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Trump’s New CDC Director: AIDS Is ‘God’s Judgment’ Against Gays


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.

Trump’s new CDC director, Dr. Robert Redfield, is a dangerous Christian extremist with a history of demonizing gays and single parents.

Dr. Robert Redfield, the new Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has long standing ties with conservative Christian groups that are hostile to gays, single parents, and anyone else that offends their “family values.”

In the past, the new CDC director has worked closely with the Christian organization Americans for a Sound AIDS/HIV Policy. The group claims that AIDS was “God’s judgment” against gays, and was punishment from God for an America weakened by single-parent households and a loss of “family values.”
Wonderful. The totally cynical part of appointments like this is that Trump shows zero signs of having any particular religious convictions at all. He is simply pandering to his dwindling base of evangelical haters.

The country demographic is moving in the other direction. I recall seeing a poll recently that over 50% of americans are Ok with secular gay marriage.

I just wonder when the Repugs will come to realize that in the long term the Republican party will find that it has dug itself into a hole it can't escape from.
Idiots. You're just idiots. You believe anything, anything, presented in your highly partisan misinformed websites. This is fake news. The guy never said AIDS was God's judgment. Please find a cite. Please. Because he apparently worked with a religious group which purportedly held that belief, you assume he does, too? You absolute idiots.

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a Democrat and former lieutenant governor of Maryland, praised Dr. Redfield. “He has a wonderful bedside manner and is loving and devoted to his patients,” said Ms. Townsend, who served on the institute’s board.

Terry Lierman, chairman of the institute’s Board of Advisors, said Dr. Redfield’s work treating H.I.V. patients who were also addicts made him a great choice for the job.

“In particular, Dr. Redfield has much experience in treating addiction as a co-morbidity to H.I.V. and incorporating addiction treatment into a patient’s overall primary care,” Mr. Lierman said. “This appointment is refreshingly not about politics, but about quality, competence and compassion.’’

While pushing for broader AIDS testing during routine exams as a means to contain the epidemic, Dr. Redfield also called for reducing the stigma associated with the disease. At a congressional hearing in August 1987, Dr. Redfield recommended regular testing, at doctor’s appointments and hospitalizations, as well as for marriage license applicants, and incorporating the test into the practice of medicine, according to news reports. But he also said, “We have to tell people it’s anti-American to discriminate against people who have the AIDS virus.”

AIDS Researcher Robert R. Redfield Named to Lead the C.D.C.

Because he apparently worked with a religious group which purportedly held that belief, you assume he does, too? You absolute idiots.

That's generally how it works. If I did the tax returns for a paedophile ring, there'd be some questions about my proclivities.
Because he apparently worked with a religious group which purportedly held that belief, you assume he does, too? You absolute idiots.

That's generally how it works. If I did the tax returns for a paedophile ring, there'd be some questions about my proclivities.

Listen, just because Trump appointed a Secretary of Education who was dedicated to the destruction of public education, or a head of the EPA who was dedicated to the destruction of the EPA, or a head of HUD who was virulently opposed to public housing doesn't mean that he's deliberately picking people with the intention of destroying those agencies! That's just a coincidence!
Don't forget acting Attorney General who promised to violate US constitution and Kavanaugh.
Being appointed by Trump is a big red flag.
The OP is mischaracterizing this guy:

Dr. Redfield is known for his pioneering contributions in clinical research, and in particular for his extensive research into the virology and therapeutic treatments of HIV infection and AIDS. During the 1980s in the early years of investigation into the AIDS pandemic Redfield led the research that was the first to conclusively demonstrate that the HIV retrovirus could be heterosexually transmitted.[9] He also developed the staging system now in use worldwide for the clinical assessment of HIV infection. He collaborated with numerous teams at the forefront of AIDS research, publishing several key papers and was a strong and innovative advocate for strategies to translate knowledge gained from clinical studies to the practical treatment of patients afflicted by chronic viral diseases.[5]


He seems to be qualified and has made important contributions to HIV and AIDS research.
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from the op:
Redfield wrote the introduction to a 1990 book, “Christians in the Age of AIDS,” co-written by Smith, in which he denounced distribution of sterile needles to drug users and condoms to sexually active adults, and described anti-discrimination programs as the efforts of “false prophets.”

Why would he write the intro to a book like that?

Democrats should certainly ask about this during confirmation hearings. Oh wait...
I don't know Trausti. My voting choices are probably the negative image of his. But the OP headline is false. That's just basic. It's like a headline reading Pence: 'I Like to Grab 'Em by the Pussy.'
I agree with the other posters that Trump has appointed crackpots and ideologues to the cabinet and other top posts and that this administration is second to none in our history for being, like the President, unfit for office.
Pence likes to grab women by the pussy? No wonder his wife doesn't let him be alone with them.
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