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The Republican Voting Fraud

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
We hear about how felons are voting, illegals are voting, destroying America. Yet it seems that the true fraud going on is coming from the Republican side. They aren't trying to stuff the box though. They just want to take it away.

Georgia not registering voters who have registered to vote.

article said:
The suit was brought by the groups after roughly one third of the more than 100,000 mostly minority voters they'd registered hadn't appeared on the rolls, potentially disenfranchising thousands of mostly Democratic voters. The decision could lead to chaos next week as they try to vote and are forced to do so provisionally, and may well lead to additional legal challenges after the election.

Republicans Try to Close Collegiate Poll Location where 1/3 of the voters in the county are located.

article said:
This hub of activity had since 2006 been the location of a polling station for national elections, easily accessible for the 18,000 people who studied here.
The local elections board decided to remove ballot boxes from campus for this year's election, leaving the university without a site for early voting.
Similar thing to what is happening in Georgia happened in Florida during the 2000 election and we all know how that ended.

I live in NC and my kid went to App. State.

Peep this

North Carolina Passes the Country's Worst Voter Suppression Law

The bill mandates strict voter ID to cast a ballot (no student IDs, no public employee IDs, etc.), even though 318,000 registered voters lack the narrow forms of acceptable ID according to the state’s own numbers and there have been no recorded prosecutions of voter impersonation in the past decade. The bill cuts the number of early voting days by a week, even though 56 percent of North Carolinians voted early in 2012. The bill eliminates same-day voter registration during the early voting period, even though 96,000 people used it during the general election in 2012 and states that have adopted the convenient reform have the highest voter turnout in the country. African-Americans are 23 percent of registered voters in the state, but made up 28 percent of early voters in 2012, 33 percent of those who used same-day registration and 34 percent of those without state-issued ID.

And that’s just the start of it. In short, the bill eliminates practically everything that encourages people to vote in North Carolina, replaced by unnecessary and burdensome new restrictions. At the same time, the bill expands the influence of unregulated corporate influence in state elections. Just what our democracy needs—more money and less voting!
We hear about how felons are voting, illegals are voting, destroying America. Yet it seems that the true fraud going on is coming from the Republican side. They aren't trying to stuff the box though. They just want to take it away.

Georgia not registering voters who have registered to vote.

Republicans Try to Close Collegiate Poll Location where 1/3 of the voters in the county are located.

article said:
This hub of activity had since 2006 been the location of a polling station for national elections, easily accessible for the 18,000 people who studied here.
The local elections board decided to remove ballot boxes from campus for this year's election, leaving the university without a site for early voting.

On the first one, what is the official reason given on why they haven't appeared? Is Georgia still promising to count the provincial ballots to all valid registrations?

The second one seems corrupt. What criteria do you think are valid when determing where to have polling locations and when to remove or move locations? How do we minimize the impact of bias in those tasked with carrying out such policies?
Iphone 6 and many android phones have fingerprint scanners. Associate your fingerprint to your identification and simply scan your print when accessing your voter app on your (or your friends) smartphone and vote directly from your phone. Register to vote with your print on the registration app. This should be a 21st century voting option. Dumb government probably won't implement smartphone voting for another 20 years at least.
We hear about how felons are voting, illegals are voting, destroying America. Yet it seems that the true fraud going on is coming from the Republican side. They aren't trying to stuff the box though. They just want to take it away.

Georgia not registering voters who have registered to vote.
This is a very poorly written article. It doesn't say what the reasoning was behind rejecting some of the 100,000 registrations (most were accepted, so there must be something different about those that were rejected). It also doesn't say anything about the reasoning for the judicial ruling. The only people quoted were a NAACP person and a Democratic lawmaker, hardly unbiased.

About the second story, I find this idea of monthlong voting quite strange (as I do the idea of ID-less voting for that matter). Is there another country in the world that does it that way?
We hear about how felons are voting, illegals are voting, destroying America. Yet it seems that the true fraud going on is coming from the Republican side. They aren't trying to stuff the box though. They just want to take it away.

Georgia not registering voters who have registered to vote.
This is a very poorly written article. It doesn't say what the reasoning was behind rejecting some of the 100,000 registrations (most were accepted, so there must be something different about those that were rejected).
Who said anything about rejecting? This is about not processing them in time.
It also doesn't say anything about the reasoning for the judicial ruling. The only people quoted were a NAACP person and a Democratic lawmaker, hardly unbiased.
The judge ruled that their rights hadn't been violated until after the election. Then they can sue.

About the second story, I find this idea of monthlong voting quite strange (as I do the idea of ID-less voting for that matter). Is there another country in the world that does it that way?
That is called changing the subject. A Judge already ruled that the closing was a strictly partisan decision and it had to be reopened. When you have 1/3 of your county's voters at a single location, it makes sense to have a poll there.

