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Trump lied about the parents of veterans. Should veterans care?


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism
Trump claimed that the parents of veterans of the Korean war called him during the campaign to get the remains of their sons back.

The problem with this of course is that it is highly unlikely that any parents of Korean veterans whose children died in the Korean war are still around to ask Trump anything of the sort.

Of course, if Obama did something like this, the nation would be in an uproar right now, and the mainstream media would be asking if Obama is fit to remain president after lying about the parents of dead veterans. But Trump did this, so everyone is OK with it. So I'm curious, is there any reason for veterans to give a shit that Trump lied about this?

I mean, we all know that a majority of them voted for Trump even after he attacked a gold star family during the campaign, so we can assume that a majority of veterans will vote Republican again even after this most recent incident.

Should veterans care?

And more importantly, should any politician ever care again about what the government does to veterans? Because quite honestly, veterans are going to vote the same way no matter what any politician does, so why should any politician adjust their decisions to accommodate the wants or needs of veterans? At this point, can't we just eliminate the entire VA and give rich people a giant tax cut?
Well, it's not IMPOSSIBLE.

That war ended in 1953
Assuming an 18 year old enlisted and died in Korea, he would have been born in or before 1935.
Assuming his parents were 18 when they had him, THEY were born in or before 1917.

So, multiple parents lived to be 100 or more, and spent their centennial calling one (or maybe all) of the presidential candidates and expressing their concerns that bones be brought home...

And he never mentinoed it to any press at any time, never brought it up in any rambling speech, when he wanted to be seen as pro-veterans.

And now he's trying to back-date it as a campaign promise.

But, no, there's no political advantage to supporting the VA. The vets who comment on military stories in the press are all pretty much locked in on Trump because he SAYS he supports the military and the vets. That's all you actually need to do.
He tried to decrease the military's pay raise this year, LOST that fight, and then claimed victory in supporting the troops with a big pay raise... So, no actions count, just what happens between his lips and the microphone...
The problem is pretty simple. Of the over 3000 lies Trump has told in a little over 460 days, this is, like 3127. It's low on the totem pole of lies, you see. People can only keep up with so much.
Well, it's not IMPOSSIBLE.

That war ended in 1953
Assuming an 18 year old enlisted and died in Korea, he would have been born in or before 1935.
Assuming his parents were 18 when they had him, THEY were born in or before 1917.

So, multiple parents lived to be 100 or more, and spent their centennial calling one (or maybe all) of the presidential candidates and expressing their concerns that bones be brought home...

And he never mentinoed it to any press at any time, never brought it up in any rambling speech, when he wanted to be seen as pro-veterans.

And now he's trying to back-date it as a campaign promise.

But, no, there's no political advantage to supporting the VA. The vets who comment on military stories in the press are all pretty much locked in on Trump because he SAYS he supports the military and the vets. That's all you actually need to do.
He tried to decrease the military's pay raise this year, LOST that fight, and then claimed victory in supporting the troops with a big pay raise... So, no actions count, just what happens between his lips and the microphone...

Yeah, it's possible, but we all know not very likely.

But anyway, since veterans will vote the same way no matter what politicians do to them, then it no longer matters what decisions politicians make with regard to veterans. Just think of what a huge tax cut we could give to rich people if we closed down the VA tomorrow!
I know a Korean War veteran who is a lifelong Republican (my dad). He already could not stand Trump. So this particular bs did not change his views about Trump whatsoever.

And I see no reason why Trump would make such a statement. There is nothing wrong with getting the remains of service men and women repatriated. Given the interval in time for the repatriation, it makes little difference whether any parents asked for it or not.
I know a Korean War veteran who is a lifelong Republican (my dad). He already could not stand Trump. So this particular bs did not change his views about Trump whatsoever.

And I see no reason why Trump would make such a statement. There is nothing wrong with getting the remains of service men and women repatriated. Given the interval in time for the repatriation, it makes little difference whether any parents asked for it or not.

He told an obvious lie about veterans and veteran remains to score cheap political points.

There was a time when that would have caused a huge uproar.

It probably would still cause a huge uproar if a Democratic politician or a black politician said the same thing.
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