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The secret meeting in Georgia to undue Trump

The Republicans are not a political party in any real sense.

A political party has divisions and spreads itself across the spectrum.

The Republicans vote in lock step in the Congress.

That only happens when freedom of thought is forbidden

The Republicans are much closer to a cult than a political party.
The Republicans are not a political party in any real sense.

A political party has divisions and spreads itself across the spectrum.

The Republicans vote in lock step in the Congress.

That only happens when freedom of thought is forbidden

The Republicans are much closer to a cult than a political party.

So do the Democrats. Why do you only single out Republicans in this instance?

House and Senate lawmakers from both parties on average voted more often with their caucus majorities in 2013 than they did in 2012. House Republicans set a record for party support, voting on average with their caucus 92 percent of the time, up from 90 percent. Likewise, Senate Democrats set a record, raising their average party unity score to 94 percent from the previous record of 92 percent.



Senate Democrats voted unanimously on 52 percent of the party unity votes in 2013 – an all-time high for either party in either chamber, up from 40 percent in 2012. The previous high was 2011’s 46 percent. Senate Republicans were unanimous on 31 percent, well above the 13 percent they recorded in 2012 and up from the 26 percent rate they had in 2011.

So do the Democrats. Why do you only single out Republicans in this instance?

House and Senate lawmakers from both parties on average voted more often with their caucus majorities in 2013 than they did in 2012. House Republicans set a record for party support, voting on average with their caucus 92 percent of the time, up from 90 percent. Likewise, Senate Democrats set a record, raising their average party unity score to 94 percent from the previous record of 92 percent.


Fine. They are both cults.

Except the Democrats are really a cult + Bernie.
I think the Republican elite have waited too long to derail the Trump train. If he wins Florida and Ohio, it is basically over for them.
Really depends on how Kasich does after Rubio quits Wednesday morning. There are big pots left, winner take all, like California. I believe 716 delegates remain in those primaries (about half of remaining delegates). Trump need 777 to win the nomination.

The remaining states, if a three horse race gets to the convention means that he'll be fighting for every delegate he doesn't win in the WTA with the others, ie he gets 40%, that means around 40% of the delegates, or about 280. 280 to his existing tally gives him 840, meaning he needs 497 from the WTAs.

Ohio is lost, so there 650 remaining. He can lose 153 more and get to the magic number. California would be all it would take to keep him out.
Why do the elites hate Trump so much? Trump is one of them.

It's the problem with having the primary where the candidate chosen represents the base but not enough of the whole group to win the candidacy. They want someone that appeals to the whole Republican party and not just a significant part of it.

There's really no such thing. The religious right is still holding firm on gay marriage and abortion. Any candidate with moderate views, no matter how well tempered with terms such as "government intervention in people's private lives" can be nominated. Any candidate who toes the line can not be elected.

The GOP has long been a collection of factions with little overlap. What they used to call the "big tent" simply doesn't exist because there is no room for compromise with extremists.
I think the Republican elite have waited too long to derail the Trump train. If he wins Florida and Ohio, it is basically over for them.
Really depends on how Kasich does after Rubio quits Wednesday morning. There are big pots left, winner take all, like California. I believe 716 delegates remain in those primaries (about half of remaining delegates). Trump need 777 to win the nomination.

The remaining states, if a three horse race gets to the convention means that he'll be fighting for every delegate he doesn't win in the WTA with the others, ie he gets 40%, that means around 40% of the delegates, or about 280. 280 to his existing tally gives him 840, meaning he needs 497 from the WTAs.

Ohio is lost, so there 650 remaining. He can lose 153 more and get to the magic number. California would be all it would take to keep him out.
Trump has 300 more delegates than Kasich and 400 more than Rubio. If he wins Florida and Ohio, he adds over 160 delegates regardless what happens in the other primaries on Tuesday. If he wins Florida, Rubio should be toast. If he wins Ohio, Kasich should be toast. That leaves Cruz, who is disliked as much (if not more) in the Republican establishment. And if Trump wins half the other available delegates on Tuesday, that is another additional 90 delegates, putting him at 710 delegates with a commanding lead over Cruz. But the key to this is Trump winning Florida and Ohio on Tuesday.
No I don't because I would like America to stop bombing and invading other countries who pose no threat.

