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Trump as a Bad Leader


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
How Trump Embodies The Definition Of A Bad Leader
Author Frances Bridges gives us "a list of integral leadership qualities Trump does not embody":
  • He Refuses To Accept Criticism
  • He Refuses To Evaluate Errors And Change Course When Presented With New Information
  • He Does Not Do What Is Right In The Long Term, He Succumbs To Short Term Pressures
  • He Doesn't Take Care Of His People
  • He Has No Empathy
How Trump Embodies The Definition Of A Bad Leader
Author Frances Bridges gives us "a list of integral leadership qualities Trump does not embody":
[*]He Refuses To Accept Criticism
[*]He Refuses To Evaluate Errors And Change Course When Presented With New Information
[*]He Does Not Do What Is Right In The Long Term, He Succumbs To Short Term Pressures
No POTUS in modern history was different.
[*]He Doesn't Take Care Of His People
Maybe it's not such a bad thing cause all his people are assholes.
[*]He Has No Empathy
It's rare quality among politicians anyway.
I would add:
[*]He is an idiot.
One thing the Trump presidency shows is just how little effect a president actually has on the country. The economy is doing just as well. Civil rights are not fat far worse. Etc. Not a whole lot had actually changed, or at least not as much as people expected would.
One thing the Trump presidency shows is just how little effect a president actually has on the country. The economy is doing just as well. Civil rights are not fat far worse. Etc. Not a whole lot had actually changed, or at least not as much as people expected would.
at least until certain lawsuits make it to the Supreme Court...
Trump as a..................leader? Oh, Jesus. Jesus eatin' tacos in Trinidad. (No, that doesn't parse, but there's no extant intensifying phrase that's suitable.)
He's publicly called people son of a bitch, sleepy-eyed son of a bitch, little shit, low IQ, lyin', cheatin', crooked....
He's said we have to torture (and to his credit, actually called it torture!!!)
He's said we should have taken Iraq's oil, because "to the victor go the spoils."
He's continually ridiculed John McCain, including post-funeral.
He's made us all complicit in kidnapping youngsters from their parents for daring to cross our border.
His lies to the American people are so voluminous that 28 months worth of them now require an entire newspaper section to list.
He spells hamburger as HAMBERDER. That one I will never forgive him for.
Trump is many many things, but a leader he is not.
Guys, check out my blog post I just uploaded, called "8 Experts on Tolkien: Trump is a Nazgûl", written by me, a wine mom and plastic surgery consultant
One thing the Trump presidency shows is just how little effect a president actually has on the country. The economy is doing just as well. Civil rights are not fat far worse. Etc. Not a whole lot had actually changed, or at least not as much as people expected would.

You're fooling yourself. Just because the seeds of destruction sown by Trump over the last four years have not yet borne the poison fruit that will inevitably fall from that tree, doesn't mean that his stupidity and cruelty have no effect. The bill will come due for the $trillions he has given away to his donors, even as his foolish foreign policies' effects take hold. I think it might make 2008 look like a time of prosperity.
One thing the Trump presidency shows is just how little effect a president actually has on the country. The economy is doing just as well. Civil rights are not fat far worse. Etc. Not a whole lot had actually changed, or at least not as much as people expected would.

.. says the frog in the 92 degree "bath" as it reaches 93 degrees.
Honestly, I tend to agree with JollyPenguin here. Trump is a bad president, but all of the Presidents we've had for a long time have been bad, and Trump is nowhere near as bad as GW Bush or Reagan in terms of sheer genocidal cruelty.
Honestly, I tend to agree with JollyPenguin here. Trump is a bad president, but all of the Presidents we've had for a long time have been bad, and Trump is nowhere near as bad as GW Bush or Reagan in terms of sheer genocidal cruelty.

Mexico?.... Puerto Rico? I see a genocidal pattern there.
Honestly, I tend to agree with JollyPenguin here. Trump is a bad president, but all of the Presidents we've had for a long time have been bad, and Trump is nowhere near as bad as GW Bush or Reagan in terms of sheer genocidal cruelty.

Mexico?.... Puerto Rico? I see a genocidal pattern there.

Certainly it's there, but until an entire country is laid to waste in a military blitz, or a lethal incurable disease is basically ignored for a decade because it predominantly afflicts gay people, there's still no comparison to be made.
Honestly, I tend to agree with JollyPenguin here. Trump is a bad president, but all of the Presidents we've had for a long time have been bad, and Trump is nowhere near as bad as GW Bush or Reagan in terms of sheer genocidal cruelty.
It does seem odd, doesn't it. Trump is so unPresidential, he seems like the worse, but indeed, W's policies led to the deaths and maiming of around 10,000 US soldiers, the displacement of a million Iraqis, and the clusterfuck that is Afghanistan.

Trump hasn't done that.

W also pissed off our partners and allies... though Trump seems to be making sport of it... going as far as negotiating behind Canada's back. So Trump beats W there.

I would note that W had 9/11 which gave the Neocons an opening to do some really stupid foreign policy stuff. Trump talks a big game at times with the military (Venezuela, Iran, North Korea), but has done very little, mainly because he doesn't have the backing of the GOP. So in that case, Trump isn't as bad.

But then we have the tariffs and trade agreements, and while W left the ABM Treaty, Trump has really fucked up the trust with America more than any President ever, so in that case, the diplomatic capital of the United States has been exhausted, and Trump is much much worse.

- - - Updated - - -

Honestly, I tend to agree with JollyPenguin here. Trump is a bad president, but all of the Presidents we've had for a long time have been bad, and Trump is nowhere near as bad as GW Bush or Reagan in terms of sheer genocidal cruelty.

Mexico?.... Puerto Rico? I see a genocidal pattern there.

Certainly it's there, but until an entire country is laid to waste in a military blitz, or a lethal incurable disease is basically ignored for a decade because it predominantly afflicts gay people, there's still no comparison to be made.
It should be noted that one of W's few good achievements was his action on AIDS in Africa.
All of the above can be summarized as "Cheato may not be as bad as Bushbaby because he so extremely incompetent".
It looks like fatboy Kim is back in the news, apparently having his underlings exterminated. Trumpty Dumpty is all about praising the Fatboy as a great leader. I think Dotard Man and Fatboy have a lot in common. Dotard Man just can't get away going full Fatboy, but he certainly wishes he could.
It looks like fatboy Kim is back in the news, apparently having his underlings exterminated. Trumpty Dumpty is all about praising the Fatboy as a great leader. I think Dotard Man and Fatboy have a lot in common. Dotard Man just can't get away going full Fatboy, but he certainly wishes he could.

Did you fall down in the middle of typing this post
He lacks charisma. He lacks the ability to inspire.

Are you fucking kidding, that's all he has. His base is the most inspired and rabidly devoted base the Republicans have had in decades.
He lacks charisma. He lacks the ability to inspire.
Are you nuts? He has charisma, but a certain type of negative charisma that nationalists usually have lots of. He inspires plenty of Americans, but not to do great things, just to mope about how America could be better if we just let things go back to the way they were.
He lacks charisma. He lacks the ability to inspire.
Are you nuts? He has charisma, but a certain type of negative charisma that nationalists usually have lots of. He inspires plenty of Americans, but not to do great things, just to mope about how America could be better if we just let things go back to the way they were.

Correct. He peddles paranoia, fear, hate, xenophobia and racism. All things a pretentious, provincial ignoramus holds dear.
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