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Seven planets orbiting a star


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
On 2017 February 22, NASA announced that the star TRAPPIST-1 has 7 planets (NASA Telescope Reveals Record-Breaking Exoplanet Discovery | NASA). These planets were found by observing their transits or eclipses of their star. They were first found by a team at the University of Liège in Belgium with the Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. They were then observed using the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Very Large Telescope at Paranal Observatory in Chile, and the Kepler Space Telescope in its K2 mission.

At arxiv.org:
[1703.01424] Seven temperate terrestrial planets around the nearby ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1
[1703.04166] A terrestrial-sized exoplanet at the snow line of TRAPPIST-1
[1704.02957] Limits on the Stability of TRAPPIST-1
[1704.04290] Updated Masses for the TRAPPIST-1 Planets

The star,  TRAPPIST-1, is a very low-mass red dwarf, at about the lower limit for nuclear fusion in its core. It is about 1/9 the Sun's size, close to that of Jupiter, and its overall luminosity is about 1/2000 the Sun's. Its visible-light luminosity is even less.

The planets are currently named, in order from their star, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h, as is typical of exoplanets.

The planets orbit very close to the star, about 0.01 to 0.06 times the Earth's distance. Their orbits are nearly circular with an approximately geometric, Bode-like distribution of orbit sizes. They are close enough so that one can resolve some details of them from each other. Their star has even greater angular size, however, from 1d at the farthest planet to 5.5d at the closest planet.

These planets are likely tidally locked, so that one side of them always faces their star. Something like the Moon from the Earth and most of the larger moons from their planets.

The planets' masses have been measured with a rather unusual technique: transit timing variations. The planets perturb each others' motions, and that makes them alternately fast and slow. Furthermore, the TRAPPIST-1 planets are in near-resonances, with their orbit periods' ratios being close to small-number fractions. This makes amplified TTV's, though the amplified ones vary relatively slowly. That is nevertheless enough to come up with estimates of the planets' masses.

For the TRAPPIST-1 planets, both their sizes and their masses are fairly close to the Earth's size and mass, meaning that their densities are not far off either. But with the most recent TTV masses, the densities of planets e, f, g, and h are low enough to be consistent with their being largely water. Planet b is on the watery side of being all-rock, planet d straddles the all-rock line, and planet c is likely rock-iron, like the Earth itself.

Also interesting about them is that some of the planets are within their star's habitable zone, with temperatures just right for liquid water. Judging from how much starlight they get, planet b is in between Mercury and Venus, c is like Venus, d is like the Earth, e is between the Earth and Mars, f is a little beyond Mars, g is like Vesta, and h is like Ceres. So d, e, and maybe f are within TRAPPIST-1's habitable zone.

The Solar System has plenty of largely-water worlds, though most of their water is frozen. Worlds like most of the larger outer-planet moons and many of the Kuiper-Belt Objects. So it may have been that TRAPPIST-1's planets formed farther out and then spiraled in. That would explain the resonances -- they would be from the outer planets pushing the inner planets inward.

Water worlds have an interesting habitability conundrum. It's nowadays thought that the likely site for the origin of life is hydrothermal vents. These have some advantages over the open ocean like chemical disequilibria and abundant catalytic sites on the vent rocks. But a few hundred kilometers down in a planetary ocean, the water will freeze into high-pressure forms of ice called Ice VI and Ice VII. Thus, hydrothermal vents will get surrounded by ice, though they may be able to create liquid-water chimneys in the ice.

Finally, TRAPPIST-1 -- a site called trappist.one
As to naming these planets, I've seen these: #7NamesFor7NewPlanets hashtag on Twitter -- numerous proposed names for the TRAPPIST-1 planets
Have Great Name Ideas for the TRAPPIST-1 Planets? NASA Wants to Hear Them
Twitter users suggest names for Trappist-1's new planets | Daily Mail Online
Planet McPlanetface and Earth 2s Plus 128GB Rose Gold : Hashtag asking Twitter users to name Trappist-1's new planets spurs hilarious suggestions
  • The hashtag #7NamesFor7NewPlanets has begun to circulate on Twitter
  • Many have added comical ideas, suggesting the likes of Planet McPlanetface
  • Others include the characters from Friends, and ‘Far from Trump’ planets 1-7
  • Some were heartfelt, suggesting they be named for crew killed on Challenger
  • But Nasa isn't taking suggestions, as planets will be named based on IAU process
Lost At Hogwarts‏ @LostAtHogwarts 3h3 hours ago
#7NamesFor7NewPlanets ... Tom Riddle's Diary ... Marvolo's Ring ... Slytherin's Locket ... Hufflepuff's Cup ... Ravenclaw's Diadem ... Nagini ... Harry Potter

Pramesh Shrestha‏ @pramesh_stha Feb 24
#7NamesFor7NewPlanets ... Pride ... Lust ... Gluttony ... Greed ... Sloth ... Envy ... Wrath

