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Squad-member Rashida Tlaib reacts to Biden announcing a Jewish SecState ...


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs

And by the way, BDS movement IS antisemitic and I hope Biden administration does not reverse that.
You know there has to be a good deal of over-reaction when you search it and only find right-wing hit pieces and tabloid news. Also, there has been so much crying of wolf over her, it is tough to get riled up by the cries of people bemoaning her latest statements.
Rep. Tlaib said:
So long as he doesn't suppress my First Amendment right to speak out against [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu's racist and inhumane policies. The Palestinian people deserve equality and justice.
I agree that both sides need a voice in the Israel-Palestinian clusterfuck. But, it seems inappropriate that she jump to Israel, as if that is our biggest concern at the moment. Definitely feels tone deaf at best.

Her comment is hardly anti-Semtiic, however, Israel seems a bit too forward in her mind.
You know there has to be a good deal of over-reaction when you search it and only find right-wing hit pieces and tabloid news. Also, there has been so much crying of wolf over her, it is tough to get riled up by the cries of people bemoaning her latest statements.
Rep. Tlaib said:
So long as he doesn't suppress my First Amendment right to speak out against [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu's racist and inhumane policies. The Palestinian people deserve equality and justice.
I agree that both sides need a voice in the Israel-Palestinian clusterfuck. But, it seems inappropriate that she jump to Israel, as if that is our biggest concern at the moment. Definitely feels tone deaf at best.

Her comment is hardly anti-Semtiic, however, Israel seems a bit too forward in her mind.

It looks really odd to me, how she has become the whipping-boy of the right and in turn Israel becomes hers...
Fucking Arabs and Jews are STILL competing to become the Ones Who Destroy The World - just as it was 60 years ago.
I will say that her remark was quite hyperbolic, since nobody is going to take away her 1st amendment rights to express herself. But, there are plenty of reasons to criticize Israel, and criticizing the country has nothing to do with being anti-Semitic. There are plenty of Jewish people who live in Israel who are very unhappy and critical of their own leadership.

To me, Rashida's remarks appear to be childish, as she seems to assume that because an individual is Jewish, that individual is supportive of the leadership in Israel. That in itself seems rather biased to me.

I agree that Israel is far from our biggest concern right now, but after the recent murder of Iran's top nuclear scientist, which the Iranians are claiming was done by Israel, Israel might become a bigger problem that we might think. The last thing we need are more problems with Iran, while we are dealing with a lot of chaos and post election misinformation in the US.
I will say that her remark was quite hyperbolic, since nobody is going to take away her 1st amendment rights to express herself. But, there are plenty of reasons to criticize Israel, and criticizing the country has nothing to do with being anti-Semitic. There are plenty of Jewish people who live in Israel who are very unhappy and critical of their own leadership.

To me, Rashida's remarks appear to be childish, as she seems to assume that because an individual is Jewish, that individual is supportive of the leadership in Israel. That in itself seems rather biased to me.

I agree that Israel is far from our biggest concern right now, but after the recent murder of Iran's top nuclear scientist, which the Iranians are claiming was done by Israel, Israel might become a bigger problem that we might think. The last thing we need are more problems with Iran, while we are dealing with a lot of chaos and post election misinformation in the US.

There's so much here to discuss, it's hard to know where to start.

One big thing is the difference between "anti-Jewish", "anti -Israel", "criticism of the Israeli government" and the vague term "anti-Semitic".

Some of the most anti-Jewish people out there are Christian Zionists. They despise the Christ Killers, but look forward to Israel starting Armageddon. So they support us supplying military aid in hopes of starting WWIII. That will bring about Jesus's Second Coming, which they know all about from Revelation.

If the Christ Killers cause enough violence in the Holy Land, all their prophecies will be fulfilled and they'll all get Raptured.

I believe that there are more Zionists in Texas than Israel.
I will say that her remark was quite hyperbolic, since nobody is going to take away her 1st amendment rights to express herself. But, there are plenty of reasons to criticize Israel, and criticizing the country has nothing to do with being anti-Semitic. There are plenty of Jewish people who live in Israel who are very unhappy and critical of their own leadership.

One certainly can criticize Israel, but much of anti-Israel attitude on the far-Left and in the Islamic world (Rashida Tlaib is part of both far Left and of Islam) is antisemitic. When Israel is criticized in a way and for things that no other country is being criticized for, then that is most likely antisemitic. For example, when Israel is attacked for defending itself from aggression by terrrorists (btw, most of them Iran-funded and supported), then that's antisemitism, plain and simple.

But this tweet goes even further. She reacted to Biden choosing a Jewish SecState designate with an anti-Israel tweet. How would you call that if not antisemitic?

To me, Rashida's remarks appear to be childish, as she seems to assume that because an individual is Jewish, that individual is supportive of the leadership in Israel. That in itself seems rather biased to me.

Again, I would use a different adjective than "childish". And what if Blinken is supportive of Israel and their efforts to defend themselves from terrorism? What's wrong with that?

