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The Ukranian "rebels" were from Moscow

How convenient. just call anything you don't like crap.
I gave you specific reasons why it is crap, you apparently are holding his opinion up only because it dovetails with your opinion and can't think of any other excuse for armed robbery.
You did not give any reasons why his opinion is crap. You keep ignoring arguments which were given to you.
I am happy to ignore your appeal to authority argument when I show that it is A. Likely obsolete (USSR ambassador) and B. Wrong. (Mexico is none the weaker even though a big chunk of it's citizens would prefer to live in the US) What have you got except for an obsolete appeal to a wrong authority?
You did not give any reasons why his opinion is crap. You keep ignoring arguments which were given to you.
I am happy to ignore your appeal to authority argument when I show that it is A. Likely obsolete (USSR ambassador) and B. Wrong. (Mexico is none the weaker even though a big chunk of it's citizens would prefer to live in the US) What have you got except for an obsolete appeal to a wrong authority?
I am happy to ignore your appeal to stupidity and ignorance.
You did not give any reasons why his opinion is crap. You keep ignoring arguments which were given to you.
I am happy to ignore your appeal to authority argument when I show that it is A. Likely obsolete (USSR ambassador) and B. Wrong. (Mexico is none the weaker even though a big chunk of it's citizens would prefer to live in the US) What have you got except for an obsolete appeal to a wrong authority?
I am happy to ignore your appeal to stupidity and ignorance.

Cool iot boys, relax'

We all know that might is right.

Putin's might in the Crimea and before that in Northern Georgia. A little less in Eastern Ukraine.

US/UK might in attacking Saddam under false pretences.

Irael/US might in Jerusalem and Palestine.

Stalin's might in giving Poland a great chunk of Germany, and taking a bit for himself, at end of World War II.

And so on ... and so on...

And "possession is 9 points of the law..."
Putin's might in the Crimea and before that in Northern Georgia. A little less in Eastern Ukraine.
In both cases US was extremely enthusiastic in their support of revolts/actors which were rabidly anti-russian, so much so that actors themselves noticed it.
Putin's might in the Crimea and before that in Northern Georgia. A little less in Eastern Ukraine.
In both cases US was extremely enthusiastic in their support of revolts/actors which were rabidly anti-russian, so much so that actors themselves noticed it.
Shame shame shame on the US for supporting the internationally recognized owners of territory against foreign attacks and agression. How dare they.

I have told you this before. You fell hook line and sinker for the lies Russia told you in the first active information war in recorded history. Odd how certain RT reporters resigned in protest over the lies they were forced to tell in Georgia, but no Western reporters did. You remain oblivious to the facts that Russia and Putin lie actively and continuously to the Russian public whenever it is convenient for them.

Enjoy watching the Russian contingent in the Olympics this week.... Oh wait. Russia wasn't allowed to send a contingent because of their massive government run doping, lies, and cheating. Putin's government is extremely corrupt. Wake up and smell the bull shit.

Putin's might in the Crimea and before that in Northern Georgia. A little less in Eastern Ukraine.
In both cases US was extremely enthusiastic in their support of revolts/actors which were rabidly anti-russian, so much so that actors themselves noticed it.
Shame shame shame on the US for supporting the internationally recognized owners of territory against foreign attacks and agression. How dare they.
Hmmmm, no, Georgia have never hold that territory. Ukraine did, and it was recognized but it was not entirely legal.
I have told you this before. You fell hook line and sinker for the lies Russia told you in the first active information war in recorded history.
And I have told you before, you don't know shit and need education badly.
You remain oblivious to the facts that Russia and Putin lie actively and continuously to the Russian public whenever it is convenient for them.
Care to provide examples?
Enjoy watching the Russian contingent in the Olympics this week.... Oh wait. Russia wasn't allowed to send a contingent because of their massive government run doping, lies, and cheating. Putin's government is extremely corrupt. Wake up and smell the bull shit.
Don't care for olypmics, But I understand that everybody cheats, some are just better at it.
Shame shame shame on the US for supporting the internationally recognized owners of territory against foreign attacks and agression. How dare they.
Hmmmm, no, Georgia have never hold that territory. Ukraine did, and it was recognized but it was not entirely legal.
I have told you this before. You fell hook line and sinker for the lies Russia told you in the first active information war in recorded history.
And I have told you before, you don't know shit and need education badly.
You remain oblivious to the facts that Russia and Putin lie actively and continuously to the Russian public whenever it is convenient for them.
Care to provide examples?
A convenient example is quoted just below. Why do you think I mentioned it? Just how dense are you?
Enjoy watching the Russian contingent in the Olympics this week.... Oh wait. Russia wasn't allowed to send a contingent because of their massive government run doping, lies, and cheating. Putin's government is extremely corrupt. Wake up and smell the bull shit.
Don't care for olypmics, But I understand that everybody cheats, some are just better at it.

