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The alarming link between the increase in ‘despair deaths’ and counties that voted for Donald Trump


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
Perhaps not surprising that voting for trumpo is actually dangerous....

[FONT=&quot]The 2016 election brought to light a cohort of Americans whom activist Michael Moore tried to warn the country about before the 2016 presidential election.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“From Green Bay to Pittsburgh, this, my friends, is the middle of England – broken, depressed, struggling – the smokestacks strewn across the countryside with the carcass of what we use to call the Middle Class,” Moore wrote in his viral article “5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win,” which compared Middle America to Brexit.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]A new analysis by researchers at Columbia University, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine this week, has corroborated Moore’s theory about the men and women previous politicians have seemingly left behind.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]According to the study, there is an alarming link between an increase in “despair deaths” – a term which describes deaths caused by drug overdoses, alcohol or suicide – and counties that voted for Trump. In other words, those who have been left behind — the ones who voted for Trump, because they presumably thought his presidency would improve their quality of life — are enduring higher despair death rates.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“Although life expectancy is increasing in many parts of the country, especially in urban areas, we’re not seeing nearly the same gains in rural and middle America. We shouldn’t underestimate the degree to which some portions of the country have been left behind in terms of their health,”said study leader Lee Goldman, chief executive of Columbia University’s Irving Medical Center, in a press release. “And it’s not surprising that health disparities correspond with voting behavior.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The study started when Dr. Goldman and his team of researchers hypothesized that changes in health outlook may have impacted the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. To test this hypothesis, they used data from America’s 3,112 counties to observe changes in presidential voting and death rates. The results concluded counties that had a net percentage increase of those who voted for the winning 2016 presidential candidate had a 15 percent higher 2015 age-adjusted death rate than those counties with a net increase in Democratic voters. The rise in deaths caused by alcohol, drugs and suicide was 2.5 times higher in 2016 those counties, too.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“It’s commonly argued that President Trump won by receiving more votes from people who have been left behind economically — especially older, less-educated, and less-urban, white voters,” Dr. Goldman said. “Based on our data, we can also say that changes in life expectancy were an independent factor in voting choices. Reduced health prospects are an important marker of dissatisfaction, discouragement, hopelessness and fear — sentiments that may have resonated with voters who sided with President Trump. Although correlation does not imply causality, our findings also suggest that plausible improvements in life expectancy in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin might have shifted their electoral votes to Secretary Clinton.”[/FONT]

Are these the people that actually voted for the trumpster fire, or just from the same areas?

If it's the former, I'm gonna have a hard time drumming up any sympathy. If it's the latter, it's more reason to wish it was the former....
Are these the people that actually voted for the trumpster fire, or just from the same areas?

If it's the former, I'm gonna have a hard time drumming up any sympathy. If it's the latter, it's more reason to wish it was the former....

I expect there's a correlation. The factors which would cause these deaths are the same ones which would cause someone to just want to say fuck you to the system that's left them behind and buy into Trump's rhetoric.
Cool! Let's do murder next.



Cool! Let's do murder next.

Why do I get the feeling that murder map isn't displaying murders per captia and is instead simply capita? I just checked and yes it is.:rolleyes:

When you make these kinds of mistakes it really reflects badly on you and the people you try to represent.

Yes, we already know that there are more people living in cities and therefore the total number of murders is going to be higher in city counties. And we know that people who aren't afraid to live in a city are more likely to vote D instead of R. So when you try to link a map which shows concentrations of murders (but is really just a rough proxy for population density) with a chart that represents voting tendencies it is clear you are trying to imply that D voters are somehow connected to murders.

But all you are really doing here is making yourself look ignorant and gullible.
Global trade and automation have made a lot of money for some, and devastated those in the rust belts.

That money should have been spread around. It never "trickled down" amazingly enough. While I like what Obama did for the US, it seems he could have done more here.

Voting republican was not the solution.
The people that I know who voted for Trump are mainly middle class to upper-class white males;

  • some who are lifelong Republicans and would never vote for a Democrat
  • some who are religious and see the Republican party as the only way to return the country to the days when everyone was religious
  • some who listen to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Neil Boortz, and others on the radio the entire time they are in their cars
  • some who watch Fox News exclusively
  • some who voted for the tax cuts for themselves
  • some who are libertarians and as a result are too confused by reality to be able to say why they vote Republican
But uniting them all was a desire to toss a bomb into the workings of the federal government. To them, this is what Trump promised to do and this is what he has done.

I know many couples where the husband voted for Trump and the wife voted for Clinton. Our county is purple in that it voted for Clinton with a slim majority, but our congressman is a Trump supporting Republican because the state legislature included just enough of the rural county north of us to give him a ~2% victory in 2016. The district will flip to Democratic this year or in 2020, without additional redistricting.

I live in a prosperous neighborhood of doctors, lawyers, engineers, business executives, and other professionals, people who moved here because of the good schools but who still send their own children to private schools. As a result, we don't have many people who are dying from "dispair deaths." But an increasing number of their children have died or on the path to die from drug addiction. I have heard of two in the last two weeks, one of the two was in my boy scout troop. One died and the other is trying to recover, a process that seems to have to be attempted multiple times before it can be successful.

1) Population is highly concentrated in a few counties. This doesn't show that much.

2) Crime is concentrated where there is population density. Duh--much harder for criminals to function in rural areas.
Why do you suppose Trausti didn't pick other things like obesity, people on welfare, infant/pregnancy mortality, illiteracy, or other topics that also point to 'bad' living areas?

It's a mystery.... ;)
Why do you suppose Trausti didn't pick other things like obesity, people on welfare, infant/pregnancy mortality, illiteracy, or other topics that also point to 'bad' living areas?

It's a mystery.... ;)

No mystery of course...
Teen births:

Welfare Recipients:


Any questions?
Which god? Loki? ;)

Sadly, that large, really bad looking chunk in the 4-corners area is mostly indian reservation area, where the US government continues to fuck over the native population. :(
Which god? Loki? ;)

Sadly, that large, really bad looking chunk in the 4-corners area is mostly indian reservation area, where the US government continues to fuck over the native population. :(

Yup. I am surprised that the Dakotas aren't darker, given what I hear from my Lakota friends.
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