I agree that Israel is far from our biggest concern right now, but after the recent murder of Iran's top nuclear scientist, which the Iranians are claiming was done by Israel,
There is no evidence Israel did it, and Iran saying it does not constitute such evidence. The guy might have been killed as a part of some internal Iranian power struggle.
Not that Mossad doesn't operate in Iran. Mossad successfully liquidated an Al Qaeda terrorist in Tehran this year, and 8 years ago, they took out another Iranian nuclear weapons scientist. So, it is not impossible. But, it seems like a much messier kill than what Mossad is usually doing. In Iran at least they like motorcycles. The magnetic bomb is an especially elegant tactic.
It was reported that several of the assassins were killed. However their identity was not reported. Perhaps because they are not Israeli?

One other thing. If it was Israel, then it was not murder. The guy heading the Iranian nuclear weapon program is a combatant and Iranian nuclear weapons would constitute an existential threat to Israel. After all, Iran has threatened repeatedly to destroy Israel and Israeli proxies (Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad) have been attacking Israeli civilians for decades. Now even Houthis (another wholly owned subsidiary of IRGC) have threatened to attack an Israeli city.

Israel might become a bigger problem that we might think.
You mean "Iran might become a bigger problem"? Israel is one of US's best allies. Iran is an enemy.

The last thing we need are more problems with Iran, while we are dealing with a lot of chaos and post election misinformation in the US.

If Iran did not start a war over IRGC general being sent to his 72 virgins, I doubt they will do anything too major. At most they will instruct their lackeys in Gaza to shoot some rockets at Ashkelon.
One big thing is the difference between "anti-Jewish", "anti -Israel", "criticism of the Israeli government" and the vague term "anti-Semitic".
Those things are different, but there is a lot of overlap. For those rabidly anti-Israel like Tlaib, Omar et al, why do you think that is except for antisemitism?

Some of the most anti-Jewish people out there are Christian Zionists. They despise the Christ Killers, but look forward to Israel starting Armageddon. So they support us supplying military aid in hopes of starting WWIII. That will bring about Jesus's Second Coming, which they know all about from Revelation.
Do you have any evidence that this point of view is at all widespread among Christian Zionists?

If the Christ Killers cause enough violence in the Holy Land, all their prophecies will be fulfilled and they'll all get Raptured.
Isn't Rapture supposed to happen before the Tribulation?

I believe that there are more Zionists in Texas than Israel.

Given that Israel has a population of 9 million, while Texas has 29 million, that is hardly surprising.
It looks really odd to me, how she has become the whipping-boy of the right and in turn Israel becomes hers...
Boy? Why are you misgendering her?

Anyway, she had likely been anti-Israel long before most people ever heard of her.
Tlaib's tweet is anti-Semitic, by assuming that this is automatically a consideration in talking about/ assessing a Jewish person. Can you imagine how huffed she would be if someone made a similar terrorist-themed comment about an Islamic politician.
I look forward to Saint AOC's feisty reprimand of R. T.
You know there has to be a good deal of over-reaction when you search it and only find right-wing hit pieces and tabloid news. Also, there has been so much crying of wolf over her, it is tough to get riled up by the cries of people bemoaning her latest statements.
Unfortunately she and the rest of Sgt. Sandy's socialist squad are getting more powerful in the Democratic House caucus.

I agree that both sides need a voice in the Israel-Palestinian clusterfuck. But, it seems inappropriate that she jump to Israel, as if that is our biggest concern at the moment. Definitely feels tone deaf at best.
Nobody is trying to abridge her 1st Amendment rights. At the same time, I think it is right for US government to officially oppose the BDS movement, which is the spiritual child of the Nazi "Kauft nicht bei Juden" campaign.

Her comment is hardly anti-Semtiic, however, Israel seems a bit too forward in her mind.
She is reacting this way to the announcement of a Jewish SecState designate. How is that not antisemitic?
Well Derec, we obviously disagree somewhat. So, what else is new?

I don't see Israel as one of our greatest allies, at least not under its current leadership. And, I never said that Iran was correct in claiming that Israel was behind the murder of the nuclear scientist. I merely said that was Iran's claim. Finally, Iran doesn't have to be our enemy. There is much to criticize about the government of Iran, but in many ways, I see it as better than the government of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is supposed to one of our allies. That, I find rather disgusting. The biggest problem with Iran is theocracy. The people in Iran aren't the problem for the most part. I can't blame Iran for wanting to build up a nuclear defense when you consider how many nuclear weapons the US has. But, you and I have ventured way off topic and since we obviously disagree, I see no point on going on.

My criticism of Rashida is that she made a very bigoted, hyperbolic remark about a Jewish man, based on his Jewish identity. That was wrong. That's really all that was relevant and related to your OP. I do wish the so called squad would be a lot more thoughtful before tweeting or saying things.
Well Derec, we obviously disagree somewhat. So, what else is new?

