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What is the actual free will humans have?

Behaviour always comes down to brain condition. Sensory input always comes first with conscious will emerging toward the end of the process of cognition, after inputs, after distribution and processing, after memory integration, recognition, etc, not at the beginning, not being the decision maker or the regulator of decision making. Decision making not being an example of free will or conscious will, this being the drive or impulse to act shaped by prior unconscious processing of information.

I generally agree, but I might want to add a couple of caveats.

First, can we easily say that this or that decision process has a beginning, given the amount of continuous flux and feedback?

Yes, it's a dynamic process...the decision made a second ago may be vetoed by new information.

Second, does sensory input always come first? What about internal processes? I read that in seeing, there is much more activity generated from within the brain than is entering via the senses.

Obviously internal conditions such as memory, learning, experience with similar situations in the past...but whenever we presented with a set of options, something stimulated this need for response. It did not exist a moment ago, yet here it is, the need to make a decision emerging into consciousness. This is not willed into consciousness.

Finally, I don't think we need to or can say that all processing starts by being non-conscious prior to becoming conscious. Placebos for example appear to have an effect that initially enters the system as consciously-experienced input.

Placebos apparently work because we are given the information that we are indeed getting treatment for our condition even if the treatment is fake, as long as we do not know it is fake.

If a placebo, a neutral substance was injected into an unconscious person, it most probably would have no effect.

It works because the input - I am being treated for my condition - enters into the system and stimulates a response after that information is processed and 'digested' by the brain.

Inputs, of course, may be internal; signals from organs and limbs, finger hurts, stomach ache, head ache and so on, all information that began with signals to the brain, processed and represented in conscious form, feelings, perceptions, etc.

Input, whether internal information or external information via the senses preceding conscious representation of that information.
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