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Trump’s Ties To Russia Go Back To The Seventies


Veteran Member
Mar 10, 2018
New York
Basic Beliefs
Spiritual atheist
Wasn't sure exactly how to do this, but this is a thread I started over at Secular Cafe (now archived here) that I thought some might find engaging: A New Conspiracy Theory.

It all essentially started with this still curiously little known article from the Guardian from December of 2016: Czechoslovakia Spied On Donald and Ivana Trump, Communist Era Files Show and centers around the impetus for Trump’s “activation” shall we say, which was the discovery of the Russian oil fields around 2012 that in turn led to the Exxon/BP/Rosneft deal that Obama effectively destroyed with the original set of sanctions imposed due to Putin’s incursion into the Ukraine (sanctions that are still in place and were reinforced unnecessarily by an almost unanimous Congress).

The motivation being, of course, the fact that those oil fields—once mined and processed—will mean that Russia surpasses Saudi Arabia/OPEC as the world’s largest oil distributor. Iow, Russia will be the new Saudi Arabia and all that that entails, which is a singularly distinct and powerful motivation for precisely this kind of grand scale chess move. It literally means that Russia—Putin—can (finally) achieve global conquest.

It’s a very deep dive (and tl;dr for most). How it can be continued itt, I’m not quite sure; perhaps by quoting sections others find of note either pro or con and we go from there? Regardless, I think there is a lot of evidence that supports the theory that Trump has—at the very least—been a targeted “Soviet” (the catch-all term I use to span the years and various iterations of Russian-controlled intelligence operations) asset since the eighties, if not earlier and more than likely a particular target for Putin once Putin took office in the early nineties.

There is also a lot of information that got discovered along the way as the thread evolved that I think may be of interest (such as Trump’s hundreds of Qatar-based shell companies and his/their ties to Rosneft/Russia). And, yes, because it was an ongoing, extemporaneous thread, there is a lot of speculation and stream-of-conscious musings the deeper the dive and likely a lot of dead-ends and/or missed beats, so to speak, but then that’s the nature of the beast.

Hopefully it will spur others to either hack the thickets down or see things missing at the time that are now revealed, etc., etc., etc.

ETA: Of further note is that the way by which we know of the StB spying on Trump and Ivana is through the discovery of a file on Ivana’s father. The almost certainly to exist files on Ivana and/or Trump directly have not been found, to the best of my knowledge and google abilities.

This is significant, imo, because it is the kind of oversight that I believe lends credence to the theory, as well as suggests that the main files on Trump and Ivana were of primary interest and logically forwarded by the StB to the KGB before the StB was officially shut down (which in turn corresponded perfectly with Putin’s rise and so he would have likely seen/reviewed such files personally).
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I'm not sure as to the "conspiarcy theory" goes, but all of this does make more sense regarding Putin pushing for Trump, and meddling more on the Republican side of things. With Rosneft poised to make THAT much money and put Russia into a bigger place on the world stage, it behooves Russia to attempt to block all attempts at renewable resources being used instead of oil around the world. Otherwise, think about how bad luck this is: Russia discovers oil fields the like fo which has rarely been seen, and Rosneft cannot tap that potential alone, so it needs help. Cue global warming and a push by most other countries to get off the oil addiction, and Russia finds a gold mine right as gold becomes worthless. There is indeed a lot at stake here, and Russia, er, Putin, will do almost anything to change the current direction of world events.
Is that how long Putin has been grooming Trump for the presidency?

Arguably so, though “grooming” may not be the right word. That implies cooperation and/or a more direct influence. I think Putin is a world class chess player and Trump plays checkers. And loses.
I'm not sure as to the "conspiarcy theory" goes, but all of this does make more sense regarding Putin pushing for Trump, and meddling more on the Republican side of things. With Rosneft poised to make THAT much money and put Russia into a bigger place on the world stage, it behooves Russia to attempt to block all attempts at renewable resources being used instead of oil around the world. Otherwise, think about how bad luck this is: Russia discovers oil fields the like fo which has rarely been seen, and Rosneft cannot tap that potential alone, so it needs help. Cue global warming and a push by most other countries to get off the oil addiction, and Russia finds a gold mine right as gold becomes worthless. There is indeed a lot at stake here, and Russia, er, Putin, will do almost anything to change the current direction of world events.

