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Trump considering Herman Cain for Fed position!

Leave Herman alone. He has the same qualification all the men in Trump's orbit have: a scrotal MAGA tattoo. Don't even ask what Kelly Ann & Sarah have.

You're right, but for some reason, four Senators have rediscovered their scrotal regions and announced they won't vote for his appointment.

Bye, Herman. Time to make the pizza.
So we are seeing there are apparently limits to what the GOP will let Trump get away with, though they do it very quietly and one at a time, instead of McConnell stepping forward and saying "No way!". It seems stacking political goons on the Fed is one of them. So much for Trump's "Whip inflation up!" economic proposal.
We might remember Herman Cain's 9-9-9 economic plan he championed in his run for president. Utterly incompetent to an extreme. The man is an idiot. I thought you couldn't get worse than Stephen Moore. I was wrong.

I think that we should give Cain a chance. Remember, dude is brilliant. On his own, he discovered the purpose of the great pyramids. Anyone with such great bible-breathed knowledge will serve us well.

The Aegyptologist is HUD Secretary Been Carson
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