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Trump Declares Martial Law


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
OK. Just hypothetically. There's a serious terrorist attack on US soil, similar to 9/11. GEN. Tommy Franks once said that if such a thing happened, we would impose martial law in the U.S. Trump is far more out there than Franks. I say he'd likely do something of that nature - suspend Habeas Corpus pursuant to Article 1, section 9 (he'd have to have Congressional support, but Repubs are in charge there as of now).

So I say he would do it - maybe even without Congressional support. He's just enough of a son of a bitch to do it. What would you do? Take to the streets? Remember, everyone will be afraid of terrorism at that point.

I think House of Cards is already trying that this season.

Cheetolini will unleash a false flag attack on the US to impose Martial Law.

Will send troops to New Yourk, Washington DC Chicago, Los Angles and San Francisco to take over the news outlets to control what the people hear and see. Also send troops to Atlanta to take over CNN.

Will impose strict government control of the US portion of the internet. Even shutting down some web sites.

For the first few days, will impose 24 hour curfew to prevent people from assembly. After a week or two, will impose dust to dawn curfews


OK. Just hypothetically. There's a serious terrorist attack on US soil, similar to 9/11. GEN. Tommy Franks once said that if such a thing happened, we would impose martial law in the U.S. Trump is far more out there than Franks. I say he'd likely do something of that nature - suspend Habeas Corpus pursuant to Article 1, section 9 (he'd have to have Congressional support, but Repubs are in charge there as of now).

So I say he would do it - maybe even without Congressional support. He's just enough of a son of a bitch to do it. What would you do? Take to the streets? Remember, everyone will be afraid of terrorism at that point.


In Britain we don't have martial law at this point but we have a full alert which means armed police and sometimes troops at key installations and in the streets. Martial Law here I believe would only apply if we receive a series of attacks and armed groups roaming about the latter of which is highly unlikely.

Martial Law would be disruptive to the daily working lives of citizens and possibly reduce productivity.
What would I do? It depends on what my circumstances would be. That is, would I even be in a position to do something considering where I live? Are we talking soldiers and cops going to door to door, shooting American civilians and officials, firing squads, etc.? Well, in such a scenario...

I own several of what could be called long range rifles, as well as the venerable AK-47 (a quality version of one anyway). I've got well over 800 rounds for my hunting rifles (mostly 30-06, some .375 H&H, and about 140 rounds of .416 rem mag, and let's see... about 180 rounds of 45-70) and over 1,000 7.62x39 rounds. I also have a 9mm S&W Shield, which is highly concealable. Realistically, only 2-3 of those guns would be worth a shit in a fight though--depending on the fight.

I wouldn't tolerate living in a nation like the one hypothesized in the OP. I'd rather be dead. And in the process of knowing I'd soon be dead, I'd do my best to render those who created such an environment the same.

I think liberals need to own guns. As a group, we're an easy target. This is not a fantasy like those conservative militia fucktards have of an armed citizen uprising against the evil liberal tyrant muslim terrorist Kenyan anti-christ Obama. It's about a big enough threat to make those who would carry out such policies pay; or make them think really fucking hard before pulling some shit like that. And I don't think for one second that given the opportunity that they wouldn't do such a thing.

I'd die. Probably pretty fast, and likely without must effect at all, but I wouldn't go alone.
... I am with Opopanax. Any unconstitutional actions by our government that infringes my physical rights (of movement and of property) would be addressed by me with extreme defensive violence. Any attempt at unwarranted entry into my home would end in certain death... hopefully of the invaders. I too am defensively armed.. with nearly unlimited ammo, as I reload my own shells... and I have probably over 1,000 rounds worth of raw material in my basement ready to go... not to mention my rifled arms (for which my ammo is limited).

That said, and I have said this before, I am of the opinion that our military would never take such extreme orders. I respect our military and (most of) our police force. the very few that might comply with an order to attack the populace would be shot... of this I have little doubt.
... I am with Opopanax. Any unconstitutional actions by our government that infringes my physical rights (of movement and of property) would be addressed by me with extreme defensive violence. Any attempt at unwarranted entry into my home would end in certain death... hopefully of the invaders. I too am defensively armed.. with nearly unlimited ammo, as I reload my own shells... and I have probably over 1,000 rounds worth of raw material in my basement ready to go... not to mention my rifled arms (for which my ammo is limited).

That said, and I have said this before, I am of the opinion that our military would never take such extreme orders. I respect our military and (most of) our police force. the very few that might comply with an order to attack the populace would be shot... of this I have little doubt.
This is why Dictators have Brownshirts. This stuff doesn't happen overnight. It is chess, not that Trump can play chess, but once you have your strong arm supporters in place, they can help with these sorts of issues. And Trump has a lot of supporters that will go to great lengths to support Trump, including killing liberals. Of that, I have no doubt.
Obama is even worse because he actually declared martial law in Texas. Fortunately, a bunch of conservative morons on the Internet found out and called him on it. Then, he had to retreat.
What would I do? It depends on what my circumstances would be. That is, would I even be in a position to do something considering where I live? Are we talking soldiers and cops going to door to door, shooting American civilians and officials, firing squads, etc.? Well, in such a scenario...

