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Should the riots really be about racism or police brutality?


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
Disclaimer: I have not seen the Floyd video because I do not watch television and it is censored by big brother on the internet. That being said, I have a pretty good idea what did happen. Namely that a bad cop put his leg on a black guys neck and needlessly killed him.

But according to this article here: https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/minnesota-cops-trained-israeli-forces-restraint-techniques the Minnesota cops were trained at putting their legs on suspects necks. But not just black suspect necks....white suspects as well. Add to that fact that blacks are not picked on anymore than whites when it comes to police brutality: https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/

I'll I'm saying is this. That the protests themselves probably have merit. But not because of racism but because of police brutality. A police state that has become more and more the norm with present day America. Police that are currently groomed and trained to be brutal.
Disclaimer: I have not seen the Floyd video because I do not watch television and it is censored by big brother on the internet. That being said, I have a pretty good idea what did happen. Namely that a bad cop put his foot on a black guys neck and needlessly killed him.

But according to this article here: https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/minnesota-cops-trained-israeli-forces-restraint-techniques the Minnesota cops were trained at putting their feet on suspects necks. But not just black suspect necks....white suspects as well. Add to that fact that blacks are not picked on anymore than whites when it comes to police brutality: https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/

I'll I'm saying is this. That the protests themselves probably have merit. But not because of racism. But because of police brutality that is a policy of training.

But anti-racism is the new religion. Facts aren’t important.
Disclaimer: I have not seen the Floyd video because I do not watch television and it is censored by big brother on the internet. That being said, I have a pretty good idea what did happen. Namely that a bad cop put his foot on a black guys neck and needlessly killed him.

But according to this article here: https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/minnesota-cops-trained-israeli-forces-restraint-techniques the Minnesota cops were trained at putting their feet on suspects necks. But not just black suspect necks....white suspects as well. Add to that fact that blacks are not picked on anymore than whites when it comes to police brutality: https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/

I'll I'm saying is this. That the protests themselves probably have merit. But not because of racism. But because of police brutality that is a policy of training.
The video is not censored on the internet - it is available in this thread.

Since at least 2016, the restraint used on Mr. Floyd by Officer Chauvin was not approved by the department.

And, the Minneapolis Police Department has a long history of mistrust by minority communities in the area. Earlier in this thread, I posted statistics that showed that blacks are picked on much more than whites for minor transgressions such as loitering and vagrancy. So, yeah, it is about racism in Minneapolis.
The video is not censored on the internet - it is available in this thread.
Not this thread. I know its not here because I started this thread. But if you know where I might find it, I would like to see it.
What’s curious is that Asians have the lowest interactions with police. What’s with this Asian privilege?
Earlier in this thread, I posted statistics that showed that blacks are picked on much more than whites for minor transgressions such as loitering and vagrancy. So, yeah, it is about racism in Minneapolis.
I have not seen that either. But even if true, loitering and vagrancy are very low ended crimes which would never bring about someones death nor subsequent rioting throughout the country.
That article doesn't actually support your claim, and the statistics you cited don't make the point you're trying to make - leaving aside that there's no comprehensive or consistent method of reporting for police shooting data.

What's your opinion on police brutality? For or against? Any recommendations on how to improve the situation, or is this thread just to tell people that racism isn't a problem?
That article doesn't actually support your claim, and the statistics you cited don't make the point you're trying to make - leaving aside that there's no comprehensive or consistent method of reporting for police shooting data.

What's your opinion on police brutality? For or against? Any recommendations on how to improve the situation, or is this thread just to tell people that racism isn't a problem?

I think that police brutality is a huge and serious problem in America. But I would not blame the officers so much as the systemic training they are receiving today. They used to be trained to shoot as a last resort but now they are trained to shoot first and protect themselves first.

Racism is still a minor problem too. But not because of white racisim against blacks so much identity politics gone wild. We should all be completely color blind. And the natiional reaction to the Floyd police brutality incident proves we are not there yet.
That there are instances where police use excess and unreasonable force cannot be disputed. Police are people, too; just as fallible and capable of malice. That there is systemic racism against a particular group is secular religion.
That article doesn't actually support your claim, and the statistics you cited don't make the point you're trying to make - leaving aside that there's no comprehensive or consistent method of reporting for police shooting data.

What's your opinion on police brutality? For or against? Any recommendations on how to improve the situation, or is this thread just to tell people that racism isn't a problem?