I don't see Israel as one of our greatest allies, at least not under its current leadership. And, I never said that Iran was correct in claiming that Israel was behind the murder of the nuclear scientist. I merely said that was Iran's claim. Finally, Iran doesn't have to be our enemy. There is much to criticize about the government of Iran, but in many ways, I see it as better than the government of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is supposed to one of our allies. That, I find rather disgusting. The biggest problem with Iran is theocracy. The people in Iran aren't the problem for the most part. I can't blame Iran for wanting to build up a nuclear defense when you consider how many nuclear weapons the US has. But, you and I have ventured way off topic and since we obviously disagree, I see no point on going on.

My criticism of Rashida is that she made a very bigoted, hyperbolic remark about a Jewish man, based on his Jewish identity. That was wrong. That's really all that was relevant and related to your OP. I do wish the so called squad would be a lot more thoughtful before tweeting or saying things.

Neither are the people of Saudi Arabia. In both cases the problem is the government. Iran is just more willing to use military force--look at the wreckage they produce: Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. All three are major messes, all due to Iranian action.
You know there has to be a good deal of over-reaction when you search it and only find right-wing hit pieces and tabloid news.

Is The Guardian non-right-wing enough for you?


Her comment is hardly anti-Semtiic, however, Israel seems a bit too forward in her mind.
She is reacting this way to the announcement of a Jewish SecState designate. How is that not antisemitic?
Because it's not clear that she wouldn't have said exactly the same thing about a Christian or atheist Secretary of State nominee. There's context here. Blinken is going to replace Pompeo, and Pompeo has been involved in the government's anti-BDS efforts, and Blinken is also a known opponent of BDS. So Tlaib might well have expressed concern over whether the new SoS would carry on Pompeo's activities regardless of his religion/ethnicity. Of course the whole notion that "If you boycott them, we'll boycott you." is somehow a suppression of a person's First Amendment right to speak out is asinine; but having double standards shows only that Tlaib is a wingnut, not that she's antisemitic.
You know there has to be a good deal of over-reaction when you search it and only find right-wing hit pieces and tabloid news. Also, there has been so much crying of wolf over her, it is tough to get riled up by the cries of people bemoaning her latest statements.
Rep. Tlaib said:
So long as he doesn't suppress my First Amendment right to speak out against [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu's racist and inhumane policies. The Palestinian people deserve equality and justice.
I agree that both sides need a voice in the Israel-Palestinian clusterfuck. But, it seems inappropriate that she jump to Israel, as if that is our biggest concern at the moment. Definitely feels tone deaf at best.

Her comment is hardly anti-Semtiic, however, Israel seems a bit too forward in her mind.

I'd post my own screed here or whatever, but you pretty much nailed it on post 2.

Thing is, everyone does have a right to have issues that they look at as important now, always. We have obligations to have someone that looks at every issue of expressed concern for various communities with various global agendas. She leapt a bit quick here. But the OP is a tabloid level hit piece.
Antisemitism is often a trick accusation.

It's frequently incorrect, but that doesn't make it a trick accusation. People who get accused of antisemitism after criticizing Israel usually bring it on themselves by having blatant double standards: they condemn Israelis for relatively minor wrongs while giving a pass to much worse wrongs by their ingroups. So even if their reason for the double standard isn't hostility to Jews, they've gone out of their way to create the appearance of hostility to Jews. So when some onlooker stops there and doesn't look for the deeper explanation, that doesn't mean the onlooker is making a "trick accusation", as though he were trying to get away with a deception. He's just being superficial.

When western leftists have double standards about Israel, as so many do, the usual reason is that they're bigoted, not against Jews, but against the West. They divide groups of people into oppressor-group and victim-group categories; in a conflict between westerners and nonwesterners the westerners are automatically presumed to be an oppressor group. That's why we see a BDS movement against Israel for pouring settlers into the West Bank but no BDS movement against Turkey for pouring settlers into Cyprus. Greeks are westerners, so the Turks must not be the oppressors.
You know there has to be a good deal of over-reaction when you search it and only find right-wing hit pieces and tabloid news. Also, there has been so much crying of wolf over her, it is tough to get riled up by the cries of people bemoaning her latest statements.
Rep. Tlaib said:
So long as he doesn't suppress my First Amendment right to speak out against [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu's racist and inhumane policies. The Palestinian people deserve equality and justice.
I agree that both sides need a voice in the Israel-Palestinian clusterfuck. But, it seems inappropriate that she jump to Israel, as if that is our biggest concern at the moment. Definitely feels tone deaf at best.

Her comment is hardly anti-Semtiic, however, Israel seems a bit too forward in her mind.

I'd post my own screed here or whatever, but you pretty much nailed it on post 2.

Thing is, everyone does have a right to have issues that they look at as important now, always. We have obligations to have someone that looks at every issue of expressed concern for various communities with various global agendas. She leapt a bit quick here. But the OP is a tabloid level hit piece.

She quickly leapt into revealing her anti-Semitic bigotry. Not only Trump does blatant dogwhistles. I gather Saint OAC still hasn't come out with a feisty critique of her erstwhile pal's comment.
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