Are you saying that Trump is a better choice than Clinton or Romney for this? I see him as trying hard to write bombing orders with his little fingers as soon as he can - with a shout and a taunt and a FUCK YOU!

No question about it. The establishment in America, both parties, have undertaken a monstrous campaign of war crimes this century, bombing and invading countries on the basis of documented lies, killing untold innocent civilians.
Yet these same people seem to have hypnotised people to think that Trump is more of a monster.
It's laughable
Really depends on how Kasich does after Rubio quits Wednesday morning. There are big pots left, winner take all, like California. I believe 716 delegates remain in those primaries (about half of remaining delegates). Trump need 777 to win the nomination.

The remaining states, if a three horse race gets to the convention means that he'll be fighting for every delegate he doesn't win in the WTA with the others, ie he gets 40%, that means around 40% of the delegates, or about 280. 280 to his existing tally gives him 840, meaning he needs 497 from the WTAs.

Ohio is lost, so there 650 remaining. He can lose 153 more and get to the magic number. California would be all it would take to keep him out.
Trump has 300 more delegates than Kasich and 400 more than Rubio. If he wins Florida and Ohio, he adds over 160 delegates regardless what happens in the other primaries on Tuesday. If he wins Florida, Rubio should be toast. If he wins Ohio, Kasich should be toast. That leaves Cruz, who is disliked as much (if not more) in the Republican establishment. And if Trump wins half the other available delegates on Tuesday, that is another additional 90 delegates, putting him at 710 delegates with a commanding lead over Cruz. But the key to this is Trump winning Florida and Ohio on Tuesday.
Trump isn't winning Ohio. So those delegates are lost. If the Republicans want Cruz and Trump out, they will keep Kasich in and fight with everything they have to win California and the northern states. With Rubio out, that will help Kasich remain competitive enough. Kasich isn't in this to win the nomination outright. He is in it now as a backstop.

This is a simple numbers game, split the vote to split the delegates. It is likely the only way to stop Trump as a two man race will give Trump the nomination almost assuredly.
Are you saying that Trump is a better choice than Clinton or Romney for this? I see him as trying hard to write bombing orders with his little fingers as soon as he can - with a shout and a taunt and a FUCK YOU!

No question about it. The establishment in America, both parties, have undertaken a monstrous campaign of war crimes this century, bombing and invading countries on the basis of documented lies, killing untold innocent civilians.
Yet these same people seem to have hypnotised people to think that Trump is more of a monster.
It's laughable
What is laughable is you say that after Trump said he wanted to commit war crimes by killing the families of terrorists.
So do the Democrats. Why do you only single out Republicans in this instance?

House and Senate lawmakers from both parties on average voted more often with their caucus majorities in 2013 than they did in 2012. House Republicans set a record for party support, voting on average with their caucus 92 percent of the time, up from 90 percent. Likewise, Senate Democrats set a record, raising their average party unity score to 94 percent from the previous record of 92 percent.



Senate Democrats voted unanimously on 52 percent of the party unity votes in 2013 – an all-time high for either party in either chamber, up from 40 percent in 2012. The previous high was 2011’s 46 percent. Senate Republicans were unanimous on 31 percent, well above the 13 percent they recorded in 2012 and up from the 26 percent rate they had in 2011.


What's a party unity vote, and why is it different from all votes, and how many party unity votes does each party hold?
reading a little on that at your link... so what things have republicans been bringing up for vote lately? Are they less contentious than years gone by?

The hacking collective Anonymous has vowed once again to “dismantle” Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and to “expose what he doesn’t want the public to know”.

The group announced its re-engagement of “OpTrump” through its traditional propaganda video, aiming to take down one of Trump’s property websites for Chicago on 1 April.
Anonymous said: “We have been watching you for a long time and what we’ve seen is deeply disturbing. You don’t stand for anything but your personal greed and power.
“This is a call to arms. Shut down his websites, research and expose what he doesn’t want the public to know. We need you to dismantle his campaign and sabotage his brand.”


