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Trump chooses Vance as running mate

AFAIK, your admiration of Vance hinges on
LOL, I looked him up after he was selected by Trump. Before that I had heard him mentioned with regard to voting for military help to Nazi Regime in Kiev, I had not even seen his photo before that. He appears to be not senile, well spoken and sensible with respect to Ukraine at least. Kamala "Trump" is absolutely empty headed moron compared to him.
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The classic tactic is to select a VP who is an attack dog. I haven't seen that in a while but this is what Vance is. Both Trump and Vance will make tons of noise together. Every day. Multiple times a day. BUT I believe the tactic is supposed to be that the Presidential candidate acts mature and above the fray while the VP candidate does dirty work. I just can't see Trump maintaining that he's "Teh Unifier" for very long... Thus, my prediction of how this will spiral into our next phase of Idiocracy.
Here’s what I think: Despite the fact that Vance’s ‘hillbilly’ roots being debunked ( see below if anyone cares) but he genuinely did come from some pretty hard scrabble roots, and he justifiably has earned some respect. He writes well: I read his Hillbilly Ejegy, and enjoyed it and while my family has no roots in Appalachia and none of my close relatives struggled with drug addiction ( that I know of) a lot of what he wrote resonated with me. Not so much that I shared his experiences but they did remind me of my parents’ early lives. And I cannot be the only one. To me, that makes him a genuine threat: he’s relatable to a lot of working class/barely middle class people who are only one or two generations off of the farm or out of the mines or off the line. He’s a kind of right wing Joe Biden, if you will.

Don’t get me wrong: I abhor every position he has publicly taken in order to secure his position in the ticket. But as threats go—he’s the real deal.

Here's something from facebook:
The Vance/Hatfield clan was not Scots-Irish. They were European-born Romani (largely French/German), Cherokee, Shawnee, possibly-African, likely Middle Eastern, and maybe other things. They were mixed.
Most of the people who are old-mix actual-Appalachians in the coal camps are descendants of Melungeons. They’ve been treated like expendable cheap resources because of structural racism being the norm.
You can’t talk about Melungeons without talking about why they have such profound generational trauma. You can’t do that when you don’t talk about white supremacy.
The one authentic thing that JD Vance did that is keeping up with Melungeon tradition is changing his name and appearing to be from somewhere he’s not in order to obscure his ethnic heritage.
That would maybe have panned out for him a little better if he’d gone further than Wikipedia to learn about his ancestors.
But we are not the Irish Vances. That name was a Whiteness costume originally, and so it’s fitting JD Vance would put it on.
Incidentally, I have Bowman ancestors, too. Some are on JD Bowman “Vance’s” paternal side. I put their photos as the final two so you can tell me how much they beam with “Scots-Irish” pride.
JD is an Outsider, and he knew that before he tried to put on the hillbilly costume just to distance himself from actual-Vances and other coal camp Melungeons.
He put MY family name on in order to benefit off a legacy that he has not lived through the consequences of… he just whitewashed it, fictionalized it, and then condescended to as he set himself up as a supreme harbinger of rising above his hillbilly white-trashedness.
We actual-Vances can define ourselves, and we don’t have to whitewash ourselves to do that.
Terra Vance expounds quite a bit on the mine wars between Appalachians and the absentee owners. In the exposition is the important use of propaganda, ministers, and mercenaries to divide up the population of labor on ethnic grounds to stop them from organizing. JD Bowman Vance the fake hillbilly is siding with the robber barons. RVonse should read some truth about the guilded age to which he thinks we should return.
How Trump’s Running Mate J.D. Vance is Connected to Silicon Valley - The New York Times - "Mr. Vance spent less than five years in Silicon Valley’s tech industry, but the connections he made with Peter Thiel and others became crucial to his political ascent."

David Sacks, Peter Thiel, Chamath Palihapitiya, Elon Musk, ...

Even though Doug Burgum, another VP hopeful, was present, they said that they wanted JD Vance.
Mr. Vance, the Ohio senator selected by Mr. Trump this week to be his running mate, spent less than five years in Silicon Valley’s tech industry, where he worked as a junior venture capitalist and a biotech executive. But while he made little mark on the tech scene, it was a formative period that has powered Mr. Vance’s stunning ascent in the Republican Party — and is likely to influence his political future.

Mr. Vance’s stint in tech was crucial for forging connections with billionaire executives and investors, including Mr. Thiel, Mr. Sacks and Elon Musk, who owns X. Over and over, those men have funded Mr. Vance’s political ambitions, raised his profile among other wealthy donors and on social media, and lobbied Mr. Trump to choose him as his running mate.
Biden-Harris HQ on X: "Q: Viktor Orbán ... (vid link)" / X
Q: Viktor Orbán seized control of universities and put them in foundations that were run by his allies. He rewrote the Constitution, he neutered the courts, and he has tried to control the media. Is that what you're advocating for in the US?

JD Vance: I think he's made smart decisions that we could learn from in the United States
with the video featuring this quote of him:
"You know, the closest that conservatives have ever gotten to successfully dealing with left-wing domination of universities is Viktor Orbán's approach in Hungary. I think his way has to be the model for us: not to eliminate universities, but to give the a choice between survival or taking a much less biased approach to teaching."

Sen. J.D. Vance, (R) Ohio
to The European Conservative
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