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Voter Purges

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
Reports are coming in that the GOP in various states are trying to purge voter rolls. At R/atheism a fellow Texan reports he was sent a message he had to re-register. I am in Texas, and in Texas, one can easily check one's voter status online.

I just checked mine, and I am an active voter. I will check again later near November 5 to make sure nothing has happened to prevent my voting.

Heads up!
I get
* a mailed notice that my ballot has been mailed to me. (If other people have received theirs and I’ve not seen mine, I know where to go to get it fixed. But that has yet to happen.)
* then I get the ballot
* I fill it out and put it in the drop box located right outside the courthouse of the County Seat.
Easy and quite foolproof. That’s why the fascists hate Jena Griswold.
Republicans do that all the time. I believe it was in Florida they purged a huge list of voters simply because they had names the same or similar to felons in another state. And many of them just happened to have African American sounding names.

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