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tyrranosaurus rex and a gun that would take him down


Veteran Member
Feb 26, 2006
United States-Texas
Basic Beliefs
I have a question for those who know more about weapons than I do. What gun or rifle do we have that would bring down a t-rex right then and there when shot? Would a punt gun be powerful enough to bring down a t-rex at the moment of being shot? I guess you could fill him up with .22 bullets and he die from lead poisoning much later, but way after he got to you and ate you.

A little cousin asked me about this I am trying to get an answer. Don't let me down. A little seven year old is looking to me te get a good answer to this question for him.;)
I imagine that typical (unarmored) dinosaur skin wasn't terribly more tough than the skin of an elephant. Also, I don't imagine that the heart of a T- Rex to be burried much deeper than the heart of an elephant.

So any gun that could take down an elephant would probably do the job with a T-Rex.

Here's a video of a double barrel 84 Caliber Elephant rifle taking down a tree.

There's a video of a Dragon M-50 with explosive rounds (50 caliber gun) attacking trees too.

Now both of these weapons might not take a T-Rex with only one bullet if you weren't aiming propperly, but I think both of them COULD stop a T-Rex in it's tracks with one bullet. Hypothetically speaking of course.

Keep in mind that the dinosaur in the above image is actually probably a bit too big.

T-Rexes probably weighed 4,500 kg by some estimates up to 8,600 by other estimates and Adult African elephants weigh between 3,600 kg and 6,800 kg

Being over-gunned is an impossibility against a T-Rex, but with a true charge-stopping rifle, like a Merkle double, you’d at least have a chance. Personally, I wouldn’t go any lighter than a .458 Lott. The .470 NE, .500 NE and .600 NE would also be good contenders. I would probably opt for a double-rifle with a red-dot sight on it. I’d want that red dot for precise bullet placement as the only shot that makes sense is a broadside shot that takes out either the hip or smashes the knee. Take out the leg to put it down and then finish it off with a double lung shot or a shot in the neck.

The open sights that are usually on a rifle like this, meant to stop a charging animal, would be worthless against a charging T-Rex. With a puny brain inside a massive skull the chances of turning off the switch with a head shot are minimal. Of course, the only bullets worth using on a T-Rex are solids. I’d be curious to see how Federal’s new safari load would fare.

Personally, I would take the "Being over-gunned is an impossibility against a T-Rex" advice to heart, and probably go for a light anti-armor weapon; something like a Boys anti-tank rifle (These are named for Captain H. C Boys, Assistant Superintendent of Design at the Enfield small-arms factory; they are capable of being operated by both boys and girls). It fires a .55 inch calibre APCR (Armor Piercing Composite Rigid) Tungsten cored round, which should put a T-Rex down pretty effectively, despite being rather ineffective against the armor plate on early model Panzer tanks.

A head shot would be inadvisable against a small-brained and thick-skulled T-Rex; I would go for a heart shot, if you want to kill it with a single round.
Professional ivory hunters in the first half of the 20th century used a variety of relatively small bore rifles, 6.5mm and 7mm's as well as .303's and similar calibres. Relying on good placement rather than the brute knock down power of the large calibre rifles. But any of these calibres would kill TRex, but if you were being charged, you may find the brute knock down power of something lie a 416 Rigby, etc, would have been a better choice in that situation.
I have a question for those who know more about weapons than I do. What gun or rifle do we have that would bring down a t-rex right then and there when shot? Would a punt gun be powerful enough to bring down a t-rex at the moment of being shot? I guess you could fill him up with .22 bullets and he die from lead poisoning much later, but way after he got to you and ate you.

A little cousin asked me about this I am trying to get an answer. Don't let me down. A little seven year old is looking to me te get a good answer to this question for him.;)
This has been nicely answered, but just to be clear: the estimated mass of a typical Tyrannosaurus rex was about 5.4-6.8 tons, while the African elephant is typically about 4.7-6.0 tons (and up to 10 tons). Notwithstanding movies like Ice Age (mastodons could have been up to 16 tons), T. rex was not outlandishly big compared to these animals.

Thanks everybody. Now little cousin will be happy with BH.
Yeah, "little cousin" will be happy. :rolleyes: Give it a rest. We know about your time machine. Why do you think that ".577 Tyrannosaur" bullet even exists? zorq is planning to stow away and drive the T. rex into extinction 5 million years too early, which he insists will bring about some "needed corrections" to history. Why won't some people ever learn? Hire security guards, is all I'm saying.
One of these might do the trick:


That's a GAU-8, btw.

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Any round suitable for large game like Cape buffalo, rhinos or elephants should have no problem taking down a giant chicken.
I would recommend a Holland and Holland .500 or a Continental .600. A .458 Lott, A .470 NE would also be good guns.

Consult Mr. Reggie Rivers of Rivers and Eiyar for an expert's opinion.

Eldarion Lathria
The AK round, 7.62X39, is no powerhouse. A little more than the runt of centrefire cartridges.
I'm not saying it's a powerhouse.

Just making a general comment. I'd say that those who use the 7.62x39 for big game hunting/shooting are being negligent in regard to a quick kill in order to minimize the chance of wounding and suffering of the animal.
As far as I know, AK-47 are very effective against elephants (e.g., http://www.livescience.com/29506-elephant-massacre-central-africa.html ). T-Rex might have been tougher to kill, but still, my money would be on the AK47.
They're "effective" against elephants cause they put it on full auto and empty their clips into the poor beasts. To my mind effective means dropping your quarry with a single, clean shot. No little AK round will do that. They're not designed as hunting rounds.
The poachers use them 'cause they're all they have.

Assuming the dinosaur is at least as large as an elephant and, just to be on the safe side, assuming it's tougher to kill, you'd want a 400+ calibre "elephant gun," with a massive bullet and massive energy.

458 Lott
416 Rigby
460 Weatherby magnum
404 Jeffrey
458 Winchester Magnum
Any of the Nitro express rounds.

There's even round that's apparently designed for hunting T-Rex. The 577 Tyrannosaur delivers >10,000 ft-pounds of energy at the muzzle.

Found an amusing video of people firing a 700 NE:
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