I own several of what could be called long range rifles, as well as the venerable AK-47 (a quality version of one anyway). I've got well over 800 rounds for my hunting rifles (mostly 30-06, some .375 H&H, and about 140 rounds of .416 rem mag, and let's see... about 180 rounds of 45-70) and over 1,000 7.62x39 rounds. I also have a 9mm S&W Shield, which is highly concealable. Realistically, only 2-3 of those guns would be worth a shit in a fight though--depending on the fight.

I wouldn't tolerate living in a nation like the one hypothesized in the OP. I'd rather be dead. And in the process of knowing I'd soon be dead, I'd do my best to render those who created such an environment the same.

I think liberals need to own guns. As a group, we're an easy target. This is not a fantasy like those conservative militia fucktards have of an armed citizen uprising against the evil liberal tyrant muslim terrorist Kenyan anti-christ Obama. It's about a big enough threat to make those who would carry out such policies pay; or make them think really fucking hard before pulling some shit like that. And I don't think for one second that given the opportunity that they wouldn't do such a thing.

I'd die. Probably pretty fast, and likely without must effect at all, but I wouldn't go alone.

Oh, you would still go alone. You likely won't even hear the drone that kills you, much less see it.

The Iraqi army was fairly well supplied with small arms and ammo when the US and her allies invaded. The invaders suffered more self-inflicted casualties than casualties due to enemy action.

A bunch of guys with guns and the myth of the Second Amendment, vs the US Army? The army will hardly notice your heroic last stand. They certainly won't be unduly inconvenienced by it.
... I am with Opopanax. Any unconstitutional actions by our government that infringes my physical rights (of movement and of property) would be addressed by me with extreme defensive violence. Any attempt at unwarranted entry into my home would end in certain death... hopefully of the invaders. I too am defensively armed.. with nearly unlimited ammo, as I reload my own shells... and I have probably over 1,000 rounds worth of raw material in my basement ready to go... not to mention my rifled arms (for which my ammo is limited).

That said, and I have said this before, I am of the opinion that our military would never take such extreme orders. I respect our military and (most of) our police force. the very few that might comply with an order to attack the populace would be shot... of this I have little doubt.

That's a pleasant daydream. One person with a rifle in a house against a literal army or law enforcement agency?

Best-case scenario is that they just wait for you to fall asleep before entering and grabbing you. Pretty much anything else involves you getting hurt - gassed, shot, blown up, whatever. Slim chance any soldiers even get bruised. They aren't going to stand on Main St and challenge you to a duel - fair fights are for suckers.
What would I do? It depends on what my circumstances would be. That is, would I even be in a position to do something considering where I live? Are we talking soldiers and cops going to door to door, shooting American civilians and officials, firing squads, etc.? Well, in such a scenario...

I own several of what could be called long range rifles, as well as the venerable AK-47 (a quality version of one anyway). I've got well over 800 rounds for my hunting rifles (mostly 30-06, some .375 H&H, and about 140 rounds of .416 rem mag, and let's see... about 180 rounds of 45-70) and over 1,000 7.62x39 rounds. I also have a 9mm S&W Shield, which is highly concealable. Realistically, only 2-3 of those guns would be worth a shit in a fight though--depending on the fight.

I wouldn't tolerate living in a nation like the one hypothesized in the OP. I'd rather be dead. And in the process of knowing I'd soon be dead, I'd do my best to render those who created such an environment the same.

I think liberals need to own guns. As a group, we're an easy target. This is not a fantasy like those conservative militia fucktards have of an armed citizen uprising against the evil liberal tyrant muslim terrorist Kenyan anti-christ Obama. It's about a big enough threat to make those who would carry out such policies pay; or make them think really fucking hard before pulling some shit like that. And I don't think for one second that given the opportunity that they wouldn't do such a thing.

I'd die. Probably pretty fast, and likely without must effect at all, but I wouldn't go alone.

Oh, you would still go alone. You likely won't even hear the drone that kills you, much less see it.

The Iraqi army was fairly well supplied with small arms and ammo when the US and her allies invaded. The invaders suffered more self-inflicted casualties than casualties due to enemy action.

A bunch of guys with guns and the myth of the Second Amendment, vs the US Army? The army will hardly notice your heroic last stand. They certainly won't be unduly inconvenienced by it.

That's almost exactly what I said. I said, "I'd die. Probably pretty fast, and likely without much effect at all."

But I would take some of them with me first. What, you think I'd stand on my roof firing bullets into the air until they came and got me? You think I'd put up posts on Facebook announcing my intention to engage in armed resistance on May 1 at 5:30 at the intersection of State and Main?

