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Trump wants "patriotic education"


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump Calls for ‘Patriotic Education’ to Defend American History From the Left - The New York Times
President Trump escalated his attacks on “left-wing demonstrators” and “far-left mobs” on Thursday, portraying himself as a defender of American heritage against revolutionary fanatics and arguing for a new “pro-American” curriculum in the nation’s schools.

Speaking at the National Archives Museum, Mr. Trump vowed to counter what he called an emerging classroom narrative that “America is a wicked and racist nation,” and he said he would create a new “1776 Commission” to help “restore patriotic education to our schools.” The president reiterated his condemnations of demonstrators who tear down monuments to historical American figures, and he even sought to link the Democratic presidential nominee, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., to the removal of a founding father’s statue in Mr. Biden’s home state, Delaware.

“Our heroes will never be forgotten,” Mr. Trump said. “Our youth will be taught to love America.”
About the 1619 Project,
Mr. Trump said the project in fact “rewrites American history to teach our children that we were founded on the principle of oppression, not freedom.”

“Nothing could be further from the truth,” Mr. Trump continued, saying that the United States’ founding “set in motion the unstoppable chain of events that abolished slavery, secured civil rights, defeated communism and fascism, and built the most fair, equal and prosperous nation in human history.”
This is either grotesque historical illiteracy or else a big fat lie.

Why was it necessary to abolish slavery and secure civil rights if the US did not have a long history of oppression?

Let's look at the dates.
  • First English colony: 1607
  • First slaves imported: 1619
  • First Continental Congress meeting: 1774
  • The American Revolution: 1775 - 1783
  • Articles of Confederation adopted: 1777 - 1781
  • US Constitution composed and ratified: 1787 - 1788
  • US Government starts operation: 1789
  • The Civil War: 1861 - 1865
  • The civil-rights movement: 1955 - 1965
So the US and its predecessors had slavery for nearly 250 years, and slavery was ended a little over 150 years ago. The numbers don't look good. Trump is supposed to be a genius business leader, and part of being a good business leader is understanding financials.

The civil-rights movement was necessary because of the failure of the North to support Southern blacks after the war -- after a decade, the North let Southern reactionaries bully and terrorize Southern blacks into submission and what was not much more than serfdom.

Defeating Communism? This makes me picture columns of US tanks rolling into Moscow. That never happened. Instead, Eastern European Communism collapsed and the remaining Communist countries have become in greater or lesser degree capitalist roaders, especially Communist China.

Defeating Fascism? That was provoked by Japan's attacking Pearl Harbor. Before that, there was a big America First movement, and some America Firsters were Nazi-lovers.

Equal?  List of countries by income equality - The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency - Most European countries, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea have a more equal income distribution.

Fair?  Economic mobility - A Family Affair: Intergenerational Social Mobility across OECD Countries - Economic Mobility at inequality.stanford.edu - International Comparisons of Economic Mobility at the Brookings Institution - the US has much less intergenerational economic-status mobility than Canada or the Nordic countries. That means that rags-to-rags and riches-to-riches are much more common than rags-to-riches and riches-to-rags.

The US is high in GDP per capita:  List of countries by GDP (nominal) per capita -  List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita -  List of countries by GNI (PPP) per capita - but it is far from #1.
"This is either grotesque historical illiteracy or else a big fat lie.". It is both. This is just bone for Trump to throw to his base.
Trump calls for more patriotic education - The Washington Post
President Trump pressed his case Thursday that U.S. schools are indoctrinating children with a left-wing agenda hostile to the nation’s Founding Fathers, describing efforts to educate students about racism and slavery as an insult to the country’s lofty founding principles.

Trump, speaking before original copies of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence at the National Archives, characterized demonstrations against racial injustice as “left-wing rioting and mayhem” that “are the direct result of decades of left-wing indoctrination in our schools. It’s gone on far too long.”

