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The census need not be accurate

Titled link: Constitution doesn't require census to be accurate, Trump administration says - CNNPolitics

Hansi Lo Wang • 9️⃣? DAYS on Twitter: "NEW: Emails show career officials at the Census Bureau tried to warn the Trump admin that cutting the #2020Census schedule short would lead to "fatal data quality flaws that are unacceptable" and risked the perception of "politically-manipulated results." https://t.co/gp2TIWDR82" / Twitter

Trump Officials Release Emails Behind Decision To Shorten Census : NPR
Weeks before the Trump administration announced it was cutting the 2020 census schedule short, career officials at the Census Bureau attempted to send signal flares about how that last-minute decision would lead to "fatal" data problems with the national head count and the perception of "politically-manipulated results."

Internal emails and memos, which were released this weekend as part of a federal lawsuit in California, show career officials trying to hold the integrity of the once-a-decade count together in the last weeks of July amid mounting pressure from the administration to abandon the extended timeline it had previously approved in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Shortening that schedule, a draft document dated July 23 warned, "will result in a census that has fatal data quality flaws that are unacceptable for a Constitutionally-mandated national activity."

With counting now set to end on Sept. 30, the revelations come shortly before federal courts are expected to decide whether to order the administration to keep tallying the country's residents through Oct. 31.
Rich coming from your side that wants to have everyone here, regardless of citizenship, to be counted for the Electoral College.

Allocation of public resources and so on, sure.
Rich coming from your side that wants to have everyone here, regardless of citizenship, to be counted for the Electoral College.

Allocation of public resources and so on, sure.

And who are you willing to exclude other than illegals, children, off-color types, democrats, felons and poor people?
Rich coming from your side that wants to have everyone here, regardless of citizenship, to be counted for the Electoral College.

Allocation of public resources and so on, sure.

Because the Constitution doesn't say anything about it only being citizens that are counted. The point of cutting it off early is that the hard to count populations are disproportionately Democrat. It also looks like they fucked it up badly in Puerto Rico--tons of people who completed it on-line are being asked to complete it because they haven't.

left and right nutcases meet at wanting one billion Americans. Matthew Yglesias on Glenn Beck.


left and right nutcases meet at wanting one billion Americans. Matthew Yglesias on Glenn Beck.

Really. Not like we can't fuck this planet up and make it uninhabitable with only a half billion Americans.
Kyle Griffin on Twitter: ".@AOC has repurposed $1 million from her campaign operation to spread the word about the census, using digital ads, flyers and phone banks to encourage people in her district, half of whom are immigrants, to participate. https://t.co/wNkkrlPg8q" / Twitter - "With a little more than a week left before the deadline to complete the census, so-called counters have been knocking on doors across the country in order to boost the number of people included. In New York City, their work has been supplemented by a million-dollar effort from Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."
Rich coming from your side that wants to have everyone here, regardless of citizenship, to be counted for the Electoral College.

Allocation of public resources and so on, sure.

Who says "regardless of citizenship", besides you? Link?
Rich coming from your side that wants to have everyone here, regardless of citizenship, to be counted for the Electoral College.

Allocation of public resources and so on, sure.

Who says "regardless of citizenship", besides you? Link?



Are undocumented residents included in the apportionment population counts?

Yes, all people (citizens and noncitizens) with a usual residence in the 50 states are included in the resident population for the census, which means they are all included in the apportionment counts.
Ruling Against Shortening Count Adds to Questions Raised About Census - The New York Times - "In two high-profile cases, the courts have pushed back at the Trump administration’s efforts to change the decennial count of all the nation’s residents."
Twice in the last 15 months, federal courts have scrutinized rationales offered by the Trump administration for trying to upend key parts of the 2020 census, and twice judges have found them wanting.

The first was in June 2019, when the administration said it wanted to belatedly add a question about citizenship to the census to help enforce the Voting Rights Act, a reason the Supreme Court politely called “contrived.”

The second was on Thursday, when a federal district judge in California ruled that the Commerce Department had “never articulated a satisfactory explanation” for its decision to end the census months earlier than had been planned.

Which raises these questions: What is the administration trying to do with the census? Why has it not been clearer about its reasons? And what does its approach portend?
Ruling Against Shortening Count Adds to Questions Raised About Census - The New York Times - "In two high-profile cases, the courts have pushed back at the Trump administration’s efforts to change the decennial count of all the nation’s residents."
Twice in the last 15 months, federal courts have scrutinized rationales offered by the Trump administration for trying to upend key parts of the 2020 census, and twice judges have found them wanting.

The first was in June 2019, when the administration said it wanted to belatedly add a question about citizenship to the census to help enforce the Voting Rights Act, a reason the Supreme Court politely called “contrived.”

The second was on Thursday, when a federal district judge in California ruled that the Commerce Department had “never articulated a satisfactory explanation” for its decision to end the census months earlier than had been planned.

Which raises these questions: What is the administration trying to do with the census? Why has it not been clearer about its reasons? And what does its approach portend?

But they've already gotten rid of a lot of the people. That's not something you can undo in the remaining time.
Census Count Can Be Cut Short, Supreme Court Rules - The New York Times - datelined Oct 13
The order was a major victory for the Trump administration, which had been rebuffed by both district and appeals courts in its effort to end the count early. It was a bitter defeat for state and local governments and advocacy groups that had sued to keep the population count going despite the administration’s determination to shut it down.
But at least they will have done the first half of this month.
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