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The alkaline diet


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

article said:
The alkaline diet is a diet fad that started gaining popularity in around 2010, based on the notion that it's possible to alter your blood pH through a change in diet to make it more alkaline, receiving numerous health benefits.

While alternative health in general is stupid given that science is a proven method of making valid health claims and abandoning that necessarily results in health claims of unknown veracity, but even by alternative health standards this one always struck me as eye-gougingly stupid.

First, anyone who took high school chemistry knows that alkaline is the word for rare earth elements. The correct word for substances of a high pH value is "basic" not "alkaline." Right off the bat the name is an indication that you are not dealing with a valid science claim. Worse, this claim ignores basic elementary-school biology.

Cold-blooded animals become lethargic if the environment is not at some optimal temperature. Warm-blooded animals can remain energetic at a wider range of temperatures, but there is a tradeoff. If our internal temperature or pH varies by even a little bit, we lose the ability to process oxygen and we die. This is basic to the definition of warm-blooded, and every elementary school child should learn this at some point. Our bodies go through a lot of trouble to make sure our internal blood pH remains the same regardless of what is going on[ent]mdash[/ent]including changes in what we eat[ent]mdash[/ent]because we would die otherwise.

If it were possible to change our blood pH through diet changes, doing so would kill us.

Thus we have two possibilities: either the alternative health nuts are right and it's possible to change blood pH through diet, in which case going on an alkaline diet would kill you, or else alternative health nuts are wrong and an alkaline diet can't possibly change your blood pH and they're just taking your money.

Carl Sagan, Neil Tyson, and others have argued that science knowledge protects us from charlatans, but in this case even the most basic (pun intended, sorry) grade-school understanding of science should have prevented this bit of pseudoscience from ever becoming popular in the first place, and yet it didn't.

What the hell is wrong with people? Why has basic education failed to protect us from these predatory lunatics?
I tend to agree, but acidity is quite mysterious to many people even if they have taken basic biology and chemistry. It can certainly be difficult to explain why having a blood pH that is a little too high will cause problems. However, my favourite example in explaining to people that it does cause problems is the effects of hyperventilation: many people are familiar with the dizziness and tingling that is associated with breathing too fast, and this is the result of forcing the concentration of carbon dioxide too low, which results in a pH that is too high. Even if someone does not understand the mechanism, it is a relatively simply demonstration of what happens when pH rises by even a small amount.


ETA: Of course I also like to point out that the natural pH of the contents of the stomach is around 2 (generally 1.5-3.5, similar to lemon juice), the stomach will react to basic food by releasing more hydrochloric acid to keep the pH that low, and indeed proteins will not be digested properly if the pH is somehow forced to climb to anywhere near neutrality.
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