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Stephen Miller's anti-immigration policies would have kept his own ancestors out

I think it is important to highlight a critical term in the OP title.


That doesn't read anti-illegal immigration, it is anti-immigration. The powers that be running the right-wing at this moment are shifting so far to the right that they are radicalizing the party, at least in the White House. The GOP outside the White House has yet to actually grow a spine. This isn't about stemming illegal immigration into the US, it is about American "purity" and other such bullshit. A stray Persaid meteoroid can't hit Miller fast enough.
I'm sure if confronted on this, he'd be the first to don Melania's "I don't care..." coat.
Perhaps we can make the rules he supports even stricter then.

Say, retroactive...
I think it is important to highlight a critical term in the OP title.


That doesn't read anti-illegal immigration, it is anti-immigration. The powers that be running the right-wing at this moment are shifting so far to the right that they are radicalizing the party, at least in the White House. The GOP outside the White House has yet to actually grow a spine. This isn't about stemming illegal immigration into the US, it is about American "purity" and other such bullshit. A stray Persaid meteoroid can't hit Miller fast enough.

Talk about immigration was always proxy talk for racism. The current administration is just being a lot less careful about masking the racism subtext.
I think it is important to highlight a critical term in the OP title.


That doesn't read anti-illegal immigration, it is anti-immigration. The powers that be running the right-wing at this moment are shifting so far to the right that they are radicalizing the party, at least in the White House. The GOP outside the White House has yet to actually grow a spine. This isn't about stemming illegal immigration into the US, it is about American "purity" and other such bullshit. A stray Persaid meteoroid can't hit Miller fast enough.

Talk about immigration was always proxy talk for racism. The current administration is just being a lot less careful about masking the racism subtext.
Generally it was anti-Hispanic, now they are full on ethnocentric.
I think it is important to highlight a critical term in the OP title.


That doesn't read anti-illegal immigration, it is anti-immigration. The powers that be running the right-wing at this moment are shifting so far to the right that they are radicalizing the party, at least in the White House. The GOP outside the White House has yet to actually grow a spine. This isn't about stemming illegal immigration into the US, it is about American "purity" and other such bullshit. A stray Persaid meteoroid can't hit Miller fast enough.

Talk about immigration was always proxy talk for racism. The current administration is just being a lot less careful about masking the racism subtext.
Generally it was anti-Hispanic, now they are full on ethnocentric.

It's anti-Hispanic now, but before that it was Italians and Irish. You can follow it all the way back to people bitching about German immigrants during the time of the founding fathers. It's all just anti-America rhetoric about whatever happens to be identified as The Other in a particular era.
He is just doing what Jews do in Israel

(21:30 is the best part)

Smart, honorable man. /ourguy/ you could say.

He is just doing what Jews do in Israel

(21:30 is the best part)

Smart, honorable man. /ourguy/ you could say.

I get that you approve of ethnic cleansing, but do you agree that Miller should self-deport to prove that he's serious about those immigration policies, or is it OK for him to just be a giant hypocrite because you think laws should be selectively enforced based on race?
Little Stevie's uncle isn't happy with him.

Let me tell you a story about Stephen Miller and chain migration.

It begins at the turn of the 20th century, in a dirt-floor shack in the village of Antopol, a shtetl of subsistence farmers in what is now Belarus. Beset by violent anti-Jewish pogroms and forced childhood conscription in the Czar’s army, the patriarch of the shack, Wolf-Leib Glosser, fled a village where his forebears had lived for centuries and took his chances in America.

He set foot on Ellis Island on January 7, 1903, with $8 to his name. Though fluent in Polish, Russian and Yiddish, he understood no English. An elder son, Nathan, soon followed. By street corner peddling and sweatshop toil, Wolf-Leib and Nathan sent enough money home to pay off debts and buy the immediate family’s passage to America in 1906. That group included young Sam Glosser, who with his family settled in the western Pennsylvania city of Johnstown, a booming coal and steel town that was a magnet for other hardworking immigrants. The Glosser family quickly progressed from selling goods from a horse and wagon to owning a haberdashery in Johnstown run by Nathan and Wolf-Leib to a chain of supermarkets and discount department stores run by my grandfather, Sam, and the next generation of Glossers, including my dad, Izzy. It was big enough to be listed on the AMEX stock exchange and employed thousands of people over time. In the span of some 80 years and five decades, this family emerged from poverty in a hostile country to become a prosperous, educated clan of merchants, scholars, professionals, and, most important, American citizens.

What does this classically American tale have to do with Stephen Miller? Well, Izzy Glosser is his maternal grandfather, and Stephen’s mother, Miriam, is my sister.

ETA: This asshole descendent of immigrants became so Americanized he turned into a nazi fuck. And people are worried about the muslims.
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