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Trump to meet with Kim Jong Un?


Aug 22, 2003
South Pole
Basic Beliefs
Amid all the Barbara Bush coverage, I found this


How many of you would credit Trump if North Korea disarms from nuclear weapons?

"A great chance to solve a world problem"

"Direct talks at very high levels"

"I believe there is a lot of good will"

"We'll see what happens"

This is the most presidential I've seen Trump since he took office.

But then of course he goes and ruins it with

"would not have happened without us, without me in particular"

HAHAHAHAHA He's counting his chickens before they hatch and crediting himself with world peace.
Amid all the Barbara Bush coverage, I found this


How many of you would credit Trump if North Korea disarms from nuclear weapons?

"A great chance to solve a world problem"

"Direct talks at very high levels"

"I believe there is a lot of good will"

"We'll see what happens"

This is the most presidential I've seen Trump since he took office.

But then of course he goes and ruins it with

"would not have happened without us, without me in particular"

HAHAHAHAHA He's counting his chickens before they hatch and crediting himself with world peace.
Most Presidential? You mean, the most naive. Yeah, North Korea is just going to disarm. He has no idea what he is walking into. Kim Jong Un... despite what some think, isn't a mad man, nor stupid.
Kim will give up little, inconsequential bits of their program for huge sums of money and easing of sanctions. Exactly the same things Bone Spurs belittled other administrations for doing.
Kim will give up little, inconsequential bits of their program for huge sums of money and easing of sanctions. Exactly the same things Bone Spurs belittled other administrations for doing.
I read online that Trump at best could get an Iran like deal. Which would be ironic, if Trump hadn't rendered that word meaningless.
Amid all the Barbara Bush coverage, I found this


How many of you would credit Trump if North Korea disarms from nuclear weapons?
IF it happens, sure he gets the credit, no problem. Of course there's nothing intriguing about Un having his first ever presidential meet-up with Premiere Xi, after the US-NK someday meet-up being announced. Then the Russian foreign minister makes a quick stop by to chat. Yeah sure, Un will disarm after watching the results in Iraq and Syria; and then watching Reality TV star, El Cheato (aka Tiny Hands Donny), beating his chest regarding Iran....sure, right after the ice rink opens up in Hades.

HAHAHAHAHA He's counting his chickens before they hatch and crediting himself with world peace.
Yeah, like Yugly early.
Amid all the Barbara Bush coverage, I found this


How many of you would credit Trump if North Korea disarms from nuclear weapons?
IF it happens, sure he gets the credit, no problem. Of course there's nothing intriguing about Un having his first ever presidential meet-up with Premiere Xi, after the US-NK someday meet-up being announced. Then the Russian foreign minister makes a quick stop by to chat. Yeah sure, Un will disarm after watching the results in Iraq and Syria; and then watching Reality TV star, El Cheato (aka Tiny Hands Donny), beating his chest regarding Iran....sure, right after the ice rink opens up in Hades.

HAHAHAHAHA He's counting his chickens before they hatch and crediting himself with world peace.
Yeah, like Yugly early.

Well, he did defeat ISIS in 30 days.

Oh, wait...
Well El Cheato's honeymoon with Kim Jong-Un seems to be officially over. It seems that the Dotard has at least marginally recognized you can't have all the pokers in the fire at once... Another great deal by Cadet Bone Spurs.

Citing insufficient progress on the issue of denuclearization, President Donald Trump nixed plans for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to make what would have been his fourth visit to North Korea Friday, canceling next week's trip just one day after it was announced by Pompeo.

"I have asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to go to North Korea, at this time, because I feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula," Trump tweeted on Friday. "Secretary Pompeo looks forward to going to North Korea in the near future, most likely after our Trading relationship with China is resolved."
Well El Cheato's honeymoon with Kim Jong-Un seems to be officially over. It seems that the Dotard has at least marginally recognized you can't have all the pokers in the fire at once... Another great deal by Cadet Bone Spurs.

Citing insufficient progress on the issue of denuclearization, President Donald Trump nixed plans for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to make what would have been his fourth visit to North Korea Friday, canceling next week's trip just one day after it was announced by Pompeo.

"I have asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to go to North Korea, at this time, because I feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula," Trump tweeted on Friday. "Secretary Pompeo looks forward to going to North Korea in the near future, most likely after our Trading relationship with China is resolved."

Yeah. He's blaming China for not helping because China is less than enchanted with a certain nation's trade war. So let's count the fuckups.

1. Tariffs on Jhyna
2. Meeting with Kim Jong Un
a. Being unprepared for the meeting
b. Not getting any concessions during the meetings
c. Giving up war exercises in exchange for "denuclearization of the Korean peninsula"
d. Saluting a NK general (which, admittedly is nowhere near as bad as saluting a marine with a cup of coffee in one's hand)
e. Proclaiming he had solved the NK problem
3. Utterly failing to take into account what the effect of his tariffs would have on China's continued cooperation with us on NK
4. Being retarded
5. Humiliating himself and the United States on the world stage.

That's just off the top of my head.
It seems like the honeymoon is over.

Two Assholes Having a Rough Honeymoon

North Korea's Rodong Sinmun newspaper said U.S. special units based in Japan were staging an air drill aimed at "the infiltration into Pyongyang", citing a South Korean media outlet.

"Such acts prove that the U.S. is hatching a criminal plot to unleash a war against the DPRK and commit a crime which deserves merciless divine punishment in case the U.S. fails in the scenario of the DPRK's unjust and brigandish denuclearisation first," the paper said.

"We cannot but take a serious note of the double-dealing attitudes of the U.S. as it is busy staging secret drills involving man-killing special units while having a dialogue with a smile on its face," it noted.

My oh my. I guess Kim got what he wanted and Dotard got what he wanted. Now it's back-to-reality time.
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