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Trump refuses to work with Democrats until they stop investigating him!


Aug 12, 2001
Georgia, US
Basic Beliefs

When she and Senator Chuck Schumer arrived at the White House, Mr. Trump was loaded for bear. He walked into the Cabinet Room, did not shake anyone’s hand or sit in his seat, according to a Democrat informed about the meeting. He said he wanted to advance legislation on infrastructure, trade and other matters, but that “Speaker Pelosi said something terrible today and accused me of a cover-up,” according to the Democrat.

What a fucking baby! Plus, he had no intention of working with the Democrats in Congress. That is obvious.

I watched part of his pathetic news conference. WTF!
This probably explains why (my bolding): Judge upholds Dem subpoena for Trump financial records

A federal judge on Monday upheld a congressional subpoena seeking President Donald Trump’s financial records from an accounting firm, arguing that Congress is well within its rights to investigate potential illegal behavior by a president — even without launching a formal impeachment inquiry.

U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta’s ruling delivers a striking blow to the president’s efforts to resist Democratic investigations, and is certain to give Democrats further legal basis to investigate Trump, his finances, and his presidential campaign.

In addition to upholding the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s subpoena to accounting firm Mazars USA for eight years of Trump’s financial records, Mehta took the extra step of denying the president’s request for a stay pending appeal.

... Mehta's opinion emphasizes that lawmakers have the authority to investigate Trump’s conduct from both before and after he took office.

The ruling represents the first time the federal judiciary has weighed in on the ongoing oversight battle between Trump and House Democrats. Mehta’s ruling is likely to provide a blueprint for other judges who are set to make their own rulings on Trump’s vow to defy all congressional subpoenas.

In a 41-page opinion issued Monday, Mehta systematically dismantled the Trump legal team’s arguments against the validity of the subpoena — and he pushed back on claims from congressional Republicans that the House Judiciary Committee must formally launch an impeachment inquiry before issuing such subpoenas.

“It is simply not fathomable that a Constitution that grants Congress the power to remove a president for reasons including criminal behavior would deny Congress the power to investigate him for unlawful conduct — past or present — even without formally opening an impeachment inquiry," Mehta wrote.

Mehta noted that Congress had twice investigated alleged illegal activity by presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. “Congress plainly views itself as having sweeping authority to investigate illegal conduct of a president, before and after taking office,” Mehta wrote. “This court is not prepared to roll back the tide of history.”

The president filed suit last month to block the subpoena, arguing that it amounted to an improper and overtly political abuse of congressional authority.

Mehta eviscerated that argument, too, emphasizing that a judge’s analysis of a congressional investigation “must be highly deferential to the legislative branch.”

“Thus, it is not the court’s role to decipher whether Congress’s true purpose in pursuing an investigation is to aid legislation or something more sinister such as exacting political retribution,” Mehta wrote, adding that there are “fundamental” problems with Trump’s legal arguments.

... The judge also noted that Congress has unique constitutional power to oversee potential “emoluments,” or improper foreign payments, steered toward the president.

“Surely, incident to Congress’s authority to consent to the president’s receipt of emoluments is the power to investigate the president’s compliance with the Clause,” Mehta argued.

Congress is also allowed to investigate presidential conflicts of interest and a president's conduct “before and during his term,” Mehta ruled, pushing back on an argument from Republicans that Congress shouldn’t be investigating Trump’s conduct that pre-dates his political career.

I'm shattered. But wait, there's more!
N.Y. lawmakers pass bill to allow Congress access to Trump's state tax returns
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These rightwingers are always the ones saying, "If you don't have anything to hide, why are you worried about [insert authoritarian overstepping here]". So what does the trumpster fire have to hide? Well, quite a bit, if his own actions are any indication. It seems to be one of the very few things that this barely conscious lump of tard is aware of.

He's making himself out to be the equivalent of a low level police stooge, which pretty much implies that he knows he's guilty of crimes (and I'm sure he does). I just hope the dems can find a way to reign him in before he does something really stupid in Iran.
The White House resembles a corrupt royal court, filled with sycophants, enablers, and incompetent dabblers. Family members are in charge of areas like foreign affairs and political strategy. The befuddled, irascible figure in the middle is "prone to rages and episodic outbreaks of mental instability that increased with age" (Wikipedia's description of Ivan the Terrible.) His self-image is so bloated, delusional, and devoid of humor that he cannot tolerate any oversight, opposition or contradiction. How Trump would enjoy the old monarchial power to order beheadings. I'm sure he'd insist on witnessing them. Instead he must resort to firing people one day ahead of pension eligibility, belittling them publicly in the most coarse and personal terms, or threatening them with long prison terms. A grotesque buffoon. Future historians will have their hands full documenting his cruelty, stupidity, and sheer crassness. He is pure cancer, and so is his cult, and so is his party.
Dems have fallen back to their old game of pretending to be the man in the white hat in a 1940's Western movie where they are "too good" to do what is needed to get rid of the man in the black hat, who gets away with murder.... only later to get his comeuppance via a rogue white hat / reformed black hat. Meuller was supposed to be that "rouge white hat" to save the day. He failed at that role so the Dems will just sit around and wring their hands while the country entertains another 4 years of chaos. Nice job, white hats. fools, the lot of them.
Well, the corrupt cattle baron who runs the town has a rigged jury who will get him out the pickle he's in. He's got a whore named Stormy who lives above the saloon, a judge named Barr who throws the Pinkerton men off the trail, and an Indian named Pocahontas who has sworn to get him. That's the basic story, and I just ran out of metaphors.
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