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South Carolina Primary

I tend to disagree. Bloomberg is very popular in the northeast, but not so much in the rest of the country.
He would have time to change that by November.

I think that Bloomberg comes across as too autocratic and arrogant, which I don't think would help him in the general.
I do not agree with his authoritarianism (even on small things like soda), but he also comes across as competent and, most importantly, mentally fit. Unlike Biden who seems to be on mental decline. I fear a Trump-Biden debate will be like a bad Monty Python sketch - not really funny but still very bizarre and weird.

Plus, Bernie supports might vote for one of the other candidates in the general, but I think a lot of them will vote third party or not vote at all, if Bloomberg is the candidate. I agree that he should bow out. I agree that he mostly like won't. At least Styer dropped out last night, but he should have never gotten in.
I think Bloomchen will drop out if he underperforms tomorrow. Steyer went all in on SC and lost the pot so he quit. Bloomberg's entire strategy is based on ST, and so there is no way he will drop out before.

I'm not fond of any of the candidates and haven't been since the beginning, but I do think that Biden, with the right VP candidate would do better in the general than the other candidates. People seem to like him, other than the youngest ones. After being brutally attacked by both Trump and the Sanders base, it's amazing that he's still standing.
He is well liked. I am concerned what will happen if he is really in a mental decline and there is no "other Biden" left in the race to vote for instead.

Perhaps the way he is dealing with the potential pandemic and its impact on the economy might be his end. But, the lack of unity in the Democratic Party isn't going to help. When the country is experiencing difficult times, it's often hard to defeat an incumbent. So, here we are again, playing pundit. :D
Like James Carville said, it's the economy, stupid. If the economy is still feeling effects of COVID by November, or even more if COVID triggers a real recession, Trump will have a hard time winning. Perhaps even if Sanders is the nominee.

Amy just quit and is endorsing Biden. This is huge.

Unfortunately this will help Lying Liz. As the only woman in the race, the "vote XX no matter who" feminist brigades will coalesce behind her.
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