Well, it had to happen. Here we go!
I'd rather they stayed on ISIS.
No question about it. The establishment in America, both parties, have undertaken a monstrous campaign of war crimes this century, bombing and invading countries on the basis of documented lies, killing untold innocent civilians.
Yet these same people seem to have hypnotised people to think that Trump is more of a monster.
It's laughable
What is laughable is you say that after Trump said he wanted to commit war crimes by killing the families of terrorists.

Obama does it with his Drones...but would not be able to admit...but no one complains
I don't know... when you have a group of billionaires all working together to figure out how to prevent another Billionaire from gaining power, I can't help but ask myself why. Are these Billionaires concerned for the wellbeing of America, or the wellbeing of their money? I don't really have to ask myself that, the answer is obvious. No one, anywhere, ever, made a fortune being concerned with the wellbeing of anyone but themselves... so whatever those guys are worried about... I'm all for it.

I don't like Trump, I am not for Trump, but I can't help but feel that with Trump there will be significantly less shenanigans and a significant increase in transparency.
What is laughable is you say that after Trump said he wanted to commit war crimes by killing the families of terrorists.

Obama does it with his Drones...but would not be able to admit...but no one complains
The United States has been killing civilians near targeted terrorists and that is viewed as collateral damage. Trump says he wants to target the families, meaning they are the actual targets.

- - - Updated - - -

I don't know... when you have a group of billionaires all working together to figure out how to prevent another Billionaire from gaining power, I can't help but ask myself why. Are these Billionaires concerned for the wellbeing of America, or the wellbeing of their money? I don't really have to ask myself that, the answer is obvious. No one, anywhere, ever, made a fortune being concerned with the wellbeing of anyone but themselves... so whatever those guys are worried about... I'm all for it.

I don't like Trump, I am not for Trump, but I can't help but feel that with Trump there will be significantly less shenanigans and a significant increase in transparency.
Yup, nothing to hide, but his tax returns.
I don't know... when you have a group of billionaires all working together to figure out how to prevent another Billionaire from gaining power, I can't help but ask myself why. Are these Billionaires concerned for the wellbeing of America, or the wellbeing of their money? I don't really have to ask myself that, the answer is obvious. No one, anywhere, ever, made a fortune being concerned with the wellbeing of anyone but themselves... so whatever those guys are worried about... I'm all for it.

I don't like Trump, I am not for Trump, but I can't help but feel that with Trump there will be significantly less shenanigans and a significant increase in transparency.

My take is that the Billionaire's don't like to spend their money for nothing. They have already bought all the other candidates, and they don't want that money to go to waste. Normally, it wouldn't be a big deal, they would just buy the guy who isn't bought yet. The problem is that Trump is already a Billionaire, so they don't think they can buy him. Trump doesn't give a shit about the wellbeing of America any more than they do, except where it matters to his bottom line.

I think we will see significantly more shenanigans with Trump than we have now, and doubt that there will be any increase in transparency.
Obama does it with his Drones...but would not be able to admit...but no one complains
The United States has been killing civilians near targeted terrorists and that is viewed as collateral damage. Trump says he wants to target the families, meaning they are the actual targets.
Trump is worse on that point, but less hypocritical.
Drone pilots have admitted they don't know who they really kill, and have had little regard for civilians. Soldiers too have deliberately killed civilians on many occasions.
I suspect part of the appeal of Trump is that he just says it. This can be contrasted with the lying cowardice and shameless hypocrisy of the recent administrations.
Whatever sort of poor human being Trump is you won't find him being as loathesome, as despicable as Hillary Clinton. Gadaffi had his faults too but like Saddam Hussain he used oil money for the benefit of hos countrymen. The USA had him killed and sodomised with a bayonet in the streets. No trial no due process. But lots of Americans who see nothing wrong. And Hillary. What sort of person jokes about that?

How can she possibly be considered to hold the office of President?
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