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Trump's Supreme Court nominee turns his back on a grieving father


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
Kavanaugh is truly a scumbag....

This just happened in the Senate Judiciary Committee, before the hearing on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh recessed for lunch.
Fred Guttenberg

Just walked up to Judge Kavanaugh as morning session ended. Put out my hand to introduce myself as Jaime Guttenberg's dad. He pulled his hand back, turned his back to me and walked away. I guess he did not want to deal with the reality of gun violence.
1:03 PM - Sep 4, 2018

Who is Jaime Guttenberg? A 14-year-old student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who was among the 17 gunned down in February. Watch the video below the fold, in which Guttenberg tells Kavanaugh his daughter was “murdered in Parkland,” and Kavanaugh turns his back on him.
That’s who Republicans are rushing to confirm, a man who won’t even acknowledge a grieving father.
Every Democratic senator must announce their opposition to Kavanaugh's confirmation immediately. Use this tool to tell your Senators—Democratic and Republican—to oppose this confirmation.

Tuesday, Sep 4, 2018 · 2:34:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time · Joan McCarterWhite House spokesman Raj Shah does what Trumpsters do best, lie in an official statement: "As Judge Kavanaugh left for his lunch break, an unidentified individual approached him. Before the Judge was able to shake his hand, security had intervened."

Too bad for Kavanaugh there’s video to tell the real story.

So ... the gist of the story is that Trump's nominee is a dick who oppose any rules to curtail gun ownership?

What's next, the shocking and totally unexpected revelation that he'll rule in favour of banning abortions?

This is what you voted for. Stop acting surprised when you get it.
So ... the gist of the story is that Trump's nominee is a dick who oppose any rules to curtail gun ownership?

What's next, the shocking and totally unexpected revelation that he'll rule in favour of banning abortions?

This is what you voted for. Stop acting surprised when you get it.

I did NOT vote for the orange Nazi.
I'm undecided on what might have happened. The linked video didn't show Kavanaugh extend or withdraw his had. Even if he had it looks like a security man ushered him forward rather quickly, so his reaction would be understandable. If he did actually have his hand extended for a moment that might even reveal some desire to respond sympathetically toward the father. There's enough to be upset with about Kavanaugh without another diversion that waves a red flag at the Republicans. In my opinion the protestors who disrupted the meeting also served as a distraction to a rather concerted Democrat effort to layout their objections to the process. They might have gained credibility by asking them to stop. As it was, Senator Cornyn got to characterize their points as "mob rule", in typical Trumpian style. Shades of Idiocracy.
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So ... the gist of the story is that Trump's nominee is a dick who oppose any rules to curtail gun ownership?

What's next, the shocking and totally unexpected revelation that he'll rule in favour of banning abortions?

This is what you voted for. Stop acting surprised when you get it.

None of that is particularly alarming. What IS alarming is his love for authoritarianism - a vision of the Presidency as a dictator's throne. A president, in his stifled opinion, cannot be indicted, subpoenaed or in any way made to comply with law enforcement.

Kavanaugh is a scumbag who apparently lied under oath in the past, is suppressing the truth about his past expressed opinions and is using every dirty trick in the rethuglican arsenal to get himself installed.
I don't blame him so much - the blame lies with McConnell, Ryan and their gang of Congressional thieves.
So ... the gist of the story is that Trump's nominee is a dick who oppose any rules to curtail gun ownership?

What's next, the shocking and totally unexpected revelation that he'll rule in favour of banning abortions?

This is what you voted for. Stop acting surprised when you get it.

None of that is particularly alarming. What IS alarming is his love for authoritarianism - a vision of the Presidency as a dictator's throne. A president, in his stifled opinion, cannot be indicted, subpoenaed or in any way made to comply with law enforcement.

Kavanaugh is a scumbag who apparently lied under oath in the past, is suppressing the truth about his past expressed opinions and is using every dirty trick in the rethuglican arsenal to get himself installed.
I don't blame him so much - the blame lies with McConnell, Ryan and their gang of Congressional thieves.

He apparently was also involved in giving Bush II the idea he could break the law and continue torture by simply issuing a signing statement saying he could.
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