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Speculative Predictions on how the Trump presidency ends


Cyborg with a Tiara
Staff member
Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
What do you think? Reelection? Impeachment with resignation? Resignation before impeachment? Impeachment with conviction and removal? Secret Service accidentally puts him on a plane to Honduras and he gets deported? Aneurysm? 25th Amendment solution? Something else?
He is impeached, but thanks to the GOP Senators, is not removed. A mild recession finally sets in. Trump gets crazier and more senile. The situation in the Middle east deteriorates. Many lawsuits are in play. Election day, Trump loses in a landslide as massive turn out dooms him. Warren wins big, Trump disappears from view for few weeks. The Senate is flipped. The cleansing of the Augean stables of Washington begin.

In the end, angry women voters get credit for the kill. The first 100 days sees huge activity as Trump appointed officials are purged, and many Trump presidential directives are nullified and over turned. Huge spontaneous street parties break out after Trump loses.
At some point, I have to believe that the GOP is going to cut their losses. They hitched their wagon to Trump when it became clear he was going to win the nomination, but up until that point they were all (or mostly) dead set against him.

Is it the impeachment? The Ukraine thing? Abandoning the Kurds? I don't know. At some point, though, it has to build up to a critical mass where they either unhitch the wagon, or follow Trump off the cliff.

The only question that remains is, when do they arrive at that point?
They will not follow Trump off the cliff. They are only on his boat as long as his tide is coming in.
As they perceive his boat to be sinking, they will abandon. A few brave individuals at first, then a general slide. When a straw poll shows he will be impeached, and convicted, they will make a deal. Pence resigns, a replacement is chosen, someone as inoffensive as Ford was, Trump resigns, NewFord pardons him, he keeps ex-pres retirement benefits, GOP saves face, NewFord is lame duck fir remaining term.
House votes to impeach, Senate votes not to convict. SCROTUS serves out his term, but two months before Election Day, he announces he’s not running, so he can say he didn’t lose.
1pm on the 20th of January 2021 as he is dragged kicking and screaming out of the oval office by secret service agents
What will happen is literally only a guess.

There is no way of knowing as Trump continues to defy tradition, history, and how things have gone in the past. The Mueller Report should have been it. Now the Ukraine call should be it. I fear we'll walk up to the next thing that should have been it as well.

It is up to the GOP. Trump at his rallies is doing just about everything but calling immediately for a riot.
January 20, 1948, the mechanical heart of Cyborg Emperor Trump will finally stop beating, not because of any mechanical failure, but because it was ripped out of his chest by his child and successor, Barron, who, having previously eliminated all competition by killing off his siblings one by one, will ascend to the throne of the crumbing American Empire, to lead the remnants of civilization in the western hemisphere into the twilight of humanity.
1948??? Still trying the math on that.

I think it's a typo, but could also be that God-Emperor Trump found out that the Julian calendar is named after a person. And established the Trumpian Calendar. His calendar backdates to start in 200AD for reasons that made sense at the time...
Resignation. Public opinion has already breached the majority mark (and we’re nowhere near the deep end of impeachment) and Trump doing Putin’s bidding in regard to Syria has tipped the scales among Republicans In the Senate and Evangelicals (which directly impacts Republicans in the Senate). Plus, the number of ISIS fighters Trump just set free will be a significant sticking point for right-leaning Independents who are already the largest group to swing away from Trump.

But what no one is saying—but they’re all thinking—is why Trump felt he needed to enlist China and the Ukraine (and no doubt other corrupt nations) to manufacture fake evidence against Biden in order to beat him? We’re not talking about opposition research; we’re talking about a concentrated effort to get corrupt governments to counterfeit evidence against Biden. That’s a level of desperation that Trump can’t hide now and Republicans in the Senate up for re-election certainly know this as they try to redirect focus off of it publicly.

They have to be asking themselves, why is Trump going to such extremes?
Sometime in the near future, he will be ranting and raving about what a wonderful president he is, while eating a Big Mac. Suddenly, he chokes on a huge bite of the burger and he can't bring it back up. People surrounding him pretend that they don't know to do the Heimlich maneuver. Kelly Ann Conway gets up slowly to call for help, but by the time help arrives, he's already choked to death on his favorite food.

Well, it could happen.
Sometime in the near future, he will be ranting and raving about what a wonderful president he is, while eating a Big Mac. Suddenly, he chokes on a huge bite of the burger and he can't bring it back up. People surrounding him pretend that they don't know to do the Heimlich maneuver.
Trump starts choking and no one's willing to punch him in the stomach?

More likely "Today at 1130, President Trump choked while eating a Big Mac. His cabinet took immediate actions to save his life. He is now at Walter Reed, being treated for asphyxiation, an aggravated throat, a bruised liver, fourteen perforations in his intestines, a dislocated spleen, a ruptured stomach, bleeding from and/or into the following organs..."

Admiral Michael M. Gilday, the current CNO, was there. "Well, he was telling everyone how he great he was, and he wandered off into some story about how many people could fit on his yacht, and then he made these garbled sounds. I thought it was part of the story at first. Then someone said, "Hey, i think he's choking." And sure enough, he starts turning this weird shade of brown.
"And someone punched him, in the gut, you know? I think it was Homeland Security, i dunno, we haven't been introduced this week. Anyway, he laughs, says, "It's like ballistic gel!" and punches him again. And then everyone had to take a turn.
"His Secret Service? Yeah, they were there. One was up on the desk, shouting, "There's a lotta fat, there, be sure to put your back into it, to get through." And the other guy was over by the window, not yelling, but saying, "Punch from your knees." It was crazy."
The rumors that Trump choked on fast food while staff struggled to find someone with arms long enough to perform the Heimlich maneuver is just typical fake press from the fake news media. The President has the best esophagus, and is incapable of choking!

The man could die in his sleep and the White House staff would look at each other, completely incapable of knowing whether it was okay to tell the truth about his passing.
I think Trump will be narrowly reelected by a popular minority with lots of election fraud charges. His second term will be a repeat of the first. I just know too many of his supporters. They don't like Trumpo as much as they like hating liberals.

It's always been my belief that voters vote economics first and everything else second. Only a severe economic disruption will prevent his reelection.
Impeachment will be thwarted by the GOP. Trump will loose the 2020 election and demand a recount. He will loose the recount and refuse to go along with the peaceful transition of power. He''ll "indirectly" incite violence via speeches and twitter posts. The GOP will mainly continue to remain silent, show soft support &/or condemnation of his actions (like with Syria). People will die repeatedly in mass shootings for political reasons as domestic terrorism spirals out of control. President Warren will declare a national emergency as a result. Both Republic and Democrat law makers will pass a bipartisan bill to cull domestic terrorism that ultimately screws every American in some way. Trump will continue to Rally until he is finally thrown behind bars by the State of New York. Trump properties will go down like confederate status.
Survives impeachment. Loses reelection bid. Refuses to accompany Pocahontas to the inauguration; instead takes off from the WH lawn at noon. Melania divorces him. Spends the rest of his 70s continuing to blow farts on the country through rallies, tweets, and his own "news" network.
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