I think that police brutality is a huge and serious problem in America. But I would not blame the officers so much as the systemic training they are receiving today. They used to be trained to shoot as a last resort but now they are trained to shoot first and protect themselves first.

Racism is still a minor problem too. But not because of white racisim against blacks so much identity politics gone wild. We should all be completely color blind. And the natiional reaction to the Floyd police brutality incident proves we are not there yet.
At the very least implicit bias is a problem. See the Alabama case where a black male was corralled and summarily shot and killed, and the entire thing swept under the rug for a couple of months in an attempt to make it go away. Why? Because a couple white guys said the black guy was the aggressor.
That article doesn't actually support your claim, and the statistics you cited don't make the point you're trying to make - leaving aside that there's no comprehensive or consistent method of reporting for police shooting data.

What's your opinion on police brutality? For or against? Any recommendations on how to improve the situation, or is this thread just to tell people that racism isn't a problem?

I think that police brutality is a huge and serious problem in America. But I would not blame the officers so much as the systemic training they are receiving today. They used to be trained to shoot as a last resort but now they are trained to shoot first and protect themselves first.

Racism is still a minor problem too. But not because of white racisim against blacks so much identity politics gone wild. We should all be completely color blind. And the natiional reaction to the Floyd police brutality incident proves we are not there yet.
At the very least implicit bias is a problem. See the Alabama case where a black male was corralled and summarily shot and killed, and the entire thing swept under the rug for a couple of months in an attempt to make it go away. Why? Because a couple white guys said the black guy was the aggressor.

So your view is that cops only attempt cover ups when the victim is Black?
The OP reads a bunch like 'I don't know much about biology, but if evolution were true, why are there still monkeys?'

The OP is more like a hypothesis to be either proven true or not. Or at least that is what I intended. And if that works for science, I figure thats a good direction for my OP.
The nationwide (and now seems to be worldwide) protests are for the most part a bunch of woke kids taking to the streets in a "right on" manner with a number of celebrities jumping on the bandwagon to be seen as something or other. The incident in Minneapolis was a particularly ugly incident but as far as I am aware not a common occurrence. Derek Chauvin was a nasty piece of work and an asshole and police departments have been put on notice they need to weed these assholes out and the police unions need to stop trying to protect them.
Earlier in this thread, I posted statistics that showed that blacks are picked on much more than whites for minor transgressions such as loitering and vagrancy. So, yeah, it is about racism in Minneapolis.
I have not seen that either. But even if true, loitering and vagrancy are very low ended crimes which would never bring about someones death nor subsequent rioting throughout the country.
It shows there is racism and gives a foundation for the Minneapolis protests. I think it would be obvious that police brutality against blacks is a nationwide concern given the nationwide reaction.
Disclaimer: I have not seen the Floyd video because I do not watch television and it is censored by big brother on the internet. That being said, I have a pretty good idea what did happen. Namely that a bad cop put his foot on a black guys neck and needlessly killed him.

But according to this article here: https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/minnesota-cops-trained-israeli-forces-restraint-techniques the Minnesota cops were trained at putting their feet on suspects necks. But not just black suspect necks....white suspects as well. Add to that fact that blacks are not picked on anymore than whites when it comes to police brutality: https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/

I'll I'm saying is this. That the protests themselves probably have merit. But not because of racism. But because of police brutality that is a policy of training.
The video is not censored on the internet - it is available in this thread.

Since at least 2016, the restraint used on Mr. Floyd by Officer Chauvin was not approved by the department.

And, the Minneapolis Police Department has a long history of mistrust by minority communities in the area. Earlier in this thread, I posted statistics that showed that blacks are picked on much more than whites for minor transgressions such as loitering and vagrancy. So, yeah, it is about racism in Minneapolis.

It was a knee used, not feet.
White people really need to repent for their original sin. Over and over. Who told you to stop?
The OP reads a bunch like 'I don't know much about biology, but if evolution were true, why are there still monkeys?'

The OP is more like a hypothesis to be either proven true or not. Or at least that is what I intended. And if that works for science, I figure thats a good direction for my OP.

Hypothesis testing is an admirable goal for any thread.

So I'm not sure I agree with your comment on 'systematic training'. All of the data that I've looked at has shown that things like body cams, or additional training for police to recognize bias are not effective. Lots of money gets spent on this stuff, but there's little data collected to show efficacy and nothing I've seen has indicated that there have been any real success stories using these methods.

A few things that have been demonstrated to be effective:

Lots of information on this page https://www.joincampaignzero.org/research
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