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Should America keep pursuing the Wolfowitz doctrine

Really? I see ruble (or should it be rubble?) tanking and the U$D doing quite well.
True, but I mean that Putin has begun to stop using the USD. He has been working on BRICS versions of various financial institutions. It would be silly to imagine that such steps would immediately cause the USD to fall.
The question is what will be the long term effects of Russia and China beginning to trade commodities in their own currencies?

Pretty slim. Commodities trading isn't a large proportion of cash movements, so changing the currency doesn't change much. It's not like these deals are part of the open market anyway. China's projected resource demand is significant, but that's not anything to do with Putin, or even the US.

And what will be the effect of the BRICS developing their own financial institutions to replace or compete with the present ones?

They've existed for decades. I'm looking at the Reserve Bank of India's national regulations right now.

All other things being equal, the effect of withdrawing from a military alliance is to increase the burden on each member.
Maybe they will use the opportunity to talk, negotiate and work together rather than spend all their money on weapons?
I'd love to think so, but that would involve doing things like condemning military annexation and proxy warfare regardless of the motivations. In other words, the obstacles to such an end are the US neo-cons, Putin, and you.

The whole world knows now that if you buy American hardware or software, it will be compromised.
So don't buy American. Happy to send anyone one of our brochures.
And what will be the effect of the BRICS developing their own financial institutions to replace or compete with the present ones?

They've existed for decades. I'm looking at the Reserve Bank of India's national regulations right now.
I meant this sort of thing.
BRICS to launch World Bank and IMF rivals

And alternatives to SWIFT being touted or developed.

I'd love to think so, but that would involve doing things like condemning military annexation and proxy warfare regardless of the motivations. In other words, the obstacles to such an end are the US neo-cons, Putin,
And that can't be done?

Glad you think so highly of me :)
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