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Iphone 6 and many android phones have fingerprint scanners. Associate your fingerprint to your identification and simply scan your print when accessing your voter app on your (or your friends) smartphone and vote directly from your phone. Register to vote with your print on the registration app. This should be a 21st century voting option. Dumb government probably won't implement smartphone voting for another 20 years at least.
You seem to be making a mistake that any of this stuff has to do with fair and impartial elections.
We hear about how felons are voting, illegals are voting, destroying America. Yet it seems that the true fraud going on is coming from the Republican side. They aren't trying to stuff the box though. They just want to take it away.

Georgia not registering voters who have registered to vote.

It's encouraging to see your interest in voter fraud, a phenomenon some of your like-minded peers deny as even existing. However, your "example" of election official fraud is an unproven, seemingly baseless allegation - the kind of hysterics from the racially charged left we hear before elections... and that usually dies for lack of merit.

From a more disinterested source (or two):


The national Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights filed the suit Oct. 10, alleging tens of thousands of voters who it believes registered properly have been lost in the system.

The group wanted court-ordered mandates, including for the state and three Georgia counties to hire more staff to process applications, investigate where they went or for a court-appointed monitor to issue recommendations.

State and county officials, however, said they have already processed all applications sent to them by the state’s Oct. 6 registration deadline. They also argued that plans already existed to assist voters, including working with local applicants to verify their information or allowing voters to cast provisional ballots on Election Day pending verification of their identity.


ATLANTA (AP) — Amid a scramble for political supremacy in rapidly changing Georgia, Democrats and Republicans are pointing fingers over the handling of as many 50,000 voter registration forms as the Nov. 4 election looms....

But now the group's leaders say they cannot find about 40,000 of those names on official voter lists maintained by Secretary of State Brian Kemp, a Republican, with 10,000 more names listed as "pending."

...The lawsuit comes after Kemp publicly launched an investigation of Abrams' group, alleging it submitted forged applications. State officials later said they confirmed 25 forgeries...

Kemp calls the lawsuit "frivolous." He maintains that all applications have been processed and that all eligible voters will have access to ballots for the Nov. 4 election.

"It is time for the New Georgia Project and others to stop throwing out random numbers and baseless accusations and let the counties continue to do their jobs," Kemp said last week.

...Kemp said after reviewing the list of supposedly missing names, officials found 513 names that match deceased voters; 1,637 that match ineligible felons; and 4,300 whose forms were incomplete or had invalid addresses.

So either you believe the groups leaders claims, or you believe the multiple sources of State and County officials. And all this over a mostly "non-issue" as Georgia law already provides voters a provisional ballot if their registration cannot be verified at the time of voting.
article said:
This hub of activity had since 2006 been the location of a polling station for national elections, easily accessible for the 18,000 people who studied here.
The local elections board decided to remove ballot boxes from campus for this year's election, leaving the university without a site for early voting.

Technically this not voter fraud, it is a seemingly attempt to dampen voting by closing (one) polling station. But what was the Chicago level perfidy of this act in Boone? Students would have to go to a station a daunting 1/2 mile, located in the centre of Boone, the town in which this university sits. And besides, it is sooooo difficult for a young person to walk (or drive) a 1/2 mile. Students are "busy with lectures" don't you know?

Mind you, us oldsters go to a polling station about 1/2 mile from where I live.

This "example" smacks of an annoyance turned into a ginned crisis.
Who said anything about rejecting? This is about not processing them in time.
Is that what happened? In that case I do not see what the big fuss is about. That's what you can expect if you submit 100,000 registrations at the last minute. They have to be checked. And as maxparish's link above states, a number of the registrations have been found to be fraudulent.
The judge ruled that their rights hadn't been violated until after the election. Then they can sue.
Also seems reasonable, especially since they can submit provisional ballots.
That is called changing the subject. A Judge already ruled that the closing was a strictly partisan decision and it had to be reopened. When you have 1/3 of your county's voters at a single location, it makes sense to have a poll there.
No argument with the judge's ruling but not really changing the subject as the subject is early voting. So do you know the answer to my question?
Technically this not voter fraud

I agree. Sounds more like election fraud to me.

No, its not. There is nothing fraudulent about the votes - it makes it slightly less convenient to vote, but it's not turning away voters, tossing ballots, or intimidating them. It's not nice of the election board to close a polling station, but a polling place off campus is not a big deal. As the young (and middle-age) can walk, jog, bike, and drive I see this as a non-issue. In my area, which is hilly, a 1/2 mile is not "voter suppression" except for the incredibly fat assed, non-driving, and lazy. Even our 88 years get out and vote.

