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The secret meeting in Georgia to undue Trump


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
I'm betting most everyone here on this board will find this good news:


To sum this up, there was basically a secret meeting on an island in Georgia just for the billionaires and elites. And their purpose was to calculate how they will get rid of Trump.

So everyone here who hates Trump can feel at peace to knowing America's most powerful people want exactly the same thing that you do. Then to add to that fact, it now appears that Romney is actively behind the scenes showing a very good chance of the republican nomination right now. I've certainly watched part of the republican freak show but I did not know about the Romney angle at all until I read this here: http://www.investingchannel.com/art...y-Winning-The-Election?page_no=1#.VuLsaX0rLGg

"Behind the scenes, much more is going on. In fact, CNN is reporting that Romney’s team is actively working on a plan to steal the nomination from Trump at the convention…....If by some miracle he does survive to become the nominee, a significantly weakened Trump would then have to face the full power of the Clinton political machine. It is estimated that a billion dollars could be spent on the Democratic side this time around, and Trump does not have the resources to match that. Normally big Republican donors rally around the nominee, but in this case the big money is fighting like crazy to defeat Trump. In a general election matchup, it really would be David vs. Goliath, and Trump would not be Goliath."

So we know that the billionaires don't like Trump and they probably don't like Bernie either. I'm thinking they just want everything to stay the same with Hillary if possible. And it goes without saying that they also want a politician they can put on their payroll, whether that person wears blue pants or red.

Maybe we will be looking at a general contest between Romney and Clinton. And if that happens, there will be a ton of Trump republicans pissed off and staying home. But there will also be a ton of Bernie supporters staying home so probably a tight race with hardly anyone voting. But the people who actually run this country won't care who wins between those two candidates because they are safe candidates. Neither of them will touch any real issues that plague America nor will they resolve anything that is broken today.

Here is a pretty decent short video that sums it all up:
I really don't think you can equate the Sanders supporters with the a Trump supporters in terms of what they'll do during the election. Sanders is going to be actively campaigning for Clinton and working to get his deportees out to the polls. There's no real schism between the candidates. Trump hates the others and they hate him and their supporters follow suit.

The fracturing of the GOP has no equivalent on the Dem side.
Trump and his supporters have nothing to worry about if Romney is running the anti-Trump campaign.

As an aside, I was in Mo. visiting my father and the local TV is inundated with anti-Trump ads from groups like the Club for Growth.
Never underestimate the power of the aristocracy to flout, undermine, re-interpret or otherwise avoid inconvenient laws and regulations, and whatever alternative is nominated is unlikely to change things for those who are pissed off at the status quo.
Billionaires know how to navigate the status quo. The status quo is their friend. Any threat to the status quo is a threat to their fortunes.
I'm betting most everyone here on this board will find this good news:
No I don't because I would like America to stop bombing and invading other countries who pose no threat.

Are you saying that Trump is a better choice than Clinton or Romney for this? I see him as trying hard to write bombing orders with his little fingers as soon as he can - with a shout and a taunt and a FUCK YOU!
No I don't because I would like America to stop bombing and invading other countries who pose no threat.

Are you saying that Trump is a better choice than Clinton or Romney for this? I see him as trying hard to write bombing orders with his little fingers as soon as he can - with a shout and a taunt and a FUCK YOU!

If you look at my thread about searching for the peace candidate, you'll find that Trump has the second best grade. I was surprised too.
I really don't think you can equate the Sanders supporters with the a Trump supporters in terms of what they'll do during the election. Sanders is going to be actively campaigning for Clinton and working to get his deportees out to the polls. There's no real schism between the candidates. Trump hates the others and they hate him and their supporters follow suit.

The fracturing of the GOP has no equivalent on the Dem side.
I hear this, Sanders is the Democrat's Trump.

Also, this idea that the Sanders supporters will stay home... Trump will likely have the plurality of delegates but won't have enough for the nomination. Trump's positions are generally in line with the Republican Party (as much as they are pretending they aren't). There is no carrot to hand out for appeasement. He won't be the nominee, his supporters have no where to go but home.

Sanders was never going to win enough delegates for the nomination, however, he has won enough to give his platform a voice and if he can win a few more states, he gets a bigger opportunity to require Hillary Clinton takes up some part of his platform to get him on stage with her, to keep the Sanders voting block around.
Why do the elites hate Trump so much? Trump is one of them.

