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Should the riots really be about racism or police brutality?

B/c those white people were complaining about haircuts and not being able to drink beer in public rather than being murdered by cops. In fact, that they forced their way into buildings armed with military assault weapons w/o any reaction by police while an unarmed man posing no threat was strangled to death and thousands of unarmed people nonviolently objecting to this were violently brutalized by cops proves the racist problem. And the fact that those well armed whites pretend that their concern is authoritarian brutality but are opposing the protesting of the most clear and direct authoritarian fascism in a half century proves they are nothing but cowardly white supremacist who strongly support fascism when it steps on the necks of non-whites.
White people storm government buildings with assault rifles when they aren't allowed to have a haircut for two months. I shudder to think what they would do if they had to endure a lifetime of profiling, oversentencing, being Karen'd, voter disenfranchisement and being outright fucking murdered with zero consequences. Looking at it through that lens, Black Americans are almost as serene as the Buddha.

But we are forgetting the true victims here. Trausti is uncomfortable.

Weird how a week or so ago those horribly selfish White people were criticized for ignoring social distancing and gathering in large groups to protect their businesses and livelihoods. Now it’s okay to gather in large groups and destroy other people’s businesses and livelihoods. As Stalin said: who, whom?

B/c those white people were complaining about haircuts and not being able to drink beer in public rather than being murdered by cops.
Their claims about threats their livelihood are proven false by their opposition to the policies that would have protected their livelihoods, jobs, and incomes.

In fact, that they forced their way into buildings armed with military assault weapons w/o any reaction by police while an unarmed man posing no threat was strangled to death and thousands of unarmed people nonviolently objecting to this were violently brutalized by cops proves the racist problem. And the fact that those well armed whites pretend that their concern is authoritarian brutality but are opposing the protesting of the most clear and direct authoritarian fascism in a half century proves they are nothing but cowardly white supremacist who strongly support fascism when it steps on the necks of non-whites.
I hear an echo.
Disclaimer: I have not seen the Floyd video because I do not watch television and it is censored by big brother on the internet. That being said, I have a pretty good idea what did happen. Namely that a bad cop put his leg on a black guys neck and needlessly killed him.

But according to this article here: https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/minnesota-cops-trained-israeli-forces-restraint-techniques the Minnesota cops were trained at putting their legs on suspects necks. But not just black suspect necks....white suspects as well. Add to that fact that blacks are not picked on anymore than whites when it comes to police brutality: https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/

I'll I'm saying is this. That the protests themselves probably have merit. But not because of racism but because of police brutality. A police state that has become more and more the norm with present day America. Police that are currently groomed and trained to be brutal.

Personally, I think the protests should be more about police brutality and other issues with policing.

And secondarily perhaps about racial bias, but less so, imo.
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