the woman you question supports Islamism and repressive regimes when the only reason you question her is because she's a woman.


I'm not questioning her for being a woman, I'm questioning her for her pro-Sharia, pro-terrorism position.
I have no problem with her having strong opinions. However, that doesn't mean I won't judge many of those opinions to be evil.

Questioning a woman makes you the bad guy, Loren. Even when the woman you question supports Islamism and repressive regimes when the only reason you question her is because she's a woman.


Does it shock you to know that I totally agree with your statement that you are assigning to me? That's a rare occurrence here. But that's not the point I was making.
Controversial Muslim activist and Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour bullied an underling to cover up sex-abuse allegations in her Brooklyn office, a report said.

Asmi Fathelbab told blog The Daily Caller that a man repeatedly rubbed his crotch on her while she worked for the association under Sarsour in 2009.

But when Fathelbab reported the abuse, Sarsour — a self-proclaimed feminist and co-founder of the Women’s March organization — fat-shamed the woman and threatened to blacklist her from political jobs, the woman told the website.

“She oversaw an environment unsafe and abusive to women,” said Fathelbab. “Women who put [Sarsour] on a pedestal for women’s rights and empowerment deserve to know how she really treats us.”

The Daily Caller reportedly spoke on condition of anonymity with another association employee and a political operative that worked alongside the organization, and both corroborated Fathelbab’s account of the abuse and Sarsour’s intimidation.


In 2009, while I worked under an AmeriCorps contract at The Arab American Association, Linda Sarsour was the acting director of the organization as I was being harassed by an individual by the name of Masked Seif While volunteering there the prior few months in 2008, I had barely any dealings with Linda Sarsour, I had seen her once or twice there but honestly had no idea what her position was and was only told that Lamese Bader was my direct supervisor. I started noticing Majed Seif around the office in late January of 2009, he seemed to be a strange looking character and I asked one of my coworkers if he worked there or if he was just passing through and was told he didn't work there but lived upstairs from the office.

Then the stalking began. Seif stalked me to and from work, he stalked me within the office where I had worked. He started sneaking up on me and showing up in doorways, hallways, cornered me up against the wall. I spoke to my supervisor Lamese Bader and she spoke to him and asked him to stay away from me. Majed seemed to listen to Lamese and stayed away from me, until she went on maternity leave. That's when things got a bit worse. He would sneak up behind me, pin me up against walls, and the worst was when he would sneak up behind me making it loud and clear to me that he was fully erect. I started to go to Linda each time something occurred, and there were times where I was verbally reprimanded by her when she'd hear me scream.

I was told by Linda Sarsour that I was over reacting, that no one would believe me because something like this wouldn't happen to someone who looked like me, that Seif had every right to be wherever he wanted within the building even though he did not work there. I was also told by the president of the organization, Dr. Ahmed Jaber, that Majed was a good Muslim and was always at the Mosque and I wasn't his type. Linda eventually informed me that Majed had every right to sue me for defamation for putting in complaints about him.


To recap, Linda Sarsour made it known to me that I was not allowed to complain, I was crying for attention, and that I was lying because I was a woman of a particular size, something like this would never in a million years happen to me. Linda swore I would never work in New York City ever again for as long as she lives.


Despicable if true.

This is what patriarchy looks like.

Linda Sarsour is what the patriarchy looks like? You've either come full circle or your cognitive dissonance is overwhelming you.

I do not have cognitive dissonance since unlike you I have no emotional investment in these characters or their pasts. Instead, you have a reading comprehension problem. "This" does not refer to an individual person. Try again.
Here's the problem with the OP. The woman in question may have some beliefs that some of us may not agree with, but why do some of the men here always get themselves worked up over a woman who is strong and controversial beliefs and/or activities, but rarely if ever become upset when a man in power does or says despicable things? We have a president that has said he and the tyrannical leader of NK are in love. I don't remember seeing any of the conservatives here make remarks on that. I don't see the Trump supporters here ever act concerned about the numerous allegations of abuse toward women by the current president. But, when one woman, who may have some controversial thoughts is supportive of a Democratic senator, it triggers some men to start a thread about that.


Linda has been at the forefront of the debate around the New York Police Department's unwarranted surveillance of the American Muslim community. She continues to work with city officials and allies to push legislation and policies that respect the dignity and civil rights of New York residents while maintaining safety and order. Linda was recently named American Muslim of the Year by the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the United States, honored by the White House in 2011 as a “Champion of Change”, and received the 2010 Brooklyn Do-Gooder Award from the Brooklyn Community Foundation. Linda is also a board member of the New York Immigration Coalition, a coalition of over 200 nonprofit agencies serving the diverse immigrant communities of New York State and the Network of Arab American Professionals-NY Chapter. She has been profiled by PBS, Yahoo News, NY1’s One on One With Budd Mishkin, and the Guardian. She has been featured in local, national, and international media speaking on topics ranging from women’s issues, Islam, domestic policy, and political discussions on the Middle East conflict. Linda’s strengths are in the areas of civil rights in the context of national security, community organizing, civic engagement, and immigrants’ rights advocacy.