It's the problem with having the primary where the candidate chosen represents the base but not enough of the whole group to win the candidacy. They want someone that appeals to the whole Republican party and not just a significant part of it.
Why do the elites hate Trump so much? Trump is one of them.

It's the problem with having the primary where the candidate chosen represents the base but not enough of the whole group to win the candidacy. They want someone that appeals to the whole Republican party and not just a significant part of it.
You misspelled "The rich establishment part" of the party.
It's the problem with having the primary where the candidate chosen represents the base but not enough of the whole group to win the candidacy. They want someone that appeals to the whole Republican party and not just a significant part of it.
You misspelled "The rich establishment part" of the party.

I'll agree. The part of the Republican party that agrees with the economic policies of the Republican party and not the other parts of Trump's plans. A Hillary Trump campaign will become who hates their party choice the most.
You misspelled "The rich establishment part" of the party.

I'll agree. The part of the Republican party that agrees with the economic policies of the Republican party and not the other parts of Trump's plans. A Hillary Trump campaign will become who hates their party choice the most.
Trump? Trump isn't going to be the nominee. Cruz is winning conservative states, Trump isn't going to win enough of the proportional delegates to get a majority.

This election cycle has been unique as far as contemporary elections are concerned. There are any number of outcomes for the General Election, as far as turnout.
While I really don't like Trump and think he'd be a disaster as president, to me this is just another example of the rich and powerful using their wealth to influence an election. I don't like it when it's done against my interests so, to be fair, I shouldn't like it when the shoe is on the other foot.
While I really don't like Trump and think he'd be a disaster as president, to me this is just another example of the rich and powerful using their wealth to influence an election. I don't like it when it's done against my interests so, to be fair, I shouldn't like it when the shoe is on the other foot.

Yes, it's a bit of a conundrum. Trump is the one whom the voters is picking and yet he'd be disasterous. However, the GOP does need to concern itself with the party as a whole. Their strategy to cater to the voters whom Trump is appealling to has blown up in their faces and they need to do something about it. Their two choices are to deny the will of the voters, which costs them this election but leaves them with the opportunity to rebuild the party afterwards and become a reasonable alternative to the Democrats in future elections or accept the will of the voters and guarantee Democratic control of the Presidency for the next generation.
While I really don't like Trump and think he'd be a disaster as president, to me this is just another example of the rich and powerful using their wealth to influence an election.
As opposed to when they sit back and let the people decide? :confused:
I think the Republican elite have waited too long to derail the Trump train. If he wins Florida and Ohio, it is basically over for them.
Is Trump projected to get >50% of the delegates?
According to google he currently has 43.56%. That effectively means he currently loses nomination.
Trump represents a very dangerous phenomenon to the GOP. He will probably win the primaries but will probably lose the general election. He is fracturing the GOP in a way that the GOP establishment can't predict. They have worked for years, since Reagan, to run America, but are having big problems with tea party crazies, bomb throwers like Cruz, and now, here comes Trump what happens now? The leaders of the GOP who have been working in the trenches for decades have no clear path to going back to saner days and sane politics. The barbarians are in the gates and nobody knows who they really are. The anger of so many against the elites, establishment and politics as usual scares them.

If Trump falls, will he walk away from politics, or start a new movement? Will the Cruzites rise from the wreckage and take over, leading the GOP into the wilderness? What happens next? Long term for the GOP?

Its obvious for the GOP that the GOP is on the cusp of big changes, but nobody knows what and how to build a better GOP that can win the presidency, ride out the coming demographic changes of the future. If I was a long time GOP insider, I'd be very scared of what seems to be happening.

As far as I can see, the GOP will break up into regional parties, evangelical states here, tea party states there, old line Republicans over there, all battling for dominance in Congress. Lots of Freedom Caucus outfits of various ideological bents. As Trump is demonstrating, the obvious standard factions are not the only factions in play now.

With Eric Cantor and Boehner run out of office, the mainstream GOP leaders feel the breathe of change down their necks, and Trump has pulled up all the sign posts to a way out of the swamp. And there doesn't seem to be a Reagan on the horizon anywhere. For better or worse, Reagan was to a large degree a unifier, politically, I don't see anybody who can do what Reagan did. Neither can the GOP elites of any sort, mainstream, tea party or Trumpistas.

This is going to be a very interesting puzzle over the next decade. Perhaps we may see some sort of strange mutant GOP arise out of the wreckage.
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