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Star Trek Discovery?

So apparently this show is part of the original TOS-TNG timeline and allegedly has nothing to do with the JJ Abrams universe. Yet it has all the atmosphere and lens flare of the latter and none of the moral/social commentary of the former. For a TV series that was meant to have a story arc over a season there was way, way too much filler in the episodes. Season one could have been condensed to six episodes maximum and you still wouldn't have missed anything important. The main characters were as engaging and as developed as d-list characters from Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead and hold about as much interest. I didn't not give a flying fuck when Prime Georgiou, Landry, Culber or Lorca died, there was zero suspense.

Also, what was the reason for the change of the Klingons? Not just the appearance but ship design as well. Vulcans and Andorians (aka space elf and unemployed Blue Man Group) were apparently "alien" enough, but Klingons apparently needed a massive overhaul and their culture and back story had to be shredded. None of the explanations I've seen hold up to more than five seconds of scrutiny. I'm still confounded as to why other than Alex Kurtzman feels it is his mission to ensure everything he touches goes to shit.

Thank you. That clip pretty much covers everything. Your point on it being fanfic I agree with as well. I remember a movie critic mentioning Terminator: Genisys as Terminator: Fanfic and I think that applies here as well. Discovery is the Terminator: Genisys of the Star Trek franchise
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