If that's what Kirsten knows about Linda, why wouldn't she be supportive of her? Linda is anti Israel? So what? Israel has done a lot of horrible things to Palestinians. I'm not saying that there haven't been times when the Palestinians haven't been violent as well, but who has the power here? Israel had the power and Israel has refused to do anything that would improve the situation. Why? I think it's due to religious bias and hatred. But that's just my opinion based on what I read.

So, why do some of the men here habitually start or post to threads that denigrate Muslims, or Black folks or women? I might have a bit of respect for these same men if they were able to look at both sides. Some of you never defend the numerous women that have been sexually assaulted by powerful men. Some of you always put blame on the unarmed minority that has been shot down by the police. That is why I made fun of the OP. Now that I know even more about this situation, the statements in the OP seem even less relevant.
The woman in question may have some beliefs that some of us may not agree with, but why do some of the men here always get themselves worked up over a woman who is strong and controversial beliefs and/or activities, but rarely if ever become upset when a man in power does or says despicable things?

No, this isn't the problem with the OP, since, as you just wrote, the woman has questionable beliefs, so people question them. If every time a woman with such questionable beliefs gets called out people rush to her defence because she is a woman, that in itself is a problem.

I don't see the Trump supporters here ever act concerned about the numerous allegations of abuse toward women by the current president.

We have Trump supporters here? Who?

But, when one woman, who may have some controversial thoughts is supportive of a Democratic senator, it triggers some men to start a thread about that.

Why shouldn't it? Somebody has a controversial view, and it creates controversy, but you cry foul because she has a vagina? Keep in mind that this is a woman who has publicly wished that she could take the vaginas away from other women because they don't hold her views.
Here's the problem with the OP. The woman in question may have some beliefs that some of us may not agree with, but why do some of the men here always get themselves worked up over a woman who is strong and controversial beliefs and/or activities, but rarely if ever become upset when a man in power does or says despicable things?
We don't? Really?
We have a president that has said he and the tyrannical leader of NK are in love. I don't remember seeing any of the conservatives here make remarks on that.
There are about a 1000 anti-Trump theads on here. The presidential politics subforum was established because there have been so many of them - normally presidential election subfora are temporary and get merged with main PD forum soon after the election. Not this time. And yet you complain of not enough threads about Trump ...

I don't see the Trump supporters here ever act concerned about the numerous allegations of abuse toward women by the current president.
They have been discussed a lot before the election. I do not recall any new allegations coming since.
But why should existence of allegations against the president preclude us from criticizing Sarsour for her Islamist views and Gillibrand for accepting her support?

But, when one woman, who may have some controversial thoughts is supportive of a Democratic senator, it triggers some men to start a thread about that.

You keep using that word ...
Triggering is not the same as disagreeing, and in fact being triggered would make one shun discussion, not start it.

Linda has been at the forefront of the debate around the New York Police Department's unwarranted surveillance of the American Muslim community.
In the aftermath of 911 terrorist attacks, it would be foolish not to surveil Islamist groups. And in fact, there have been convictions in NY for things like planning terrorist attacks or providing material support.

She continues to work with city officials and allies to push legislation and policies that respect the dignity and civil rights of New York residents while maintaining safety and order.
Maintain "safety and order" through Sharia Law.
Linda was recently named American Muslim of the Year by the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the United States,
That would be CAIR which has ties to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood. Why do you think this puff-piece omits the name of this so-called "civil rights organization"?

honored by the White House in 2011 as a “Champion of Change”,
Big mistake on Obama's part. Imagine the outcry if Trump wanted to honor somebody who wanted to take two women's vaginas away from them?

If that's what Kirsten knows about Linda, why wouldn't she be supportive of her?
And it's ok for a US Senator to know only things found in one-sided puff pieces?

Linda is anti Israel? So what? Israel has done a lot of horrible things to Palestinians. I'm not saying that there haven't been times when the Palestinians haven't been violent as well, but who has the power here?
Palestinians have been the ones instigating the violence. Look at the situation today.
You have Hamas in Gaza incite the crowds to attack the border with Israel, throw gredades at the soldiers, send balloons with incendiary or explosive devices tied to them into Israeli communities, etc., but when IDF soldiers respond, the Palestinian activists insists that all these violent rioters are "unarmed peaceful protesters".
Or take the terrorist attack in Israel yesterday.
West Bank shooting victims identified: Kim Yehezkel (29), Ziv Hajbani (35)

Linda Sarsour publicly embraces terrorists like this one.

Israel had the power and Israel has refused to do anything that would improve the situation. Why?
Israel has done plenty. For example, in 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza and dismantled all the settlements there. That made Gaza the first independent Palestinian polity in history. And how did the Palestinians repay? By electing Hamas and shooting countless rockets into Israel. And yet when Israel responds and defends itself, they are seen as the bad guys by people like you.

I think it's due to religious bias and hatred. But that's just my opinion based on what I read.
As we have seen from that puff-piece on Sarsour you found, your reading list is quite one-sided.

