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There is No War On Women


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
Well, not according to this guy:


Basically he thinks that the "War on Women" meme is nothing but a mid term election ploy by Democrats. I would really be interested to see the comments to this article, but there aren't any that I could pull up.

Accurate statistics are of limited use in that regard because rape and sexual assault have been declining for decades. So the Obama administration and its allied activist groups trot out the claim that there is a rape epidemic victimizing 1 in 5 women on college campuses. This conveniently horrifying number is a classic example of being too terrible to check. If it were true, it would mean that rape would be more prevalent on elite campuses than in many of the most impoverished and crime-ridden communities.

It comes from tendentious Department of Justice surveys that count “attempted forced kissing” and other potentially caddish acts that even the DOJ admits “are not criminal.”


Women earn 57% of bachelor's degrees, 63% of master's degrees and 53% of doctorates. They constitute the majority of the U.S. workforce and the majority of managers. Single women without kids earn 8% more than single men without children in most cities.

So, your comments?

I must have missed it where Democrats said sexual assault of females at college was the Republicans fault.

The whole nation saw Republicans defending a wife beater and they want us to believe there is no war on women?
How can anyone think there is a war on women...wait, I need to find the nearest Planned Parenthood that offers abortions as an option...

Hmmm, it appears the nearest one is out of state and hopefully that won't be a state where a woman's right to an abortion requires that a probe be stuck up her vagina.

Don't know too many rights men have that requires a probe being stuck up his dainty bits....:mad:
Well, perhaps there is a war on women.

Nikki Haley's Dem Opponent: 'Escort Whore Out the Door!'

For some reason this isn't receiving a lot of coverage.

He claims it was a misunderstanding, blames his accent, and apologized. But it can't be sexist because he's a Democrat and they're never sexist.
Looks like a potential mouth gaffe... you know, when someone says something the wrong way? The sentence makes the most sense if you replace "whore" with "her".
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