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Trump considering Herman Cain for Fed position!


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs

President Trump is considering nominating Herman Cain, who abandoned his 2012 presidential bid in the face of escalating accusations of sexual misconduct, for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Trump has been considering tapping Mr. Cain, the former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza, for several weeks but is waiting for a federal background check before officially nominating him to the Fed, one of these people said.

The decision to consider Mr. Cain signals the second time in weeks that Mr. Trump has floated candidates with deeply-held political views to fill a seat on the Fed, which is a traditionally independent body. Mr. Trump also plans to nominate Stephen Moore, a conservative economist and longtime economic adviser, as a Fed governor.

Mr. Moore’s potential nomination has been clouded by revelations of ethical and financial issues that surfaced in recent weeks, including a 2013 contempt of court charge stemming from failure to pay child support to his former wife. The White House has said it remains committed to nominating Mr. Moore, who is currently undergoing a background check.

Just when you thought that Stephen Moore was a terrible nominee for the Fed, Trump wants the pussy grabbing Herman Cain! Seriously, Cain was charged with sexual harassment by several women. Plus he's an idiot! I feel like I'm in some weird, dystopian dream. WTF!
Why would Trump think that people sexually harassing women is an issue?
Why would Trump think that people sexually harassing women is an issue?

ya, it's the ones that get caught and are forced to pay the price that he has no respect for... lying, cheating.. great! getting caught... LOOOOOSER!

He also served on a smaller Federal Reserve post from 1989-1991, IIRC.
We might remember Herman Cain's 9-9-9 economic plan he championed in his run for president. Utterly incompetent to an extreme. The man is an idiot. I thought you couldn't get worse than Stephen Moore. I was wrong.
We might remember Herman Cain's 9-9-9 economic plan he championed in his run for president. Utterly incompetent to an extreme. The man is an idiot. I thought you couldn't get worse than Stephen Moore. I was wrong.

I think that we should give Cain a chance. Remember, dude is brilliant. On his own, he discovered the purpose of the great pyramids. Anyone with such great bible-breathed knowledge will serve us well.
We might remember Herman Cain's 9-9-9 economic plan he championed in his run for president. Utterly incompetent to an extreme. The man is an idiot. I thought you couldn't get worse than Stephen Moore. I was wrong.

That's exactly how I felt when I read about this potential pick yesterday. It's as if, once again, Trump is doing everything he can to hurt the country. The Fed is supposed to operate as a totally independent body, but Trump keeps trying to pressure the Fed to do stupid things. He has absolutely no understanding of basic macroeconomics! Interest rates are already low, but Trump, the dictator wanna be keeps pressuring the Fed to lower them more.
Trump literally knows almost no one, so where he gets to a make a pick, he goes with the very few he has heard of. The Energizer Bunny is warming up for being head of Dept of Labor soon.
There is no such thing as a politically neutral economy; all economic policy is ideologically driven. So, let's not attack this appointment because Cain is someone with an agenda, because it's impossible not to have an agenda, even (perhaps especially) if that agenda is keeping the current system stable and functional. There's every reason to attack Cain for being a dipshit, though, so carry on.
There is no such thing as a politically neutral economy; all economic policy is ideologically driven. So, let's not attack this appointment because Cain is someone with an agenda, because it's impossible not to have an agenda, even (perhaps especially) if that agenda is keeping the current system stable and functional. There's every reason to attack Cain for being a dipshit, though, so carry on.
Cain isn't qualified enough to have an agenda, other than to argument against rate hikes because "MAGA". In general, the Fed has helped to keep the economy decently stable for a very long time. It isn't perfect, like democracy, but it is the best we really have.

Naming Cain to the board is just fucking ridiculous. And that is ignoring the whole sexual harassment claims. His N-word Ranch. Wanting to build a moon base by 2020. Pizza style / German economic plan of Nein / Nein / Nein. His issues with Google. And wanting women to smack his ass and call him "the dough boy".

...actually I might have made some of that up or muddled him with the rest of the 2012 Republican clown car primary.
There is no such thing as a politically neutral economy; all economic policy is ideologically driven. So, let's not attack this appointment because Cain is someone with an agenda, because it's impossible not to have an agenda, even (perhaps especially) if that agenda is keeping the current system stable and functional. There's every reason to attack Cain for being a dipshit, though, so carry on.

While not perfect, the Fed usually stays pretty neutral when it comes to politics, more so than probably any other governmental body. There are economic reasons why the Fed raises or lowers interest rates, usually based on inflation. When inflation is on the upswing, the Fed raises rates to slow it down. When we are in a recession or growth slowdown, the Fed usually lowers rates to stimulate the economy. This is how the Fed has traditionally operated. Regardless of the party who appointed Fed members, these basics pretty much remained the rule.

Today, Trump must have learned a new term, "qualitative easing". He was on a rant this morning pushing the Fed to do that again. There was a lot of QE during the recession that Obama inherited, but Obama didn't tell the Fed to do that. I'm no economic expert but my understanding is that quantitive easing is done when the economy is tanking, so the Fed buys back treasury bills in an effort to stimulate growth. Of course, the Fed doesn't influence the entire economy, and its efforts aren't always successful.

Imo, the Fed is about as politically neutral as a governmental body can be, but Trump is attempting to make the Fed lose its neutrality by pressuring it to do stupid things. Other presidents have always, asfaik, allowed the Fed to operate independently, as required.

Trump wants Moore and Cain on the Fed because he thinks they will do his bidding. They are both idiots when it comes to their knowledge of how the economy works, from what I've seen of them. Awwwww Shucky Ducky!!! :D
Cain is more qualified to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board than Trump is to be POTUS.