So, why do some of the men here habitually start or post to threads that denigrate Muslims, or Black folks or women? I might have a bit of respect for these same men if they were able to look at both sides.
If there is a reason to criticize somebody who happens to be female, black or Muslims, should we refrain from it just because they belong to these groups? You seem to suggest Sarsour should be immune from criticism because she is a Muslim woman. By the way, she has attacked Susan Collins based on her race.

Some of you never defend the numerous women that have been sexually assaulted by powerful men.
The problem is that most of these allegations lack evidence. Also, it's not a topic of this thread, and there have been more than plenty of threads on that topic.

Some of you always put blame on the unarmed minority that has been shot down by the police.
Unarmed does not mean 'not a threat'. Besides, #BLM types support people gunned down by police even when they are armed and have just shot people.
Portland demonstrators protest death of Patrick Kimmons, who was shot by police
But those issues have been discussed in plenty of threads too. So you can't claim we are ignoring it while solely focusing on Linda Sarsours Islamist ideology.

That is why I made fun of the OP. Now that I know even more about this situation, the statements in the OP seem even less relevant.
You definitely do not know more about the situation.
No, this isn't the problem with the OP, since, as you just wrote, the woman has questionable beliefs, so people question them. If every time a woman with such questionable beliefs gets called out people rush to her defence because she is a woman, that in itself is a problem.


If they rush to her defense because the allegations against her are bullshit, that's not a problem.

If they rush to her defense because they agree with her position, that's not a problem either.

If they rush to her defense because she's a woman, that's a problem. But if you can't tell why they're rushing to her defense and just assume it's gender bias, that's also a problem.
If they rush to her defense because the allegations against her are bullshit, that's not a problem.

If they rush to her defense because they agree with her position, that's not a problem either.

If they rush to her defense because she's a woman, that's a problem. But if you can't tell why they're rushing to her defense and just assume it's gender bias, that's also a problem.

All true. Do you think in this thread people rushed to her defence for any reason other than her being a woman? If she were a man would I have seen whining about us criticizing him but not other men, as we criticize both?
If they rush to her defense because the allegations against her are bullshit, that's not a problem.

If they rush to her defense because they agree with her position, that's not a problem either.

If they rush to her defense because she's a woman, that's a problem. But if you can't tell why they're rushing to her defense and just assume it's gender bias, that's also a problem.

All true. Do you think in this thread people rushed to her defence for any reason other than her being a woman?
Why would one think that?

Perhaps Arctish forgot to add this following if

If they rush to judge that her defenders defense is based on her being a woman, there is also problem.
Sorry Derec, but your response to me isn't helpful. You're all over the place and once again you've missed the point.

I was going to make a more lengthy response before I read your links. There is no sense in responding to you in detail because you've totally missed the point. You've judged someone by a few things that she said, and not by her reputation in the community where she lives or the more positive things that she's actually done.

And, I don't mind saying that I am very much against the current far right government of Israel. Israel has all the power. They are the ones that I hold responsible for the relationship they have with the Palestinians. Other than that, the problem in the Mideast is largely impacted by religion and the hatred that religion often generates. But, that's beside the point of my reasons for criticizing the OP.

I find the fact that you support the surveillance of the Muslim community to be worrisome. Since you've admitted that you think this is a good idea, I doubt I can convince you of anything reasonable. I find some of the extremist Christians to be a much bigger potential threat than Muslims in the US. But, I don't think they should be secretly surveilled either. Unless there is some real evidence of a threat, we should all be free to go about our business without having to worry about Big Brother watching us. Of course, these days it looks like we're heading in that direction, and that should concern all of us, regardless of our political ideologies.
If they rush to her defense because the allegations against her are bullshit, that's not a problem.

If they rush to her defense because they agree with her position, that's not a problem either.

If they rush to her defense because she's a woman, that's a problem. But if you can't tell why they're rushing to her defense and just assume it's gender bias, that's also a problem.

All true. Do you think in this thread people rushed to her defence for any reason other than her being a woman?

I didn't see anyone rushing to her defense. I saw 7 posts of people wondering why they should give a fuck before Underseer pointed out the loaded phraseology and incomplete picture of Sarsour's activism in the OP. Then I saw people questioning Derec about what he was implying followed by Derec defending his decision to create the thread and his characterization of Sarsour. You were actually the first poster to offer a defense of Sarsour when you said "Well, Sarsour isn't wrong about that last one" in post #13. The conversation then turned into a critique of conservatism, wondering why some folks are easily triggered, more information of Sarsour's stance on terrorism, and then you told Loren that "Questioning a woman makes you the bad guy".

If she were a man would I have seen whining about us criticizing him but not other men, as we criticize both?

I didn't see any whining about people criticizing Sarsour. I saw people presenting additional information and beginning to argue about her association with terrorists, how one might be both a feminist and a Muslim, and asking in what way is Sen. Gillibrand "working for" Linda Sarsour.

I know it's hard to avoid the sexism in a Derec thread but the posters here were stepping carefully around the worst of the crap. There was no reason to indirectly chide us for white knighting Sarsour solely because she's a woman when none of us were.
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