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The US National Alert Cell Phone "Test" that cannot be deleted

The word is in!

The revolution will NOT be televised ...

For the next 3 weeks, keep an eye over your shoulders --- Eyikes! What was that???

I noticed that neither my wife, not daughter, nor any woman in my area of the business office received the Alert, only men! I can't be absolutely sure, but all the men I know who got them were registered Democrats. They cannot be deleted, which seems suspicious to me. Are we now being tracked somehow?

I'll be honest, I don't trust the President an inch.

If (and when?) a "national emergency" is ever declared (you know, in response to the grand conspiracy of radical liberal Democrats *and* women/foreigners who simply don't know their place as 2nd class citizens, and who are trying to destroy the country club set's vice grip on politics) I wonder seriously if they will try to round up those targeted for alerts. That means a sliver of tracking code might now be on them.

Anyone hear anything about this from others?


Well, he's finally talking about declaring a National Emergency and ruling by decree because of a "terrorist" threat from the border with Mexico.

While someone can just wave it off as posturing as the President crosses swords with Democrats, I still do not trust the man.

On the other hand, I don't see establishment of a jack booted security apparatus (other than ICE and Border Patrols, without the goose stepping) or a surge in public displays by right wing militias.

If he is crazy enough to declare a national emergency, I think it would be doomed to failure and result in him being deposed.

But, of course, it was probably just posturing. Yeah, that's the ticket!

The word is in!

The revolution will NOT be televised ...

For the next 3 weeks, keep an eye over your shoulders --- Eyikes! What was that???

I noticed that neither my wife, not daughter, nor any woman in my area of the business office received the Alert, only men! I can't be absolutely sure, but all the men I know who got them were registered Democrats. They cannot be deleted, which seems suspicious to me. Are we now being tracked somehow?

I'll be honest, I don't trust the President an inch.

If (and when?) a "national emergency" is ever declared (you know, in response to the grand conspiracy of radical liberal Democrats *and* women/foreigners who simply don't know their place as 2nd class citizens, and who are trying to destroy the country club set's vice grip on politics) I wonder seriously if they will try to round up those targeted for alerts. That means a sliver of tracking code might now be on them.

Anyone hear anything about this from others?


Well, he's finally talking about declaring a National Emergency and ruling by decree because of a "terrorist" threat from the border with Mexico.
And it isn't carrying much weight. I remember the short lived, 'Don't do drugs, you are helping the terrorists' angle from the W Admin.

While someone can just wave it off as posturing as the President crosses swords with Democrats, I still do not trust the man.
It isn't him I don't trust as much as the GOP and his handlers... and the right-wing media.

On the other hand, I don't see establishment of a jack booted security apparatus (other than ICE and Border Patrols, without the goose stepping) or a surge in public displays by right wing militias.
The big trouble with ICE and Border Patrol is it is hard to hire people when your first statement to them might be "You might not get paid for a while."

If he is crazy enough to declare a national emergency, I think it would be doomed to failure and result in him being deposed.
It isn't enough to declare a national emergency. The Pentagon has to part ways with money, and it is easier to shove toothpaste back into the tube than to take money from the Pentagon. Furthermore, the immediate stays on his orders would come flying out of the District courts. The only way to force the issue then would be to use the military, which I just don't see happening for Trump.

But, of course, it was probably just posturing. Yeah, that's the ticket!

Trump is definitely stressing our democracy like it has never been since the Civil War.
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