Give me at least some credit.
... I am with Opopanax. Any unconstitutional actions by our government that infringes my physical rights (of movement and of property) would be addressed by me with extreme defensive violence. Any attempt at unwarranted entry into my home would end in certain death... hopefully of the invaders. I too am defensively armed.. with nearly unlimited ammo, as I reload my own shells... and I have probably over 1,000 rounds worth of raw material in my basement ready to go... not to mention my rifled arms (for which my ammo is limited).

That said, and I have said this before, I am of the opinion that our military would never take such extreme orders. I respect our military and (most of) our police force. the very few that might comply with an order to attack the populace would be shot... of this I have little doubt.

But what if they don't come after you? If Trump did this it would be under the guise of protecting us. The ones who would have to fear would be Muslims. You say you'd defend yourself. Fine. But what of others?

This has happened once before. Lincoln did it. And did it while ignoring Supreme Court orders. Yet we consider him to be our greatest President.

... I am with Opopanax. Any unconstitutional actions by our government that infringes my physical rights (of movement and of property) would be addressed by me with extreme defensive violence. Any attempt at unwarranted entry into my home would end in certain death... hopefully of the invaders. I too am defensively armed.. with nearly unlimited ammo, as I reload my own shells... and I have probably over 1,000 rounds worth of raw material in my basement ready to go... not to mention my rifled arms (for which my ammo is limited).

That said, and I have said this before, I am of the opinion that our military would never take such extreme orders. I respect our military and (most of) our police force. the very few that might comply with an order to attack the populace would be shot... of this I have little doubt.

But what if they don't come after you? If Trump did this it would be under the guise of protecting us. The ones who would have to fear would be Muslims. You say you'd defend yourself. Fine. But what of others?

This has happened once before. Lincoln did it. And did it while ignoring Supreme Court orders. Yet we consider him to be our greatest President.


<sigh> Buddy, you don't need to fear muslim terrorists! You have a much greater odds of dying while shooting a selfie than you do from a Muslim terrorist.
But what if they don't come after you? If Trump did this it would be under the guise of protecting us. The ones who would have to fear would be Muslims. You say you'd defend yourself. Fine. But what of others?

This has happened once before. Lincoln did it. And did it while ignoring Supreme Court orders. Yet we consider him to be our greatest President.


<sigh> Buddy, you don't need to fear muslim terrorists! You have a much greater odds of dying while shooting a selfie than you do from a Muslim terrorist.

I think you misread my post. What would you do if Trump suspended Habeas Corpus and then started going after Muslims?

He doesn't go after you because you are a real 'Merican.

<sigh> Buddy, you don't need to fear muslim terrorists! You have a much greater odds of dying while shooting a selfie than you do from a Muslim terrorist.

I think you misread my post. What would you do if Trump suspended Habeas Corpus and then started going after Muslims?

He doesn't go after you because you are a real 'Merican.


I did misread your original post. Sorry.
What would I do? It depends on what my circumstances would be. That is, would I even be in a position to do something considering where I live? Are we talking soldiers and cops going to door to door, shooting American civilians and officials, firing squads, etc.? Well, in such a scenario...

I own several of what could be called long range rifles, as well as the venerable AK-47 (a quality version of one anyway). I've got well over 800 rounds for my hunting rifles (mostly 30-06, some .375 H&H, and about 140 rounds of .416 rem mag, and let's see... about 180 rounds of 45-70) and over 1,000 7.62x39 rounds. I also have a 9mm S&W Shield, which is highly concealable. Realistically, only 2-3 of those guns would be worth a shit in a fight though--depending on the fight.

I wouldn't tolerate living in a nation like the one hypothesized in the OP. I'd rather be dead. And in the process of knowing I'd soon be dead, I'd do my best to render those who created such an environment the same.

I think liberals need to own guns. As a group, we're an easy target. This is not a fantasy like those conservative militia fucktards have of an armed citizen uprising against the evil liberal tyrant muslim terrorist Kenyan anti-christ Obama. It's about a big enough threat to make those who would carry out such policies pay; or make them think really fucking hard before pulling some shit like that. And I don't think for one second that given the opportunity that they wouldn't do such a thing.

I'd die. Probably pretty fast, and likely without must effect at all, but I wouldn't go alone.

Oh, you would still go alone. You likely won't even hear the drone that kills you, much less see it.

The Iraqi army was fairly well supplied with small arms and ammo when the US and her allies invaded. The invaders suffered more self-inflicted casualties than casualties due to enemy action.

A bunch of guys with guns and the myth of the Second Amendment, vs the US Army? The army will hardly notice your heroic last stand. They certainly won't be unduly inconvenienced by it.

Totally missed the point. It's not law enforcement you go after (although a 30.06 will go right through an armored car) it's the civilians who support law enforcement. Gated communities, Fundy churches, anyone on wall street. Koch brothers. Trust fund Republicans. When the point is just "because fuck you", then discrimination makes little sense. However, a 30.06 with a scope is likely to make it at least one to one before they take you out unless they come looking for you on purpose.

- - - Updated - - -

Obama is even worse because he actually declared martial law in Texas. Fortunately, a bunch of conservative morons on the Internet found out and called him on it. Then, he had to retreat.

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