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The US National Alert Cell Phone "Test" that cannot be deleted


New member
Jan 16, 2007
NE Ohio, USA
Basic Beliefs
Agnostic (The universe is a living organism, but no god with a "personality")
I noticed that neither my wife, not daughter, nor any woman in my area of the business office received the Alert, only men! I can't be absolutely sure, but all the men I know who got them were registered Democrats. They cannot be deleted, which seems suspicious to me. Are we now being tracked somehow?

I'll be honest, I don't trust the President an inch.

If (and when?) a "national emergency" is ever declared (you know, in response to the grand conspiracy of radical liberal Democrats *and* women/foreigners who simply don't know their place as 2nd class citizens, and who are trying to destroy the country club set's vice grip on politics) I wonder seriously if they will try to round up those targeted for alerts. That means a sliver of tracking code might now be on them.

Anyone hear anything about this from others?

I noticed that neither my wife, not daughter, nor any woman in my area of the business office received the Alert, only men! I can't be absolutely sure, but all the men I know who got them were registered Democrats. They cannot be deleted, which seems suspicious to me. Are we now being tracked somehow?

I'll be honest, I don't trust the President an inch.

If (and when?) a "national emergency" is ever declared (you know, in response to the grand conspiracy of radical liberal Democrats *and* women/foreigners who simply don't know their place as 2nd class citizens, and who are trying to destroy the country club set's vice grip on politics) I wonder seriously if they will try to round up those targeted for alerts. That means a sliver of tracking code might now be on them.

Anyone hear anything about this from others?


I heard the same thing from some guy yelling into the air on the corner. I didn't catch everything he said, because his tinfoil hat was muffling his voice. Something about the Lizard People keeping that data for after the invasion.
I noticed that neither my wife, not daughter, nor any woman in my area of the business office received the Alert, only men! I can't be absolutely sure, but all the men I know who got them were registered Democrats. They cannot be deleted, which seems suspicious to me. Are we now being tracked somehow?

I'll be honest, I don't trust the President an inch.

If (and when?) a "national emergency" is ever declared (you know, in response to the grand conspiracy of radical liberal Democrats *and* women/foreigners who simply don't know their place as 2nd class citizens, and who are trying to destroy the country club set's vice grip on politics) I wonder seriously if they will try to round up those targeted for alerts. That means a sliver of tracking code might now be on them.

Anyone hear anything about this from others?


I heard the same thing from some guy yelling into the air on the corner. I didn't catch everything he said, because his tinfoil hat was muffling his voice. Something about the Lizard People keeping that data for after the invasion.

I agree with gun nut. Don't kid yourself for a second that the NSA already knows exactly where you are and has stored every stroke you have ever made on the internet. They have been doing all that long before an emergency smart phone test. You don't trust Trump? Trump will come and go but the NSA has been and will continue to be on duty tracking your data for the rest of your life.

That is what I would concern yourself with.
Every woman around me with a phone got the alerts (we all got two copies.)
I was getting my hair cut and the hairdresser next to me got it at the same time we the be-penised did.

Let us not slip into Trumptastic conspiratorial bullshittery lest we find ourselves searching for blueprints showing the hidden tunnels beneath our local Walmart where the next Jade Helm exercise, er, invasion is going to take place.
I didn't get one, so I assume that the US hasn't annexed Canada yet in order to move its population north so they can avoid the death caravans of Hispanic terrorists.
I noticed that neither my wife, not daughter, nor any woman in my area of the business office received the Alert, only men! I can't be absolutely sure, but all the men I know who got them were registered Democrats. They cannot be deleted, which seems suspicious to me. Are we now being tracked somehow?

I'll be honest, I don't trust the President an inch.

If (and when?) a "national emergency" is ever declared (you know, in response to the grand conspiracy of radical liberal Democrats *and* women/foreigners who simply don't know their place as 2nd class citizens, and who are trying to destroy the country club set's vice grip on politics) I wonder seriously if they will try to round up those targeted for alerts. That means a sliver of tracking code might now be on them.

Anyone hear anything about this from others?


Wow.....as Gun Nut says....tinfoil hat territory.

I don't trust the orange nazi at all either, but there's nothing in that warning text that changes the ability to track you.

