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Trump to nominate James O'Keefe to Supreme Court

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
article said:
Aides close to President Trump have indicated that "journalism extraordinare" James O'Keefe would be Trump's selection to fill Justice Scalia's seat on the Supreme Court. The aides indicated that Trump was impressed with O'Keefe's ability to "reimagine the truth" with his unique journalistic style.

Aides would not comment on the inexperience of O'Keefe, who isn't even a lawyer. However, aides did note that while contemporary SCOTUS members have been judges, it is not unprecedented for someone who wasn't a lawyer or judge to be named to the Supreme Court, such as President Taft.

Senate Republicans were generally quite regarding the nomination. Senator McConnell noted, "While the selection is unique, I believe this person deserves a chance to be heard in a hearing, and we can make a decision after that."
Is it poe, is it real? Are we that lost in the woods?

"He produces secretly recorded undercover audio and video encounters, some of which he then edits in order to misrepresent persons as having said things they did not say."

PERFECT! Sounds like a match made in heaven for the Orange propaganda machine.
No, he will be laughed out of the Senate.
I remind you, Dr. Ben Carson is head of the HUD and the wife to the billionaire who invented the nation's largest pyramid scheme is the nominee for Secretary of Education.
If I were running a network, I wouldn't have the announcement on unles Il Douchebag had a paying sponsor for it.

This is sounding like Lebron James's "The Decision".

Il Doughebag loves free publicity. I wont be watching it.

Fascism forever? Didn't like the teacher enough to create a hate group?
If I were running a network, I wouldn't have the announcement on unles Il Douchebag had a paying sponsor for it.

This is sounding like Lebron James's "The Decision".

Il Doughebag loves free publicity. I wont be watching it.

In Lebron's case, he donated all that money to charity.
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So let me get this straight. That Gorsuch made a sophomoric joke in his high school yearbook matters 40 years later for some reason, but Keith Ellison supporting anti-semitic and racist Louis Farrakhan/Nation of Islam through law school and into his 30s should not affect his bid for DNC chair?
Derec responds to a charge against someone by pointing fingers at a completely different person and playing the 'blacks are just as bad or worse' card.
That's so unexpected.
So let me get this straight. That Gorsuch made a sophomoric joke in his high school yearbook matters 40 years later for some reason, but Keith Ellison supporting anti-semitic and racist Louis Farrakhan/Nation of Islam through law school and into his 30s should not affect his bid for DNC chair?
Derec responds to a charge against someone by pointing fingers at a completely different person and playing the 'blacks are just as bad or worse' card.
That's so unexpected.

A surprise indeed. But one must always remember: blacks are always worse than whatever heinous thing some alt-right moron might do, so we must not speak of any horrors other than the boogeymen that preoccupy the alt-racists.
Derec responds to a charge against someone by pointing fingers at a completely different person
It's called drawing a parallel. Or compare and contrast. I am drawing the attention to the hypocrisy of attacking Gorsuch for what he did in high school, while excusing things done by others while adults.

and playing the 'blacks are just as bad or worse' card.
I did not say anything about "blacks". That is pure invention by you.
I merely compared treatment of Gorsuch with lack of scrutiny for Keith Ellison's ties to NoI. Keith Ellison is an individual. Just one guy. He is not "blacks".
Also, comparison with him is topical as the election for the DNC chair is coming up.
blacks are always worse
Again the nonsense with "blacks". Ellison is not the "blacks" just like Gorsuch is not the "whites".
than whatever heinous thing some alt-right moron might do
Is a high school yearbook joke a "heinous thing"? Is Gorsuch alt-right? I don't think so. He is certainly not a moron, but a highly qualified jurist.
It's called drawing a parallel.
Call it whatever you want, you draw the same parallel every single time.
You don't defend Gorsuch's actions, you just use the criticism to bring up the same thing.

and playing the 'blacks are just as bad or worse' card.
I did not say anything about "blacks". That is pure invention by you.
Well, not PURE invention.
Please point me to the last time you 'drew a parallel' to a white activist being forgiven?
Or someone speaking for the All Lives Matter Movement whose crimes were forgotten?
Or someone from the NRA who got off scot free?
It's called drawing a parallel. Or compare and contrast. I am drawing the attention to the hypocrisy of attacking Gorsuch for what he did in high school, while excusing things done by others while adults.

and playing the 'blacks are just as bad or worse' card.
I did not say anything about "blacks". That is pure invention by you.
I merely compared treatment of Gorsuch with lack of scrutiny for Keith Ellison's ties to NoI. Keith Ellison is an individual. Just one guy. He is not "blacks".
Also, comparison with him is topical as the election for the DNC chair is coming up.

Aw, so butthurt. Did you hear that Bush Jr once saved a raccoon?
I guess invading Iraq was the right thing to do, since Obama once ran over a squirrel.

All you do is cherry-pick isolated instances and hold them up to justify whatever madness you like.
Got anything to make Cheato's CONSTANT lying, attacking the press and nominating billionaires and generals to "drain the swamp" make sense?

While you're thinking about that, Derec, try answering this:
Please point me to the last time you 'drew a parallel' to a white activist being forgiven?
Or someone speaking for the All Lives Matter Movement whose crimes were forgotten?
Or someone from the NRA who got off scot free?
It's called drawing a parallel. Or compare and contrast. I am drawing the attention to the hypocrisy of attacking Gorsuch for what he did in high school, while excusing things done by others while adults.

and playing the 'blacks are just as bad or worse' card.
I did not say anything about "blacks". That is pure invention by you.
I merely compared treatment of Gorsuch with lack of scrutiny for Keith Ellison's ties to NoI. Keith Ellison is an individual. Just one guy. He is not "blacks".
Also, comparison with him is topical as the election for the DNC chair is coming up.

There is no parallel between Gorsuch and Ellison, no comparison between the positions they are seeking, and nothing to contrast. Gorsuch is being nominated to the Supreme Court, and Ellison is possibly going to be put forth to be elected as the next DNC chair. If you can't tell the difference between the positions for which these two men are being considered then there is nothing further to say on the topic.
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