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Shadowy Man
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    • Shadowy Man
      those papers, starting with Sotet’s apply a scientific definition to your idea using dynamical and mass properties. Whether it is a...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      It started out as the guy who came in second for President. Imagine a Biden/Trump administration!
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Given the dearth of formal requirements for the position, what would be considered “qualified” will remain a subjective assessment. So...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man reacted to Copernicus's post in the thread The Race For 2024 with Like Like.
      Imagine if she had given birth to 5 children after 3 divorces in which she had cheated on her earlier husbands by the one she married...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread The Race For 2024.
      My comment wasn’t about Trump as yours wasn’t. I thought I was just correcting an inaccurate statement of fact. It’s not a...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      To be fair, it’s not like Trump works a lot in one day.
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man reacted to Politesse's post in the thread Racism And Kamala Harris with Like Like.
      And yet, they attack people like Kamala Harris, whose credentials and record are both well known and above reproach, accusing them of...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread The Race For 2024.
      so, you have your own interpretation of section 3 of the 14th amendment?
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Yes, “college” sorority, to distinguish it from other sororities, like those in high school or elementary school.
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      And the worst part about Harris’ DEI hire is that we’ll never know whether a white man could have done a better job than her as Vice...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Will the Republicans be willing to get rid of justice Barrett and judge Cannon, because according to their logic those are clearly DEI...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Sorry. Forgot to mention that this was her first interview as VP nominee. She’d already been governor of Alaska at this point so there...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      Well , it never improved from there. She came across as someone completely uninformed on and uninterested in national issues. She...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      In her first major television interview she got stumped by the question “what magazines do you read?” And instead of being honest about...
    • Shadowy Man
      Shadowy Man replied to the thread Racism And Kamala Harris.
      I think it was response to just this: “but I haven't actually seen anything from conservatives or republicans that focus on the race or...
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