Scott Williams‏ @jswilliams1962 Feb 24
Planet Fitness ... Planet Hollywood ... Captain Planet ... Planet of the Apes ... Planet Coaster ... Pizza Planet ... Pluto#7NamesFor7NewPlanets

Alexandra Petri ... @petridishes
A Hoth Mess ... Can Long Endor ... Yavin DeGraw ... Sheep? Dagobah ... Temporary Tatooine ... No We Coruscant ... Alderaan 2#7NamesFor7NewPlanets

Alex ... @the_alexb00k
Tom Riddle's Diary ... Marvolo's Ring ... Slytherin's Locket ... Hufflepuff's Cup ... Ravenclaw's Diadem ... Nagini ... Harry Potter#7NamesFor7NewPlanets

JH ... @JBHinOC
Bach ... Mozart ... Haydn ... Beethoven ... Brahms ... Chopin ... Stravinsky#7NamesFor7NewPlanets

William Michaels ... @wmichaelsw
#7NamesFor7NewPlanets ... Carpenter ... Cooper ... Glenn ... Grissom ... Schirra ... Shepard ... Slayton

idiotcracy ... @idiotcracy
Planet McPlanetface ... Moonie McMoonface ... Rocky McRockface ... Icy McIceface ... Dusty McDustface ... Gasy McGasface ... Wanda#7NamesFor7NewPlanets
I thought this was a joke about the Earth not being a planet anymore. Thanks for being so serious science.
Here are my proposed names:

Star: (George) Adamski
Planets: Orthon ... Kalna ... Ilmuth ... Firkon ... Ramu ... Zuhl ... Desmond (Leslie)

The wiki is also pretty good:


There is a large spread for age of the Trappist-1, between 3 to 8 billion years.

I wonder about the how the energy (rather power) from tidal heating compares to the orbital energy of the planets. Are they slowing down much because of this? I haven't run any numbers to get perspective and have to crash now.


When you mentioned chemical disequilibria, is that from high temperature material being spewed out and flash cooled and now having a new thermodynamic imbalance?

cool paper:

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I wonder about the how the energy (rather power) from tidal heating compares to the orbital energy of the planets. Are they slowing down much because of this? I haven't run any numbers to get perspective and have to crash now.

One would have to track down a lot of stuff on tidal drag and planet modeling and and resonance-induced orbit eccentricities.

When you mentioned chemical disequilibria, is that from high temperature material being spewed out and flash cooled and now having a new thermodynamic imbalance?
Yes, that's part of it. There's another part: chemical composition. Water reacting with Fe++ will oxidize it to Fe+++ and release hydrogen, a reaction called serpentinization:
FeO + (1/2)*H2O -> (1/2)*Fe2O3 + (1/2)*H2

When a hydrothermal vent's water comes into contact with the surrounding ocean's water, this hydrogen may then react with carbon dioxide to produce a variety of organic molecules. That reaction may happen in the outer parts of the vent itself, where it is relatively hot and where the surrounding rock can act as a catalyst for chemical reactions (Earth Life May Have Originated at Deep-Sea Vents, etc.).

That's a serious problem for the putative habitability of worlds like Europa and Enceladus. Is there enough chemical disequilibrium to power organisms there?

There are some present-day Earth organisms that get their energy from combining H2 and CO2, notably methanogens. Those organisms are autotrophic, making all their biological molecules from inorganic precursors, as plants do. Methanogens are thus much like the Latest Universal Common Ancestor of all present-day Earth organisms, at least according to some notions of what the LUCA was like (The physiology and habitat of the last universal common ancestor. - PubMed - NCBI). So we ought to find methanogen-like organisms even if we find no other sorts of organisms.

Yes indeed. The paper is titled "PREBIOTIC CHEMISTRY Thermodynamics, Disequilibrium, Evolution: Far-From-Equilibrium Geological and Chemical Considerations for Origin-Of-Life Research"
That's a serious problem for the putative habitability of worlds like Europa and Enceladus. Is there enough chemical disequilibrium to power organisms there?
My trouble with questions like this is that it is founded on a terribly incomplete understanding of how life can develop. How life develops on one planet may have little in common with another. In general, it is about developing a process that is sustainable and capable of mutating, and in different environments that has to lead to different processes.
That's a serious problem for the putative habitability of worlds like Europa and Enceladus. Is there enough chemical disequilibrium to power organisms there?
My trouble with questions like this is that it is founded on a terribly incomplete understanding of how life can develop. How life develops on one planet may have little in common with another. In general, it is about developing a process that is sustainable and capable of mutating, and in different environments that has to lead to different processes.
Maybe specific processes will differ, but in general, it's necessary to have some disequilibrium as a source of energy. Not just to power organisms, but to do *anything*.
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