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Trump salutes North Korean officer


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism
I think that it was from a macho and male bonding (through hierarchy) impulse that he saluted the general. It is sort of like when guys here in America do a quick casual salute to some other as a way to say you are cool and worthy of manly respect (even as an underling).

Of all the things you start threads about, some of them are petty.

Trump is a gold mine of craziness and this barely qualifies as pewter.
I think that it was from a macho and male bonding (through hierarchy) impulse that he saluted the general. It is sort of like when guys here in America do a quick casual salute to some other as a way to say you are cool and worthy of manly respect (even as an underling).

Of all the things you start threads about, some of them are petty.

Trump is a gold mine of craziness and this barely qualifies as pewter.
He saluted the enemy.
I think that it was from a macho and male bonding (through hierarchy) impulse that he saluted the general. It is sort of like when guys here in America do a quick casual salute to some other as a way to say you are cool and worthy of manly respect (even as an underling).

Of all the things you start threads about, some of them are petty.

Trump is a gold mine of craziness and this barely qualifies as pewter.

The fact that Trump saluted like a fuckwit isn't the issue.
The blatant hypocrisy of the right who had sand in their vagina when Obama bowed to a Saudi King and are deafening in their silence now is. Just try to imagine the reaction if Obama called a brutal dictator a smart cookie? Or that North Korea is now a trustworthy nation?
Trumps action, in and of itself, is not that big a deal. Conservatives reaction to it however, is.
I think that it was from a macho and male bonding (through hierarchy) impulse that he saluted the general. It is sort of like when guys here in America do a quick casual salute to some other as a way to say you are cool and worthy of manly respect (even as an underling).

Of all the things you start threads about, some of them are petty.

Trump is a gold mine of craziness and this barely qualifies as pewter.

The fact that Trump saluted like a fuckwit isn't the issue.
The blatant hypocrisy of the right who had sand in their vagina when Obama bowed to a Saudi King and are deafening in their silence now is. Just try to imagine the reaction if Obama called a brutal dictator a smart cookie? Or that North Korea is now a trustworthy nation?
Trumps action, in and of itself, is not that big a deal. Conservatives reaction to it however, is.
I disagree as Trump's actions were unforgivable and diplomatically awful, especially in light how he has acted with regards to our allies. As in, his Tweets, his actions in person, and the change in interaction with them.

Obama was crucified for negligible gaffes (at worst). That Trump isn't being held to account for his actions at G7 (rather they are heralded by his brown shirt base) and North Korean gaffes (saluting a North Korean general) to outright negligence (ending 'wargames' without talking to South Korea or our own Pentagon and signing an agreement that wasn't in line with the American position on North Korean disarmament) is just a continuing cycle of the right-wing being completely without any actual political discipline or standards.
The key factor that the right is desperately ignoring is that Kim will use that video (as well as the fucking film WE shot for him) as propaganda. It doesn’t matter whether or not the Idiot King was just stupidly reacting. He’s saluting a subordinate enemy General, which makes him the subordinate. If anyone thinks Kim is going to show the full video—and not just Trump saluting one of his Generals—then you’re so stupid you’d vote for Trump. NK completely controls their media/internet, so the full video will likely never be seen by any North Korean.

So we got nothing (and couldn’t verify anyway since their meeting wasn’t recorded) and Kim got a film of he and Trump all buddy buddy AND video of Trump being subservient to a general, not even to Kim. America is Kim’s bitch, iow, from the standpoint of his propaganda machine, which is now fully pumped for the next fifty years at least.

Were it not for the fact that NK is broke and they evidently blew up their own nuclear program, it’s likely that we will never hear from Kim again (other than to periodically Sabre rattle and rub the propaganda Trump just gave him in our faces).

Kim Jong Un Basks In The Glory
I think that it was from a macho and male bonding (through hierarchy) impulse that he saluted the general. It is sort of like when guys here in America do a quick casual salute to some other as a way to say you are cool and worthy of manly respect (even as an underling).

Of all the things you start threads about, some of them are petty.

Trump is a gold mine of craziness and this barely qualifies as pewter.


Let's assume that your  just-so story (ad hoc fallacy) is valid.

This means that Trump respects a high ranking officer in a brutal dictatorship. If Obama gave a sign of respect to a high ranking officer in a brutal dictatorship, you and the other fascists would make it front page news and the only thing anyone talks about for weeks. You would have held this up as evidence that Obama was the Worst President Ever.

But since a Republican did it, it's no big deal.

Thanks for demonstrating to us the double standard I was talking about.
I think that it was from a macho and male bonding (through hierarchy) impulse that he saluted the general. It is sort of like when guys here in America do a quick casual salute to some other as a way to say you are cool and worthy of manly respect (even as an underling).

Of all the things you start threads about, some of them are petty.

Trump is a gold mine of craziness and this barely qualifies as pewter.

The fact that Trump saluted like a fuckwit isn't the issue.
The blatant hypocrisy of the right who had sand in their vagina when Obama bowed to a Saudi King and are deafening in their silence now is. Just try to imagine the reaction if Obama called a brutal dictator a smart cookie? Or that North Korea is now a trustworthy nation?
Trumps action, in and of itself, is not that big a deal. Conservatives reaction to it however, is.

Now hold on.|

Unlike the libtards who believe in moral relativism, patriotic Real American white supremacists alt-right folk know that things are good or bad based on who does them, and not based on what is done. So when Obama bowed to that Saudi, that was evidence that Obama is a brutal dictator who likes other brutal dictators because Obama is a brutal dictator who admires other brutal dictators, and not because he bowed.

But on the other hand, when Trump saluted that North Korean officer, that was evidence that Trump is a great patriot who will make America great again, because we have already decided that Trump is a great patriot who will make America great again, so all evidence supports our conclusion (even evidence that Trump colluded with a hostile foreign power to get elected) no matter what the actual evidence is.

See how this works?

Your problem is that you are a moral relativist and can't possibly grasp the superior logic of people who believe in objective morality.
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