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The Dark Side Of Walt Disney

Some of the images appear to support the claim. Wasn't Disney associated with the occult? The subliminal images and the numbers 666 apparently incorporated in his signature, etc, seem to suggest that he had a 'dark side' with a hidden agenda.
Disney is a massive marketing super power aimed at children. Their goal is what Yogurt references in Spaceballs, merchandising, via a relentless marketing campaign targeted at young children.
The subliminal images and the numbers 666 apparently incorporated in his signature, etc, seem to suggest that he had a 'dark side' with a hidden agenda.
From what i've heard, the subliminal images in the movies are overworked and undercompensated artists slipping them in as a protest.
It's not Walt as much as a 'fuck you' TO Walt or other corporate overlords.
A snake in sheep's clothing -- he named names...

He went well beyond just naming names during the Red Scare witch hunts. He formed an organization called, The Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, whose purpose was to assemble people willing to aid congress in its hunt for "communists", or more accurately hunt and destroy liberals and labor organizers under the guise of hunting communists. He not only named "communists" himself, he went out of his way to supply the committee with other people willing to give them names. Additional members of this anti liberty organization included John Wayne, Ayn Rand, Clark Gable, and Ronald Reagan.
The subliminal images and the numbers 666 apparently incorporated in his signature, etc, seem to suggest that he had a 'dark side' with a hidden agenda.
From what i've heard, the subliminal images in the movies are overworked and undercompensated artists slipping them in as a protest.
It's not Walt as much as a 'fuck you' TO Walt or other corporate overlords.

Probably right. Not that I support their views, or even care, but I see the conspiracy theorists go a lot further than that:


''The idea that Walt Disney was a secret Satanist is typically considered an urban legend by many people. And while it is not the purpose of this website to dwell too long on this issue, we should at least consider some clear facts:

1) He had an ongoing acquaintance with Anton Levay, the author of the Satanic Bible and the leader of the Church of Satan.

2) Likewise, Anton Levay considered him highly, to such an extent that he would openly state that the followers of Satan should consider Walt Disney as one of their "guides!"

3) Anton Levay also (in that same reference) connects Walt Disney with Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, the Russian composer who wrote the orchestral tone poem Night on Bald Mountain. This was the piece featured in the part of Disney's Fantasia by the same name--the one which has a clearly Satanic theme!''
Anton Levay considered him highly, to such an extent that he would openly state that the followers of Satan should consider Walt Disney as one of their "guides!"

This would be unsurprising if found to be true. As anyone who has read a bit of the Satanic Bible knows, Levey's philosophy is similar to Ayn Rand's, and Disney is, after all, the quintessential capitalist media empire.

In any case, your choice of source material doesn't seem at all prestigious in the least.
2) Likewise, Anton Levay considered him highly, to such an extent that he would openly state that the followers of Satan should consider Walt Disney as one of their "guides!"'
Yeah, well, marketing has always been a problem for hte Satanic Church.
I can easily imagine Levay, Hubbard and Cayce kneeling at Walt's cash box chanting 'teach me sensei.'
In any case, your choice of source material doesn't seem at all prestigious in the least.

Like I said, it's not something I'm arguing for. The choice of material simply had the essential ingredients of the subject matter from the perspective of conspiracy theorists, the subliminal images, 666 incorporated in Disney's signature, etc. Obviously some of the stuff is there for anyone to see. It's just a question of how much of the rest of it accurate.
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