All phones can be located to within about 2/3 of a square mile just by being switched on and registered with towers. At least 3 towers will triangulate to that radius, and the more tower a phone connects to, the better the accuracy - to under 30 metres. There are many towers in urban areas. Connect to a public WiFi hotspot, and they can home in on you even more closely. Mapping software can locate you down to 5 metres, and most of them actively send your location to Apple/Google, etc so they can batter target adverts.

Nothing new came from the shitgibbon's warning text.

This has been a staple of crime and spy dramas for years now.
I noticed that neither my wife, not daughter, nor any woman in my area of the business office received the Alert, only men! I can't be absolutely sure, but all the men I know who got them were registered Democrats. They cannot be deleted, which seems suspicious to me. Are we now being tracked somehow?

I'll be honest, I don't trust the President an inch.

If (and when?) a "national emergency" is ever declared (you know, in response to the grand conspiracy of radical liberal Democrats *and* women/foreigners who simply don't know their place as 2nd class citizens, and who are trying to destroy the country club set's vice grip on politics) I wonder seriously if they will try to round up those targeted for alerts. That means a sliver of tracking code might now be on them.

Anyone hear anything about this from others?


My ex- received the alert on her phone.

We're both very irritated that we cannot block this sort of government intrusion.
Facebook, Google sued for 'secretly' slurping people's whereabouts – while Feds lap it up

Apropos of earlier....

Facebook and Google are being sued in two proposed class-action lawsuits for allegedly deceptively gathering location data on netizens who thought they had opted out of such cyber-stalking.
The legal challenges stem from revelations earlier this year that even after users actively turn off "location history" on their smartphones, their location is still gathered, stored, and exploited to sling adverts.
Both companies use weasel words in their support pages to continue to gather the valuable data while seemingly giving users the option to opt out – and that "deception" is at the heart of both lawsuits.
In the first, Facebook user Brett Heeger claims the antisocial network is misleading folks by providing the option to stop the gathering and storing of their location data but in reality in continues to grab the information and add it to a "Location History" feature that it then uses for targeted advertising.

I heard the same thing from some guy yelling into the air on the corner. I didn't catch everything he said, because his tinfoil hat was muffling his voice. Something about the Lizard People keeping that data for after the invasion.

Yeah, that must have been me. BTW, that's a *metal helmet* Mac! :joy:
I agree with gun nut. Don't kid yourself for a second that the NSA already knows exactly where you are and has stored every stroke you have ever made on the internet. They have been doing all that long before an emergency smart phone test. You don't trust Trump? Trump will come and go but the NSA has been and will continue to be on duty tracking your data for the rest of your life.

That is what I would concern yourself with.

Lissen here buddy. I was suggestin' that it was the *Gov'mint* that was a trackin' meh!

You gun nutz know well that the NSA is too busy stocking up ammo for the great Hispanic invasion to track anybody's cell phone location. But we all know what invasion whereof we speak. Y'now, the invasion that will be backed up by "them" people and those Chinese and Indian engineers. Brrrr! :pigsfly:
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Every woman around me with a phone got the alerts (we all got two copies.)

Hmmmmm ... You may have got the ones meant for my wife and co workers ... *or* yer all a nest of mad lib'rals! :hooklinesinker:
I didn't get one, so I assume that the US hasn't annexed Canada yet in order to move its population north so they can avoid the death caravans of Hispanic terrorists.

Some of the soldiers at the local Ravenna National Guard center have, I've noticed, when in town for "lunch,""randomly" looked northward in the direction of our Canadian neighbors. So you never know.

When it comes to you Canadians, I fondly recall that as a kid living near the shore of Lake Erie, I could see London Ontario from my house - ooooo, and our UHF antenna could get "Sunshine School with the great big doors ..."

The word is in!

The revolution will NOT be televised ...

For the next 3 weeks, keep an eye over your shoulders --- Eyikes! What was that???

I noticed that neither my wife, not daughter, nor any woman in my area of the business office received the Alert, only men! I can't be absolutely sure, but all the men I know who got them were registered Democrats. They cannot be deleted, which seems suspicious to me. Are we now being tracked somehow?

I'll be honest, I don't trust the President an inch.

If (and when?) a "national emergency" is ever declared (you know, in response to the grand conspiracy of radical liberal Democrats *and* women/foreigners who simply don't know their place as 2nd class citizens, and who are trying to destroy the country club set's vice grip on politics) I wonder seriously if they will try to round up those targeted for alerts. That means a sliver of tracking code might now be on them.

Anyone hear anything about this from others?

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