The federal government has no power over the curriculum taught in local schools. Nonetheless, Trump said he would create a national commission to promote a “pro-American curriculum that celebrates the truth about our nation’s great history,” which he said would encourage educators to teach students about the “miracle of American history.”

His argument casts any criticism of the United States, even of slavery, as unpatriotic. It stands in sharp contrast to American leaders such as President Barack Obama, who spoke more frankly of the nation’s shortcomings, painting it as a country constantly striving to perfect itself.

Yet educators and students say that Trump is wildly out of touch with what happens in public school classrooms, where the United States is still held up as a beacon of freedom and democracy, and a moral leader.

“Trump plays to this idea of White grievance and White fear and White insecurity,” Broussard said. “The country’s population has changed racially and ethnically . . . I think that will continue to provoke anxiety among some people.”

“The whole adage of not repeating the mistakes of our forefathers is the one that I hear over and over from my students,” Hitchcock said. “They just don’t want to make the same mistakes.”
Trump calls his commission the "1776 Commission", likely a reference to the NYT's 1619 Project.
'Patriotic Education': Trump Says He Will Start New Commission : NPR
In austere, starkly divisive remarks, President Trump on Thursday said he would create a commission to promote "patriotic education" and announced the creation of a grant to develop a "pro-American curriculum." The move is largely political — a reaction to a growing push by some academics for schools to teach an American history that better acknowledges slavery and systemic racism.

In the speech, Trump decried what he said was a "twisted web of lies" being taught in U.S. classrooms about systemic racism in America, calling it "a form of child abuse." He reprised themes from a speech he gave in July at Mount Rushmore.

"Teaching this horrible doctrine to our children is a form of child abuse, the truest sense," Trump said. "For many years now, the radicals have mistaken Americans' silence for weakness. They're wrong. There is no more powerful force than a parent's love for their children. And patriotic moms and dads are going to demand that their children are no longer fed hateful lies about this country."
Michele Bachmann should chair the curriculum commission. She has a flair for history. I long to hear her rendition of the Revolution starting in a little place called Concord, New Hampshire.
And don't forget Trump's massive hard-on for military parades. I want to see tanks and half-tracks lumbering over the BLM pavement in D.C., maybe with toothsome Kellyanne in the lead tank, standing up in the turret, her long blonde patriotic hair waving in the wind. Then re-enactments along the Potomac of George Washington taking out the British air bases and, in modern times, Frederick Douglass integrating the army in Nam.
Fuck. We could really get our country back.
"Patriotic education" Sounds like something straight out of China or North Korea.
Patriotic Education, the textbook:
1) Bush II ignores warning in Aug. 2001 that al Qaeda will attack us with hijacked airliners: Footnote on pg. 1017 in chapter 44, The Holy War Against Radical Islam
2) 4 embassy staff killed in Libya: Chapters 48-51: Benghazi: A Twenty-First Century Holocaust, Pts. I, II, III, IV
"This is either grotesque historical illiteracy or else a big fat lie.". It is both. This is just bone for Trump to throw to his base.

I have a thread in the main political discussion section on an article from Medium that points out that Trump and his supporters confuse the negative of "nationalism" with the positive "patriotism." This article bears this out.
I Shot the Moslems with Pig Blood Ammo by Gen'l John Black Jack Pershing (Rough and Ready Pub. Co., Dothan, Alabama 1924)
Jehovah God, the White Knights, and the Unbroached Hymen of White Southern Femininity: Treatise and Meditation, by Gen'l Nathan Bedford Forrest (Elijah's Exalted Hiccup Press, Gaffney, S.C., 1880)
Bone Spurs as a Disqualification for Service But No Aspersion on Virility or Valor, U.S. Armed Services Medical Corps Manual of Standards (Gov't. Printing Office, 1942, amended 2017)
"Patriotic education" Sounds like something straight out of China or North Korea.

Gee. Ya think?
The Trump Crime Family's aspiration to create a Nazi Germany or NK-style "patriotism movement" with them as figureheads, is scarcely disguised at all any more.
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