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What would or should happen if the president successfully delays the election?

Whilst Trump is certainly capable, a suspect a worse scenario is more likely. Unfortunately McConnell is smart enough, and certainly cuntish enough, to suggest limiting the amount of polling stations in blue districts. In the name of public health and safety of course. Enough to give Republicans a distinct advantage all the while showing the pretense of a "fair" election.

The election will happen. It's just that Republicans are motivated to disenfranchise voters on an unprecedented scale.
How does a president delay an election? And how do people still not understand federalism?
How does a president delay an election? And how do people still not understand federalism?

You answered your own question. There's enough ignorant Trumptards and enough far right media outlets to sweep federalism fight under the carpet. And if you don't like it, you're part of the fake news deep state new demonrat hoax witch hunt.
How does a president delay an election? And how do people still not understand federalism?

Your continuing inability to detect the depth to which our country has and is willing to go by simply repeating various versions of "can't happen because it would be illegal" is clear. You can stop now. we get it.. you don't understand how a foundational, fundamental law can possibly be broken and gotten away with. ok already.
If the post office collapses, no mail in ballots.

Yeah. I have an Amazon package that has taken 10 days, it's now on it's third facility that's about a dozen miles from where it started.
President Trump: "I think mail-in voting is horrible, it's corrupt."
NBC's Carol Lee: "You voted by mail in Florida's election last month, didn't you?"
Trump: "Sure. I can vote by mail"
Lee: "How do you reconcile with that?"
Trump: "Because I'm allowed to."
President Trump: "I think mail-in voting is horrible, it's corrupt."
NBC's Carol Lee: "You voted by mail in Florida's election last month, didn't you?"
Trump: "Sure. I can vote by mail"
Lee: "How do you reconcile with that?"
Trump: "Because I'm allowed to corrupt as hell."

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