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What's the Under/Over on John Bolton?

Yesterday, I heard Bolton in an interview he gave at CPAC.

What's scary about him is that he's very disarming. He sounds perfectly reasonable until you take a minute to think about what he's saying. In short, he wants a thuggish form of diplomacy first, backed up almost wholly by the threat of war. If not acquiesced to, then actual invasion takes place. He said this about both Iran and North Korea.

IOW, it's our way or we're going to vaporize you.

Bolton will be presenting Trump with the cumulative efforts of our intelligence agencies and military analysts. To think that Bolton isn't going to put his own spin on that information is naive i the extreme. To be fair, most people in that position do put their own spin on it, but considering Bolton's explicitly stated beliefs, the consequences of that spin likely means war. Possibly in both Iran and North Korea.

Russia is another thing though. Bolton has said that Russia should absolutely be punished; the U.S. should retaliate both economically and in an in-kind fashion (via hacking). How's that going to sit with the Great Orange Dotard? Trump shits on everyone, but he does not shit on Putin. And in a Presidency that's fucking batshit, it could be disagreement over actions to take against Russia that, in a twist stretching the concept of irony to its breaking point, Bolton takes an early exit before he can convince Trump to begin invading Iran and/or NK. That is, Trump's obligations to Russia could prevent Bolton from getting us into another war(s).

This leaves my brain liquefied like that of my 8th grade hero, but with the exact same sentiment:

It looks like Bolton is planning a general firing of Obama appointed people at the state department. He may well just be a hatchet man for Trump. Installing a deep state for Trump.
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[In case you didn't know that ambassador to UN from Bush days has been selected by Grump as national security advisor. You remember, right? I don't know if our country still has a senatorial confirmation process since Twitler took over so perhaps this will just be immediately in effect. ]

I give him 30 days. Here is why: He is extremely outspoken, like Trump. He just has to be misaligned on one issue with President Cuckoo Bananas and they go at it. Bolton is incapable of being a yes man, though Dotard and Bolton may agree on 97% of issues.

What's your estimate?

Bolton apparently is very anti-Russian, and I also doubt he would be supportive of TRump chatting hopefully with the North Korean dictator. On top of which he is about to begin experiencing at close quarters and on a daily basis that Trump is not just an uncomfortable combination of willful and dithering, but also deeply and complacently ignorant. I give him 3-6 months, unless a new war starts up.
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Seemed obvious to me right away, that Cheato is stockpiling excuses for creating a highest-level National Emergency on demand. He knows that he'll need something more than another shiny object once the Mueller probe starts presenting findings, so he is getting ready to grab headlines/national attention away from that when it comes. Bolton will be a treasure trove of rationale for the required actions, no matter how stupid and harmful to the nation and the world. Cheato will likely have prepared a full menu of war options that will be rationalized well in advance, thanks in part to Bolton (whose IQ is probably twice Cheato's).

That guy couldn't even get a republican senate to confirm him as UN Ambassador... I'm wondering - does he have a security clearance? Does John Kelly's edict apply to him?

Don't look now, but this morning the DOJ announced that Iranian hackers had been up to no good in getting into university systems.


One day after Bolton was hired.

The same mustachioed fuck who has in the past said that we needed to invade Iran.

The same White House that has done everything possible to ignore the Russians hacking into our election systems.

Surely, good times lay ahead.

Holy crap. "Mustachioed" is a real word.
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