China saw the writing on the wall immediately and sunk billions in alternative energy over the past few years. Now that they are safely on the road to energy independence, they just recently established historic trade deals with Russia (evidence in the archived thread). Iow, knowing he could not defeat China, Putin simply partnered with them in his global conquest. And what are we (America) doing? Trump is systematically unplugging us from the world—bankrupting us, iow, according to the only business model he has ever employed—and profiting off of the fire sale.

We collapse as Russia ascends. China saw it and jumped on board. UK brexited, so that leaves Germany to lead the EU into continued middle management. Saudi Arabia, without oil dependency, becomes what it essentially is; a wasteland of religious extremists. They too saw the writing on the wall and....made a deal with Russia.

The shift has already happened. The question is whether or not we can get rid of Trump and the rest of the worthless Republicans in Congress in time to do anything about it. We (America) are more or less oil independent for the time being, but then that’s not what matters. What matters is how Putin—with more oil power than Saudi Arabia/OPEC—will restructure (annex) the world’s emerging markets through that power. The whole reason OPEC exists, after all, is (believe it or not) to stabilize global energy. This is precisely why Hussein was first targeted. He constantly threatened (and succeeded at) destabilizing the global energy concerns.

Compared to Putin, intellectually, Hussein was a congenital idiot with advanced syphillis.

ETA: Not exactly a shock, but should be added here: Trump decided to abandon plans for more Russia sanctions.
Is that how long Putin has been grooming Trump for the presidency?

Arguably so, though “grooming” may not be the right word. That implies cooperation and/or a more direct influence. I think Putin is a world class chess player and Trump plays checkers. And loses.

So Putin has been working on Trump since the seventies to get him into the position he is in now. Got it.
Is that how long Putin has been grooming Trump for the presidency?

Arguably so, though “grooming” may not be the right word. That implies cooperation and/or a more direct influence. I think Putin is a world class chess player and Trump plays checkers. And loses.

So Putin has been working on Trump since the seventies to get him into the position he is in now. Got it.

Who said that?
(HINT: you)
Are you trying to deny that Russia has been cultivating Cheato for decades? Or is that only a problem if they were trying to get him elected president the whole time?
FWIW, I don't think they EVER were really trying/hoping to get him elected until the final weeks of the 2016 campaign when Republican James Comey chimed in to deliver the coup de grace to Crooked Hillary's campaign. And they're probably suffering a bit of buyer's remorse now, considering the badly damaged goods they purchased.
KGB might be assholes but they are not idiots, they had enough time to profile Trump and realize that he can not be trusted with anything other than creating chaos and doing so without any direction on the part of KGB.
Is that how long Putin has been grooming Trump for the presidency?

Arguably so, though “grooming” may not be the right word. That implies cooperation and/or a more direct influence. I think Putin is a world class chess player and Trump plays checkers. And loses.

So Putin has been working on Trump since the seventies to get him into the position he is in now. Got it.

Are you normally this obtuse, or do you just love to stuff strawmen for no useful reason? Do you not understand how intelligence agents turn assets? Or the many different purposes they could serve based on opportunity or manipulation? Do you not understand chess?

All pertinent questions triggered by your response.
So Putin has been working on Trump since the seventies to get him into the position he is in now. Got it.

Are you normally this obtuse, or do you just love to stuff strawmen for no useful reason? Do you not understand how intelligence agents turn assets? Or the many different purposes they could serve based on opportunity or manipulation? Do you not understand chess?