Russia is eager to lie and cheat regarding issues as trivial as sports. But you think they become as honest and pure as the driven snow when it comes to their aggressive pursuit of influence and control over their neighbors? Please!

You aren't wrong here though, Russia and Putin are horribly transparent liars and cheats. The question is why are you so willfully blind to it?
Shame shame shame on the US for supporting the internationally recognized owners of territory against foreign attacks and agression. How dare they.
Hmmmm, no, Georgia have never hold that territory. Ukraine did, and it was recognized but it was not entirely legal.
I have told you this before. You fell hook line and sinker for the lies Russia told you in the first active information war in recorded history.
And I have told you before, you don't know shit and need education badly.
You remain oblivious to the facts that Russia and Putin lie actively and continuously to the Russian public whenever it is convenient for them.
Care to provide examples?
Enjoy watching the Russian contingent in the Olympics this week.... Oh wait. Russia wasn't allowed to send a contingent because of their massive government run doping, lies, and cheating. Putin's government is extremely corrupt. Wake up and smell the bull shit.
Don't care for olypmics, But I understand that everybody cheats, some are just better at it.

If they are so good at it, why were they caught?
Hmmmm, no, Georgia have never hold that territory. Ukraine did, and it was recognized but it was not entirely legal.

And I have told you before, you don't know shit and need education badly.
You remain oblivious to the facts that Russia and Putin lie actively and continuously to the Russian public whenever it is convenient for them.
Care to provide examples?
Enjoy watching the Russian contingent in the Olympics this week.... Oh wait. Russia wasn't allowed to send a contingent because of their massive government run doping, lies, and cheating. Putin's government is extremely corrupt. Wake up and smell the bull shit.
Don't care for olypmics, But I understand that everybody cheats, some are just better at it.

If they are so good at it, why were they caught?
Who said they are good? They are bad. Norwegian are good, they brought a train load of drugs into Korea and nobody really "what the fuck?" them.
Hmmmm, no, Georgia have never hold that territory. Ukraine did, and it was recognized but it was not entirely legal.

And I have told you before, you don't know shit and need education badly.

Care to provide examples?
Enjoy watching the Russian contingent in the Olympics this week.... Oh wait. Russia wasn't allowed to send a contingent because of their massive government run doping, lies, and cheating. Putin's government is extremely corrupt. Wake up and smell the bull shit.
Don't care for olypmics, But I understand that everybody cheats, some are just better at it.

If they are so good at it, why were they caught?
Who said they are good? They are bad. Norwegian are good, they brought a train load of drugs into Korea and nobody really "what the fuck?" them.

Why is your country such a shitshow? You are even banned for the Olympics en masse because you are incapable of being civilised. How about you guys just withdraw for the next 20-50 years and rejoin the community of nations when you can act like adults? It´s not like the rest of the world needs anything from Russia, you are a gas station as far as the rest of Europe is concerned you make nothing of value, you export no technology. How about we just build a new Iron curtain, us in the West with technology, culture, civil rights and a rising living standard and Russia and your remaining satellites with failing economies, stagnant markets and autocratic leaders? The West has nothing to lose while Russia has everything to lose because you produce nothing of value except for gas, oil and oligarchs.

Are you not ashamed of your country?
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