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The President-Select?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Someone here claimed that if Joe Biden becomes President and Kamala Harris succeeds him while he is in office, then KH would be known as the President-select.

But I don't think that that has ever happened to any other Vice President who succeeded a President who departed from office early, either by dying or by resigning.

  1. William Henry Harrison - died - John Tyler
  2. Zachary Taylor - died - Millard Fillmore
  3. Abraham Lincoln - killed - Andrew Johnson
  4. James Garfield - killed - Chester Arthur
  5. William McKinley - killed - Theodore Roosevelt
  6. Warren Harding - died - Calvin Coolidge
  7. Franklin Delano Roosevelt - died - Harry Truman
  8. John Fitzgerald Kennedy - killed - Lyndon Baines Johnson
  9. Richard Nixon - resigned - Gerald Ford
"Died" as opposed to "killed" is dying of natural causes.
Let's now see what sort of electoral history each Veep had had.

John Tyler:
  • 1836: supported by various Whigs as VP for two Whig Presidential candidates (the Whig Party ran 4 candidates for President that year in the hope of throwing the election into the House)
  • 1840: nominated by the Whig convention of the previous year

Millard Fillmore:
  • 1844: placed 3rd in the Whig convention's vote
  • 1848: nominated by the Whig convention

Andrew Johnson:
  • 1864: nominated by the Republican convention

Chester Arthur:
  • 1880: nominated by the Republican convention

Theodore Roosevelt:
  • 1900: nominated by the Republican convention

Calvin Coolidge:
  • 1920: nominated by the Republican convention (placed roughly 7th in Presidential vote)

Harry Truman:
  • 1944: nominated by the Democratic convention

  • 1956: (placed 3rd in Presidential vote)
  • 1960: nominated by the Democratic convention (placed 2nd in Presidential vote)

Jerry Ford:
  • 1973: appointed by President Richard Nixon to succeed his previous VP, Spiro Agnew

So if one uses the criterion of almost making it as a Presidential nominee, then LBJ is the only one who fits.
Looking at the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates ( 2020 Democratic Party presidential primaries), the first to enter the race was John Delaney, in 2017 Jul 28. He dropped out in 2020 Jan 28 and endorsed Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris was the 6th to enter the race, doing so in 2019 Jan 21. She was the 14th one to drop out, doing so in 2019 Dec 3, and endorsing JB.

This Wikipedia article lists 14 candidates who dropped out before the primaries, and 10 candidates who dropped out during them.
If people didn’t like the idea of Harris becoming President then they didn’t have to vote on the ticket. It’s not her fault that some people don’t know how the country works.
Honestly, I'm not fond of Biden or Harris. He's too old school and she's too young school.

But the TeaParty left me no choice. It was them or 2016's loser Trump. He's gotten worse with age and power.

I very much wish the GOP had replaced Trump with a solid Republican statesman like Richard Lugar. I voted for Senator Lugar(R) every chance I got, most of my adult life. When he got primaried by the TeaParty, in favor of a dumbass (who advocated public flogging as a low cost cost solution to the rising cost of incarceration), I just gave up on the GOP. I became a straight ticket Democrat voter.

I don't see that changing any time soon, because Republicans keep reinforcing my opinion that they can't win elections by taking care of the American people. They must resort to rigging the system and fake news, or they'd be out of business.
When your game is plutocratic populism, you've got to play a dirty hand -- division, dog whistling, making it harder to vote, and by God get a man like Trump who can lie, lie, lie.
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