President Trump on Friday called on the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates and take additional steps to stimulate economic growth, his latest attempt to put the traditionally independent central bank under his thumb.

Speaking to reporters before traveling to the southern border, Mr. Trump once again criticized the Fed’s interest rate increases in 2018, saying “they really slowed us down.” The president, who is presiding over one of the longest sustained economic expansions in United States history, also said the Fed should do more to give the economy a lift.

Mr. Trump’s comments coincide with his efforts to install allies at the Fed as he heads into a re-election campaign that will largely be a referendum on the state of the economy. While the economy is still strong, the effects of Mr. Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut are waning and his trade war has begun to hurt some American industries, as well as contributing to slower growth in China.

Mr. Trump said on Thursday that he planned to nominate Herman Cain, a Republican who abandoned his 2012 presidential campaign in the face of sexual harassment allegations, to a seat on the Fed’s seven-member board. Mr. Trump also plans to nominate Stephen Moore, an adviser and conservative economist who has become a vocal critic of the Fed’s interest rate increases, to the central bank’s board.

This is what I'm talking about. Other presidents haven't tried to influence the Fed by telling it what to do or by appointing sycophants that agree with the president. Other presidents allowed the Fed to do its job without interference.
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/05/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

President Trump on Friday called on the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates and take additional steps to stimulate economic growth, his latest attempt to put the traditionally independent central bank under his thumb.

Speaking to reporters before traveling to the southern border, Mr. Trump once again criticized the Fed’s interest rate increases in 2018, saying “they really slowed us down.” The president, who is presiding over one of the longest sustained economic expansions in United States history, also said the Fed should do more to give the economy a lift.

Mr. Trump’s comments coincide with his efforts to install allies at the Fed as he heads into a re-election campaign that will largely be a referendum on the state of the economy. While the economy is still strong, the effects of Mr. Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut are waning and his trade war has begun to hurt some American industries, as well as contributing to slower growth in China.

Mr. Trump said on Thursday that he planned to nominate Herman Cain, a Republican who abandoned his 2012 presidential campaign in the face of sexual harassment allegations, to a seat on the Fed’s seven-member board. Mr. Trump also plans to nominate Stephen Moore, an adviser and conservative economist who has become a vocal critic of the Fed’s interest rate increases, to the central bank’s board.

This is what I'm talking about. Other presidents haven't tried to influence the Fed by telling it what to do or by appointing sycophants that agree with the president. Other presidents allowed the Fed to do its job without interference.
In general, the idea was, don't fuck with the President's economy... which helped cause the housing bubble in the Aughts.

Trump seems to be trumpeting a new economic plan called "Let's whip inflation up!"
Cain is more qualified to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board than Trump is to be POTUS.

Yeah. And he was a Member, Deputy Chairman, and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City for over six years. But why let that fact derail this circle jerk?
We might remember Herman Cain's 9-9-9 economic plan he championed in his run for president. Utterly incompetent to an extreme. The man is an idiot. I thought you couldn't get worse than Stephen Moore. I was wrong.

I think that we should give Cain a chance. Remember, dude is brilliant. On his own, he discovered the purpose of the great pyramids. Anyone with such great bible-breathed knowledge will serve us well.
The pyramid lunacy belongs Ben Carson...

Anywho, I think Cain is more of a whack-job than an idiot. But who is the real Cain? A hard core gold bug from 2012?
Where Cain breaks new ground is his call for a “21st Century Gold Standard.” Just as important, he offers a concrete, step-by-step path to make the dollar once again as good as gold, and a new set of operating procedures for the Federal Reserve that would avoid the errors of the past.

Or, a shitty political hack?
He told Bloomberg News in an interview that he’s concerned the Fed was overly aggressive with interest rate increases in the last year, but didn’t respond to follow-up questions about his column defending higher rates.

“I am not as afraid of inflation as I am of deflation,” he said. “You can stop inflation faster than you can decelerate in deflation mode.”
Cain is more qualified to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board than Trump is to be POTUS.

Yeah. And he was a Member, Deputy Chairman, and Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City for over six years. But why let that fact derail this circle jerk?

Or the fact that, as such he had little to no influence over monetary policy and really didn't do shit:

There are 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks. Each has a nine-member board of directors, composed of three commercial bankers (Class A, in Fed jargon), three people from nonbanking sectors of the economy (Class B), and three captains of industry from the region (Class C). Cain was Class C. In 1992, he joined the board of directors at the Kansas City branch of the Federal Reserve. In 1994, he was chosen to chair the board.

What does the board of directors actually do? Every month that Cain was there, board members would meet, talk through the economic developments and data in their areas, and offer some advice. Fed economists would listen. The research would be taken up to Kansas City Fed President Tom Hoenig, who could use it however he deigned to use it. “They’re a source of economic information for the bank,” explains Bill Medley, public information director for the Kansas City Fed. What’s their single biggest contribution? They recommend the discount rate, or what the Fed charges for loans. “But that,” says Medley, “has to be approved by the board of governors.”

That means that Cain’s role was chiefly as a charismatic guy who ran meetings well and corralled good advice. He was not an economist. In This Is Herman Cain!, the candidate recalls the Fed job as a Frank Capra-esque affair; a lunch with the branch manager turned into a pitch for an unexpected job.

“I thought: Wow, the Federal Reserve wants me to serve on one of its boards!” writes Cain. “That was something I had never really thought about, but it seemed pretty prestigious.” It was a learning experience, too. “Looking back on my time at the Federal Reserve, it gave me the opportunity to be exposed to macroeconomics.”

Was Cain just some naïf in the ways of high-level Fed policy? Sure. That was the point.
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