All pertinent questions triggered by your response.
Seeing that you are "new" here, there answers are: no, yes, no, no, unknown.
KGB might be assholes but they are not idiots, they had enough time to profile Trump and realize that he can not be trusted with anything other than creating chaos and doing so without any direction on the part of KGB.

Don't you think that creating chaos was enough for them?
Is that how long Putin has been grooming Trump for the presidency?

Arguably so, though “grooming” may not be the right word. That implies cooperation and/or a more direct influence. I think Putin is a world class chess player and Trump plays checkers. And loses.

This. His Flatulence doesn't see the puppet strings.
Is that how long Putin has been grooming Trump for the presidency?

Arguably so, though “grooming” may not be the right word. That implies cooperation and/or a more direct influence. I think Putin is a world class chess player and Trump plays checkers. And loses.

This. His Flatulence doesn't see the puppet strings.

Or just doesn’t care (or, more likely, is so far up his own ass that he really does think the rules don’t apply to him). The fact that he—to this day—proudly considers Roy Cohen to have been his friend and mentor is almost as revealing as the fact that he tapped Roger Stone to fill those shoes.

Trump is not a stupid man. Vulture capitalism is not a stupid man’s game. He uses it—plays the part—but he’s like Madonna; she can’t sing to save her life but she wasn’t selling her voice, she was selling a persona. Trump, of course, does the exact same thing, but he has clearly been corrupted in ways he can’t ever come back from.

It’s like he was raised in a satanic cult to be their public face, so that no one thought to look past him at all the fucked up shit going on behind those velvet curtains. And he—due no doubt to his father’s abuse and money—never minded that position. It’s like how the son of a preacher man is always a hustler.

I don’t think Trump is necessarily evil; I just think he doesn’t mind evil. Which is actually worse.
KGB might be assholes but they are not idiots, they had enough time to profile Trump and realize that he can not be trusted with anything other than creating chaos and doing so without any direction on the part of KGB.

Don't you think that creating chaos was enough for them?

They should have quit while they were ahead, but nooooo... they had to actually try to get "their boy" elected. Now they have a recalcitrant tub-o-lard running amok and fouling their plans - along with everything else he touches..
KGB might be assholes but they are not idiots, they had enough time to profile Trump and realize that he can not be trusted with anything other than creating chaos and doing so without any direction on the part of KGB.

Don't you think that creating chaos was enough for them?

They should have quit while they were ahead, but nooooo... they had to actually try to get "their boy" elected. Now they have a recalcitrant tub-o-lard running amok and fouling their plans - along with everything else he touches..

Putin doesn't really lose much by helping to install an incompetent collaborator at the head of the US government. It is better than a nuclear strike that decapitated the US government, because this kind of "soft decapitation" does a lot of damage without a worldwide global catastrophe--although it is arguable that we have really escaped that possibility with Trump's erratic behavior. Putin wanted the sanctions lifted, but he at least got someone who would minimize the damage of further sanctions. Meanwhile, the administrative arm of the government has been "hollowed out" and corrupt incompetents installed at the heads of agencies. Congress has been effectively neutralized, and Trump is packing the federal courts with (sometimes egregiously unqualified) supporters. In our weakened state, Putin has a lot more power to do what he pleases around the world. What was left out of his sophisticated calculation was that his arch-enemy Hillary Clinton might actually have been easier for him to deal with than an unstable, incompetent narcissist.
They should have quit while they were ahead, but nooooo... they had to actually try to get "their boy" elected. Now they have a recalcitrant tub-o-lard running amok and fouling their plans - along with everything else he touches..