The "poor me", "we are special", "we are too busy" victimhood carping of the American college student is astounding.
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Now if you want an example of real election suppression, tampering and corruption consider Noxubee County and its Election Officials (among others).

Some counties in the United States have outrageous and implausible percentages of voting age citizens registered to vote. Consider just a few. Noxubee County, where widespread voter fraud was proven in the case I litigated of United States v. Ike Brown, has 113% of voting age citizens eligible to vote.4 In the case, the United States presented evidence of in-person voter impersonation. But Noxubee isn’t even the worst county in Mississippi. Ten counties have higher percentages than 113%, including Tunica where 2011 saw multiple voter fraud convictions, and Claiborne County, Mississippi, where 162% of eligible voting age population is on the rolls. Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann has begged these counties to clean up their corrupted rolls, but Mississippi law provides him no statutory weaponry, except begging. The Justice Department has the power to step in and sue states and counties to clean up their rolls, but it deliberately refuses to act.


The "poor me", "we are special" victimhood carping of the American college student is astounding.
I think they are just modeling the victimhood carping of conservatives and Tea Partiers. What is truly astounding is the defense of election manipulation and fraud by supposed high-minded conservatives.
good lord . . . I googled "Noxubee County voter fraud" and this site was on the first page!

niggermania.net to a thread called "Niggers and Voter Fraud".

I feel dirty and a little sick.

I blame you max. :(
good lord . . . I googled "Noxubee County voter fraud" and this site was on the first page!

niggermania.net to a thread called "Niggers and Voter Fraud".

I feel dirty and a little sick.

I blame you max. :(

Wow :eek:

"There are currently 180 users online. 33 members and 147 guests

Niggermania Forum Statistics
Threads 71,039 Posts 533,536 Members 11,075"
good lord . . . I googled "Noxubee County voter fraud" and this site was on the first page!

niggermania.net to a thread called "Niggers and Voter Fraud".

I feel dirty and a little sick.

I blame you max. :(

Wow :eek:

"There are currently 180 users online. 33 members and 147 guests

Niggermania Forum Statistics
Threads 71,039 Posts 533,536 Members 11,075"
Those numbers must be wrong because we are constantly reassured that racism is an isolated and rare phenomena.
good lord . . . I googled "Noxubee County voter fraud" and this site was on the first page!

niggermania.net to a thread called "Niggers and Voter Fraud".

I feel dirty and a little sick.

I blame you max. :(

Odd that your eyes did not fixate on one of 9 other search results preceding that one. But why question serendipity? The next page has another interesting entry on voter fraud:

Law enforcement officials have charged 12 people with using absentee ballots to skew an election in Georgia.

“As a result of their grand jury findings, 12 individuals were indicted in that particular matter and we will be trying that case in a court of judicial law instead of a court of public opinion,” District Attorney Joe Mulholland told the local TV station, WALB.

The charges followed a bitter November 2010 school board election in Brooks County in which the final tally was changed by an unusually large wave of absentee ballots.

During the election, 1,060 absentee votes were cast out of the 1,403 ballots mailed out to people who requested them, according to a July 2010 report by WCTV.

That’s far higher than nearby Thomas County, which had 119 absentee votes cast out of 202 requests, and Lowndes County, which had 169 absentee votes cast out of 439 requests, said WCTV’s report.

The 12 people charged are aligned with the Democratic Party.

News of the arrests followed The Daily Caller’s interview with former Alabama Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, in which he said voter identification laws are needed to counter ballot fraud in local elections.

“What I have seen in my state, in my region, is the the most aggressive practitioners of voter fraud are local machines who are tied lock, stock and barrel to the special interests in their communities — the landfills, the casino operators —and they’re cooking the [ballot] boxes on election day, they’re manufacturing absentee ballots, they’re voting [in the names of] people named Donald Duck because they want to control politics and thwart progress,” he told The DC.


Perhaps Artur Davis ought to discuss voter ID with his fellow democrats, given that they represent the determined opposition against checking a voter ID, and other obvious measures.
Bullskatee .There has been a long history of Repuglickan effort to make voting harder.They hate the "get out the vote" movements.It is amazing how well the ignorant masses have been duped into voting against their own best interest.Voter fraud: one big ass fucking RED HERRING!
Bullskatee .There has been a long history of Repuglickan effort to make voting harder.They hate the "get out the vote" movements.It is amazing how well the ignorant masses have been duped into voting against their own best interest.Voter fraud: one big ass fucking RED HERRING!

Interesting. Your really don't deny that Democratic machine(s) have been guilty of voter fraud, so you change the subject to Republicans making voting harder. That is, of course, true. Republicans do try to make it harder for those who wish to commit fraud...a goal you seem to loath.
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