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Spacex Dragon Manned rocket to launch in about twenty minutes.

They just scrubbed the launch due to the weather. Next attempt will be Saturday.
They waited until the 15-minute mark, and had already fueled the first stage. Interesting that they let it go that far; hopefully not because SCROTUS was there.
I was pretty excited about this launch. Unfortunately, I won't be able to watch it live Saturday.
Maybe if you call them they will schedule the launch to a time when you will be free to watch.... can't hurt to try. :cool:

One would hope so. It's poor manners not to take other people's schedules into account.
I was pretty excited about this launch. Unfortunately, I won't be able to watch it live Saturday.
Maybe if you call them they will schedule the launch to a time when you will be free to watch.... can't hurt to try. :cool:

One would hope so. It's poor manners not to take other people's schedules into account.
That's what I was thinking. Musk (or Elon, as I call him) strikes me to be a rather amiable guy.
Anyone see video of the Falcon 9 sticking the landing? What I saw was cut-off just before-hand and then it was suddenly there on the barge. That would mean video cut out from two cameras, right?
Two things stuck out for me from watching the launch
1. I saw the launch of Apollo 11. This current rocket seesm to be no where as massive though that might be more of a function of its function i.e. a toddle off to the ISS and back rather than moon orbit
2. Getting that stage back on the barge. Imagine if they could have done that for the Apollo's.
Interesting. Bob and Doug thought the Dragon launch is rougher than the Space Shuttle launches were. I would have thought the solid rocket boosters would burn less smoothly than 100% liquid fuel. And that those fancy new seats they have on the Dragon would be pretty good shock absorbers.
Anyone see video of the Falcon 9 sticking the landing? What I saw was cut-off just before-hand and then it was suddenly there on the barge. That would mean video cut out from two cameras, right?

We will see that later. We normally lose the feed as the booster lands--the engine is powerful enough to shake the droneship and the tracking system on the satellite dish isn't good enough to compensate. Thus the dish goes off target and we lose the signal. The cameras are fine and the video is being saved.
Maybe the much greater mass of the shuttle compared to the dragon would explain that. A bowling ball's inertia does better at resisting shaking than a cue ball's inertia... 2 million Kg vs. 4.2 thousand Kg.

Right. And not to mention it's configured totally different than the space shuttle which was hanging from the side of the main rockets instead of at the top end. So damping was different. Also I got a look at the support structure on those fancy articulating seats and it looks pretty flimsy, especially in the lateral direction. The two seats seem to be braced in the flight position by two collapsible (pneumatic?) struts that allow the seats to be lowered for easier regress. Might have some weird resonances.
Maybe the much greater mass of the shuttle compared to the dragon would explain that. A bowling ball's inertia does better at resisting shaking than a cue ball's inertia... 2 million Kg vs. 4.2 thousand Kg.
You're comparing the shuttle including all its external rockets and fuel to just the the empty dragon capsule. The shuttle orbiter weighs 78000 kg empty.
It's all about failure to launch isn't it.

No. Wait. That's me when I was a horny teen.

I'm trying to capture something here. The E ticket?

Space is the technological mountain or deep sea dive thing for moderns.

We have no need for humans in rockets. Eyes are better put by cameras than by eyes in front of brains. We should have been mining the asteroid belt for the last 60 years since it is obvious there is too little of value here on earth to keep us either engaged or living well.

I know. Man was created to walkabout.

We need to evolve beyond that.
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