Putin doesn't really lose much by helping to install an incompetent collaborator at the head of the US government. It is better than a nuclear strike that decapitated the US government, because this kind of "soft decapitation" does a lot of damage without a worldwide global catastrophe--although it is arguable that we have really escaped that possibility with Trump's erratic behavior. Putin wanted the sanctions lifted, but he at least got someone who would minimize the damage of further sanctions. Meanwhile, the administrative arm of the government has been "hollowed out" and corrupt incompetents installed at the heads of agencies. Congress has been effectively neutralized, and Trump is packing the federal courts with (sometimes egregiously unqualified) supporters. In our weakened state, Putin has a lot more power to do what he pleases around the world. What was left out of his sophisticated calculation was that his arch-enemy Hillary Clinton might actually have been easier for him to deal with than an unstable, incompetent narcissist.

Two good points!
I do still think that Putin likes control above all else, and Trump might even be trying to respond to his cues but is too incompetent to be useful.
The thing most people don’t get about actual/real-world conspiracies is that they are always fluid. To borrow from Herbert, they are feints within feints within feints, particularly when orchestrated by chess players, like Putin. And, of course, they are always crap shoots. So the goal that may have been in place at the beginning must be augmented and adjusted for as the real-world intrudes on the strategy/planning. And the opportunities that arise are sometimes better, sometimes worse, but they are nevertheless opportunities that always arise out of any such planning, so an intelligent operative (like Putin) would take whatever comes and use that to recalculate his next move—with the overall goal still intact—in light of the new events/opportunities.

Which is precisely why we’ve seen—I would argue (and have in that thread)—in both Putin’s and Trump’s actions following exactly that twist and turn but still with eyes on the prize trajectory. Trump just isn’t a sharp as Putin, but they are clearly still in contact with each other. That’s precisely what Trump’s twitter feed is for. He is communicating directly to Putin, quite literally in some cases (i.e., Syria).

And we see it being acknowledged as such by the Chinese, who I believe saw exactly what was going on pretty much from the start (meaning the Exxon/BP/Rosneft deal). Iow, they knew what Putin was planning—to take over global oil distribution supremacy from the Saudis—and watched every step he (and Obama, to counter) took accordingly. It was thus no secret or surprise to them when accusations of their collusion with Trump surfaced early in the election and what their goal was.

Nor would it be a shock to any Republican had Putin targeted Hillary to be in the Oval instead. All of this nonsense would have been over with immediately and Clinton would have been hanging from piano wire on the steps of Congress within a month of her Presidency had the roles been reversed.

Which simply proves the case against Trump. Indeed, every action they have taken proves this. They (almost) unanimously doubled down on the sanctions, requiring Trump to sign a bill into law that unnecessarily reiterated that Trump could take no action in regard to the sanctions without specific Congressional approval. There was no need to take such actions—the sanctions were already under Congressional control—unless they knew/feared Trump would attempt to circumvent that control.

But why would they fear any such action? It was quite clearly a message.

The Nunes nonsense likewise proves they know Trump is guilty, but are simply feigning—poorly—to protest against it. The majority of Congress are lawyers. They all knew immediately upon reading Nunes’ brief (that he didn’t even write) that it had no basis in law, let alone logic.

Ryan resigning ffs! He knows what mess is coming and wants to be well away from it in order to run in 2020.

Everyone knows Trump is corrupt to the core and guilty of so many crimes and misdemeanors that he is like a corpulent cyst filled with white-hot putrescence begging to burst and the only reason it’s taking any time at all is because they all got fooled by it and care more about party than about America.

It’s that simple. And, of course, they have to lay the groundwork for getting rid of him and don’t want to be seen as the axe-handlers regardless of the fact that it will require them to grab hold and they all know it.
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Though this part:

It’s not necessary to believe that Putin always knew he might install Trump in the Oval Office to find the following situation highly plausible: Sometime in 2015, the Russian president recognized that he had, in one of his unknown number of intelligence files, an inroad into American presidential politics.

Is both confirmed and eclipsed by this article: Czechoslovakia spied on Donald and Ivana Trump, communist-era files show. Trump has been in "unknown number of intelligence files" since the seventies, so it is far more likely that the Miss Universe trip in 2013 is when the "activation" of Trump as a Russian asset fully began (at least in regard to installing him in the Oval).
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